Chapter Six

2045 Words
*** Damien's PoV The evening sun set over the horizon, casting a glow onto the room. Silent conversation flowed all around me but my mind was nowhere within the club but beyond, in the city whose view I couldn't keep my gaze off of. Although the place was advertised as a club, only those invited within its doors understood its exclusivity and invitation only to its members. These walls were my home away from my penthouse, a place to think and get away from everything and everyone. "Well, s**t. I didn't think I'd see you here tonight. Senator Black is having that political benefit thing. I believe it serves as a way to help their image, what with his son's murder trial having concluded a week ago." My gaze turned to the familiar voice, watching as one of the few people around me I considered a friend sat beside me, breaking my solitude with his broad grin and curious hazel gaze. Axle Lemaota Gray knew me better than most and had become what I would consider a friend over a short period of time. His companionship had been integral not only in making my therapist happy, that I had formed some sort of human connection, but also in business. As the head of Gray Security, He was CEO of a Billion Dollar Corporation that he had grown from the ground up and had his hand in multiple security ventures through multiple corporations. With a background in the military as a former Navy Seal, his time there allowed him to establish military contracts that rose him through the ranks of the social hierarchy. He was also the only one broken enough to push to be friends with me... It was no secret that I was not the warmest person in the world. Many within the business circles shyed away from being in my presence and were intimidated not only by the way I carried myself, but equally by my business prowess. It helped in creating strong business foundations and a ruthless drive that had propelled Adetos into a billion dollar corporation. Empathy was not something I understood, as were many human emotions. Being clinically diagnosed as a highly functioning sociopath had changed the trajectory of my family's future. As the heir to the Aleksandros Family legacy in the Hospitality Industry, being unable to comprehend human emotions was not ideal in any sense of the word. My parents seemed devastated by the news, but my grandfather had never given up on me. And thus begun the journey with therapists who were paid thousands of dollars to find a way to help me cope in society whilst also keeping their mouths shut. NDA's were drafted and signed. Every base was covered and the secret stayed within the right boundaries. Well, except with a certain brown, curly-haired, hazel-green-eyed girl who has transformed into a full-grown woman in the past ten years... Gianna Maximiliano was the only loose thread in my life and although, back then, I had anticipated that she would have disregarded my warning and run to every media house with the greatest secret in our family that would cost us millions of dollars and a legacy that spanned decades, she had proven me wrong. Is that why Grandfather did this? Created that stupid clause in Adetos' Succession Contract? Is she really worth putting my inheritance and our family's legacy on the line? Elias Aleksandros was many things. A great man, a tough patriarch and an Industry Giant with a legacy that spanned years. Many compared us but none of them could ever know the depths of his affection for not only his family but the company that had been passed down through our family for many generations- emotions I could not comprehend, let alone mirror. His business prowess was impressive and something I longed to emulate. Which was why his left field move had caught me off guard, not something many if any could do. We were six months away from my shift from the COO position in Adetos to the Head of the Company, the position I had been working on for years. Everything I had done, to this very moment, was the culmination of my purpose as the head of the corporation, a position I had been born and moulded for. And yet he had threatened it with his demands before handing over- the fulfillment of my betrothal to Gianna through marriage and the completion of the billion dollar partnership and project between Adetos and Aero-Max. Comprehending his actions had been difficult and rage had consumed me for two days as the final news was delivered, the proverbial nail to my coffin. Contacting him for an explanation would be futile. The calculative bastard had left for a world cruise and could not be reached under any circumstances. He knew I would go head to head with him and demand a feasible explanation for his actions. He knew and had planned ahead and although I grudgingly admired his resolve at getting his way, it still pissed me off and unsettled me. Every way I could think of to evade my fate was met with a barrier that I could not break. Losing was a foreign concept to me and yet Elias Aleksandros had checkmated me before I could even make a move. And so logic won over. Business was my forte and there was no reason I could not approach this union in the same way. It was, after all, founded on the basis of a billion dollar deal. Talks with Elena Maximiliano had gone well enough and the foundation of the project was set. However, the second requirement proved to be difficult to carry out- and it was all due to a certain woman's stubbornness... "Speaking of the Black family, I do know of a certain someone who made the Senator's party today a possibility. I have to say, your future wife's skill and prowess is incredible. I'd congratulate you but I'm afraid you'll punch