Chapter 2 - Another day at the office

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*Him* Ayden was meditating above the city on a cloud when he received his next death list. The crow looked at him with its head c****d to the side. It's beady eyes scrutinising him. Ayden snatched the crinkled parchment from its beak. "Yeah yeah, scat you bird brain." He impatiently unfurled the parchment to read the list.  The air was particularly dry and hot, it made him sweat in his black robes, he could feel it rolling down the back of his neck and pool under his ponytail.  In stereotypical fashion he had his own sycthe. He carved his name in the blade a century ago, one night when he was bored.  He also carved an intricate pattern I to the wood along the handle. It was laying down next to him, so he picked it up, and then he stood up.  He jumped off the cloud and landed with his feet flat on the ground. He stood on the side of highway and retrieved his pocket watch from his breast pocket.  "In three,"  There was the screeching tyres and multiple crashes. Some cars were overturned and had some venting from them. Ayden cloaked himself so the humans couldn't see him, he then jumped up onto the first car. He whistled as he walked over the cars on his way to his target. As he got to the last car, the one that caused the pile-up, he skipped and jumped down to be face to face with the driver.  He waved his hand and changed his appearance.  He his his face and only showed his eyes being two red floating orbs. The driver was bleeding from the head, and he was partially crushed under the dash, he was in immense pain. The driver looked at him pleading. "Sir....please.... I'm in out....of here..." Ayden watched as the guy found it harder to breath. He rose one of his eyebrows and swung his scythe at the guy poking him in the nose with the point. "Oh... I'll take your pain away..."  Ayden waited untill the driver took his last breath and he pulled his soul from his body. The driver looked at his see through fingers, and then looked with sorrow at the rum bottle on the floor in the backseat of his mangled car.  Ayden looked at what the drivers spirit was looking at and sarcastically replied. "There won't be any of that were your going..." The drivers spirit looked at him and ran off. Ayden shouted. "Oh you really shouldn't do that!" A hell hound dashed out of the shadows and was hot on his heels. Ayden sighed as the hell hound clamped onto the spirit with its fangs and then began to swallow it. Ayden brought out the parchment and a black crows feather quill floated above it. Ayden grabbed the quill and wrote 'AWOL, swallowed by Hell hound'. Next to the drivers name.  As sirens wailed in the distance, Ayden put the parchment away and his himself again from the humans.  There were three crows sitting in a bush watching him. After his job was done, they all started squawking. Ayden ran at them roaring. "Oh buzz off...!" They flew away, and Ayden could of swore they were laughing at him. He taps his scythe twice on the ground before he flew back up to the cloud he was sitting on. He flipped his hood back and took a breath in and out. He sat cross legged and with his arms crossed across his chest.  He watched the humans go about their lives below.  "It's true...they do look like little ants..little ants that could easily be squished by death...ha ha ha."  He took the parchment out again to see what his next assignment was.  After reading, he put away the parchment, picked up his scythe again and stepped off the cloud. He flew to the address on the parchment and landed outside a quaint nursing home. His next assignment was a little old lady who had suffered from dementia for the last five years. He decided to leave his scythe at the door so he cloaked it and then he walked through the doors and the nurse at the desk looked at him funny. "Can I help you?" Ayden cleared his throat. "Yes. I'm here to see my granny Maude. What room is she?" The nurse blinked. "Ah...are you a cos player? Maude is down the hall third room on the left. Are you here to say goodbye?" Ayden shrugged, he wanted to get away from the annoying nurse. She asked too many questions.  He smiled. "Yes something like that." Ayden shrugged and walked in the direction that she had said. He got to Maude's door. It had butterflies around her name printed in pink on the door.  "At least I know I'm in the right place."  He strode through the door. A little old lady lay there in the bed, barely breathing. He watched the machine administer morphine to her. "Hmm the good stuff." He sat down next to her bedside and started swinging his pocket watch around.  He put the TV on and grabbed himself a glass of water from the bedside.  Maudes breathing began to slow down  Ayden looked at his watch. "" Maude stopped breathing. Ayden stood up. He went to Maude and pulled her soul out. She was happy. "Hello young man, are you here to take me to my husband?"  Ayden shrugged. "Meh...we'll go with that." He opened a portal. It was so shiney on the other side. "Of you go..." Maude turned to him. "Bless you." Ayden impatiently tapped his foot. "Yes, you go." The little old lady stepped through and Ayden closed the portal. He had to rub his eyes from being blinded. Once he blinked a few times, he once again got the parchment out, this time scribbled 'Assignment complete. Soul delivered to heaven. Was bloody blinded'  He looked at his next assignment, he only had two left for the day and they were both at the same hospital. He put the parchment back and put his hands behind his head as he walked out the door. He began to whistle as he went back to the main reception. He winked at the nurse as he said "You might need to check on my Granny, I think she's now..." He then leant forward and whispered "passed on." The nurse rushed off and Ayden walked out the door. He uncloaked his scythe and picked it up with his left hand. He then flew off towards the hospital.  He hung around the emergency department untill his assignment came in. While waiting, he sat next to a little kid who was screaming, so he decided to uncloak himself and he poked his tongue out this made the kid stop screaming and he sat there shaking in fright. Ayden recloaked himself and chuckled. After ten more minutes of waiting, his assignment came in via ambulance. The paramedic was on top administering CPR. Ayden clicked his tongue. "Tut tut tut. Such a shame." He pulled the guys soul out. The guy immediately tried arguing giving Ayden a headache, so he walked off. The guys spirit followed Ayden, who was now on his way to the paediatric ward. 
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