Chapter 12 - Punishment

1034 Words
*Him* "Come in Ayden....we have discuss....." The chilled voice made Ayden stand up straight before taking a stern step forward into the dimly lit room. The poor lampade nymphs were swaying from side to side with their torches illuminating behind death, who was sitting behind his black burnt wood desk. His aura was changed from brilliant blue to red as soon as Ayden presented himself. Ayden bowed in respect, and Deaths beady eyes looked him up and down before he stood up. His horned chair making a loud scrape across the cold stone floor. Ayden still with his head bowed, didn't want to look up but in his sight he saw Deaths bare toes and the hem of his black robe stop Infront of him. " you...know why you" The whispy yet husky voice spoke above his head. Ayden stayed quiet. Death hmm'd. "Ayden...humans are fickle their many religions...beliefs and mythologies....I am many things." He chuckled. "my horse is very proud of the way they....have portrayed him...over the years." "My Binky...." Ayden frowned as the husky voice became sentimental. But then after clearing his voice death went serious again. "Humans also call me Thanatos....and this is...why I want you to understand..." He stopped midsentance and Ayden saw his feet move away from his view. "My mother is...Nyx, the goddess of night and my Hypnos...." Ayden was trying to figure out what all that had to do with him but then death added to his statement. "Hypnos is the god of sleep..." Ayden suddenly had one of those 'ohh' moments. Fraternising amongst servants let alone humans is forbidden because it puts the balance between Deities at risk of imbalance and has caused uprisings over the centuries. These are all points that Ayden has learnt from Menahem during training. This realisation caused Ayden to swear. Death heard the curse and turned and stood in front of Ayden again because Ayden seen his dirty toes come into view again. Deaths voice echoed around the office. "Again, I ask. Ayden, do you know why you are here?" The whispy voice became booming. Ayden swallowed hard. "I came into contact with a witch who works for the dream department." Death sighed and his voice went back to its whispy self. "Indeed. Do you know what....we do to those....who cause disruptions to the balance?" Ayden gulped. "It is within our...Devine right to punish...." Death clicked his fingers and Ayden heard another set of footprints enter and death barked out an order. "Tie him to the ceiling....and whip him a hundred times...." This made Ayden look up in alarm and he wished he hadn't. There stood Orcus, a bulky figure in the dim light. Orcus had various scars and markings over his muscular exposed chest. He had fangs with his bottom teeth and mottled hair. Orcus had chains in his hands and a whip over his shoulder. He grabbed Ayden by the hair and dragged him to a damp wall. He then clamped chains around either wrist and clamped them to the wall so his arms were stretched out. Ayden heard Orcus flail the whip against the ground and he flinched. Orcus grunted. "Count." He made Ayden count each painful flail of the whip as it ripped into the flesh on his back and tore off his shirt. After the punishment, Orcus let Ayden go. Death was now satisfied. " may go....patch up your wounds....your next parchment with your death list....will be sent out soon...." Death waved him off and silently slunk back behind his desk. Ayden painfully bowed, whinced and then stood back up. On his way out, Ayden rolled his eyes as he caught sight of Maximillian polishing his scythe. When Maximillian saw him he wistled but then started to sing "Can't help falling in love" by Elvis Presley. Ayden shot Maximillian a glare. "Shut it Max." Maximillian chuckled and threw some bandages at Ayden who caught them in a tight fist. "Was she worth getting into trouble for hmm?" Maximillian was literally purring in excitement which only made Ayden stuff one of the bandage rolls in his mouth as he stalked away. Ayden found a mountain spring near a monks monastery. It was quiet and the water was ran and blue. The monks were in prayer so Ayden used the time to peal off his ragged shirt and used it in the water to clean his wounds. He then wound some bandages around hisidsecrion and upper back. He knew they wouldn't take long to heal as he was neither alive nor dead. Beings like him are in limbo and it frustrated Ayden most days. As he sat there by the glistening pool he came up with a plan. He was going to ask around to other reapers if he could have some of their targets. He figured if he could shave some targets off others, he might be able to fill his quota faster and then he could have his passage into the afterlife or reincarnation. He was over being the errand boy. He cracked his neck, and clicked his fingers so that his mess was instantly cleaned up and he had a new black cotton button up shirt on his back. He did the cuff buttons up and then with one last click of his fingers his flung his Cape around his shoulders and flew off and went and sat in his usual place in the clouds and sat to mediate. However his peace and quiet was interrupted. He didn't have to open his eyes to know who it was. "What do you want Menahem?" The oversized crow flapped in exasperation. "I'm just checking on you. You know that that was just a warning don't you? You should stay away from the witch" Ayden sighed. Staying away from her is going to be more painful them the lashings. He opened his eyes and was about to tell Menahem that he knows but he had already flown off. Ayden sighed again. His next parchment was delivered with the usual crow. Ayden snatched it and quickly scanned it as he rolled it up, he stood up and took off in search of his first target.
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