Chapter 4

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Samuel's POV When Cassandra ran away after what she saw, I was tempted to run after her, but I stopped myself. I don't want to scare her more than what she's probably feeling right now. " What are you gonna do about her boss? I think she knew you. She might go to the police." Arturo asked me. I turned to him, disoriented. I raked my fingers through my hair in frustration. I wanted her to like me, but I think I've just ruined that chance. I have to do something and quick. This girl has disturbed my state of mind ever since I laid my eyes on her this afternoon. " I'll take care of her. Now, clean this up and make it look like a robbery." I walked away from there and went to my car. I reached out for my phone and dialed a number. " Hello?" Came the voice of my old friend, a private investigator. " Hello, Jack, Samuel de' Luca here. I need your help on something, and I want it done by tonight." I answered him in a somber tone. " Samuel, hello, buddy! What can I do for you?" He asked excitedly. " Can you gather information about a waitress at Ramon's diner? I only know her first name; it's Cassandra. Call me in an hour. I'll be at my office." I told him impatiently. " Got it, boss, I'll be on it in no time." He replied seriously now. " Thanks, Jack." I cut the call and looked out the window. I anticipate Jack's report, I know it's wrong to spy on people, but I need to do this to protect myself. Cassandra looks like a girl who doesn't take orders or s**t from anyone. I need to play my cards well, or she could ruin my name. I'm pretty sure she hasn't called the police yet because if she did, they'd be on my ass right now. I arrived at my office and quickly went up. I need a stiff drink. This s**t annoys the hell out of me. I wanted to impress that girl, not scare her away. I am so f****d! I arrived at my office on the 30th floor and quickly got rid of my jacket and tie. I went to my bar and poured myself a drink. Instead of waiting for Jack's call, I logged in to the companies website to kill time. We have posted quite a few vacancies for various positions. One of those is my executive assistant. My old and trustworthy assistant Jenny is about to give birth and has handed her resignation to me last month. She said her husband asked her to stop working and take care of their baby. I hate to let her go because she is very efficient and has dealt with my mood swings very well. As I scrolled down the applicants, I came across a very familiar face, my heart rate quickened. There she is, with her dazzling smile and mesmerizing hazel eyes. What are the odds? The eagle just landed on my lap. I dialed my HR Manager's phone. I'm pretty sure she's still around. She is a workaholic like me and doesn't stop until she's bone tired weary. " Mr. De' Luca, what can I do for you?" She answered in a clipped tone. I must have caught her in a bad time. "Amanda, can you spare me a little bit of your time and come to my office? This is urgent. I want it done by tonight." I answered in a similar tone and put down the phone. I didn't wait for her response. I don't have to. After a few minutes, I heard the elevator dinged, and she walks in. She looks tired and stressed. She has been in my company since it started. She is in her late 50's but looks like she's aged a lot. " Samuel, what is it?" She smiled and sat down on the leather chair in front of me. " I was scanning our candidates for the various positions and came across this girl named Cassandra Parker. I want you to call her now and set an appointment for tomorrow at 9 am." I told her and showed her my computer. She looked through Cassandra's file and resume. " What position will you offer her?" " My Executive Assistant," I answered. She looked at me, surprised. " Are you sure? She never has the experience, and she's quite young. Although her credentials are impressive but still not qualified." She told me, trying to persuade me to change my mind. " I am sure, Amanda, now call her and put it on speaker. I want to hear her response. I've already emailed her on your behalf, but she haven't answered. I want you to convince her to come for an interview." I ordered her, and she shook her head, clearly not too happy with my decision. " You're the boss," she replied and started dialing Cassandra's number. After a few rings, she answered. " Hello?" She answered hesitantly. " Hello, I am looking for Miss Cassandra Parker?" Amanda said in a very formal voice. " Yes, this is she? May I know who this is?" Cassandra answered, curiosity evident in her voice. " This is Amanda Blake of De' Luca Enterprise, I am sorry to have called you at this time of the night, but Mr. De' Luca is requesting your presence tomorrow at 9 am for your interview? He saw your application and resume and was very impressed by your credentials. Will you be able to come tomorrow?" Amanda informed her and raised her brows at me. " Ahm, Miss Blake, as tempting as it is, but I have to decline your offer. I happen to find a job elsewhere and accepted it. Please extend my apology to Mr. De' Luca, and thank you for taking the time to call me personally." She respectfully declined. I know she's lying and just wanted to avoid me. She knew who I was, good, then she must also know I don't take no for an answer. Before Amanda can answer, I snatched the phone from her and talked to Cassandra myself. " I'll be expecting you at my office tomorrow morning, Miss Parker, and I don't take no for an answer." Then I cut the call. I won't give her the chance to say no. " You really like her, don't you? For you to go through such great measure to have her come. Another prey? The flavor of the month?" She asked, smirking. " Amanda, you're wounding me. Is that how you see me? I just liked her credentials, and she's fresh. She might be a good addition to the company." I told her, trying to look serious, but I knew she's not buying it. She knew me better than anyone. "Be careful, bambino, you might meet your match one day, and she won't fall for your charms. I wish you'd be more serious with your relationships and get married. You are not getting any younger, and you need an heir to this empire you built for yourself." She said, standing up and went to the elevator. " Goodnight, Samuel. I'm heading home now. You take care and good luck with that girl. I think she won't be too eager to work for you." She said, smiling, and went inside the elevator when it opened. I laughed a little and shook my head, then I reached for my phone and started texting her. Please do not keep me waiting, Cassandra. I am a very impatient man, and my time is precious. I'll see you first thing tomorrow morning—Samuel De' Luca. I waited for her reply, excitedly. Somehow I know she'll say no again. Then she replied, and it made me smile, so she wants to play, eh? Mr. De' Luca, thank you so much for considering me for this position, but I am sorry, I am no longer available to work for your company. I wish you all the best and more power. Cassandra Parker. As expected, she declined, but I am not Samuel De' Luca if I won't be able to make her submit to me. I'll see you tomorrow, Cassandra, do not be late. Sweet dreams, Tesoro ( darling)." I added the Italian endearment to spite her more. She wants to play the chase the mouse game. So be it, Bambina, next time you knew, you'll be inside my trap, and you'll never be able to escape.
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