me in the face and ruin my tux for the night. It'd be too bothersome to change again." Axle's words broke me from my haze of thoughts, pulling my attention back to him as I raised a brow at his comment and watched as he sipped on his whisky with a knowing look and playful but still infuriating smirk. I was not stunned by his knowledge of my impending nuptials to Gianna. Information was power and Axle held it all in the palm of his hand. Although I had been more than prepared to reject his advances as a friend, I had recognised the advantage of having him as such rather than an enemy. Despite being retired from the military, the man was still lethal in every sense of the word. His information gathering and networks were not something to underestimate. He could destroy your life with a phone call and that was what made him one of the most dangerous men in the business. "As if you would let me get close enough for a punch." I murmured in response, watching as he let out his signature deep chuckle, his hazel eyes alit with amusement and a dangerous glint I knew all too well. Our occasional sparring sessions had revealed that each of us had that darkness within us. That pull to inflict damage and destroy. Although I was sure his demons were more lethal than my own. Acknowledging that part within each of us had made our friendship much stronger and built a new-found respect between us. "I do hope your source doesn't spoil the surprise for the rest of the world. I need a little more time to bring my affairs into order." I took a sip of my own Bourbon on the rocks, turning my gaze back to the city view. The sun had set and the moon was slowly rising, making its appearance as the lights of the city hid away the stars that I knew were equally lighting up the city. "By 'affairs', I assume you're referring to the beautiful Gianna Maximiliano. Man, I can't wait to see how wild she drives you. Maybe she'll break through your shell, save your therapist the headache and extra sessions. Doctor Avery certainly deserves a vacation after having to put up with your heavy shit." I rolled my eyes at his words, earning a deep chuckle in response that turned deeper once I flipped him off. No one else was brave enough to talk to me in the way that Axle did and although I had found his personality infuriating at first, I had slowly adapted to it and accepted it. His inability to balk at my glares and warning looks had earned him a new layer of respect in my books. And so a dynamic was formed between us, one that surprised the two other companions in our small circle of 'friends'. "Don't worry. The information is not in the main channels. You and your bride have more than ample time to make your announcement." I nodded once, relief coursing through me. The announcement would be going out soon after our first appearance as a couple. One that was intended to happen tonight at the Black's Charity Benefit Event. Releasing a small sigh, I pulled out my phone once again, reigning in my irritation and turmoil of emotions as the text I had sent Gianna lit up my phone with no response. It seems she didn't comprehend my words from our last meeting...Her stubbornness must be a family thing... The mere thought brought forth a surge of emotions within me, main of which was annoyance, anger and a grudging respect for her resolve to defy me. It was a troubling realisation that pulled me out of my thoughts as I pocketed my phone and shut out the errant emotion. Gianna would not be an obstacle to me obtaining my birthright. She would have to fall in line, one way or another. She had better be ready by the time I arrive at her house...or I'll dress her myself... "Leaving so soon? Though wouldn't you rather turn that death glower into a pretty scowl for your fiance? We wouldn't want her to run before she's even gotten to the aisle. Though I have a feeling she's not going to be so easy to 'manage'. " I glared at the amused man, earning an infuriating chuckle in response before he downed his drink and got to his feet, unfazed by my glare that would have sent anyone else scampering off, damn him. Instead, he seemed the picture of cool composure as he turned his gaze towards his date for the night, a blonde with a racy evening gown that I recognized from one of many tabloids my secretary, for some unknown reason, seemed to find interesting. His black Tuxedo fit his muscular form perfectly, a nod to his Samoan roots and the extensive training he received both in the military and beyond. Although the expensive fabric covered many of his tattoos, some still managed to peak through, including those on his hands that always made many conservative business persons underestimate his intellect. His ability to morph and become what he needed to be in every situation was truly impressive- adding yet another layer of respect to our friendship. "Well then, Tatiana and I will see you both there. I wouldn't miss your debut into upper society with an actual date for anything! That's assuming your fiance actually accompanies you." He responded, gesturing at the phone in my pocket before sauntering off with a laugh, leaving me stewing in a wave of emotions, all of which led right back to the woman who seemed to be unaware of her place in my life and her responsibility in this arrangement. She was still a problem I had to solve, an obstacle in my path to obtaining what I have worked all of my life for. Ten years ago, I showed her the depths of my resolve to become what I was born to be. It seems she needs a reminder of who she belongs to...And I will be more than happy to refresh her memory... ***
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