
411 Words
~18th century England~ Ayden walked down the stairs of his family manor, whistling to himself. He stopped to admire his reflection in the hall mirror. His shoulder length brown hair was neatly slicked back off his forehead and tied at the back at the nape of his neck with a black ribbon. He dusted it with powder to make it presentable. He straightened his cravat and smoothed out his waistcoat. It was in his favourite colour midnight blue. Today was his twenty first birthday and his chance to show his father he is capable of taking over the executive duties at the factory. He had had a fever all week, but he put that down to the miserable winter weather and having a chill. He was too stubborn to call a doctor. Their maid Mary, was dusting the hall lamps when she suddenly keeled over in pain. Ayden rushed to her. "Mary are you ok?" She moaned but then passed out. Ayden rushed her back to the servants quarters.  Other maids were there whispering and gossiping in the corner. Whispered words about 'disease' and 'typhoid' Aydens ears twitched but then he shook his head. He was too rich to get typhoid. It was only limited to the poorer parts of town. Ayden scoffed.  The head maid came. "Young master, why are you here?" But then she seen Mary and gasped. "Mary!" The Butler also came in and seen the commotion, he shooed the gossiping maids then turned to Ayden.. "I'll call the doctor sir." Ayden nodded. "Very good, I have to go meet father." The servants all bowed to him as he left. He strode out onto the street and nearly got knocked over by a horse. He stumbled backwards. As he straightened himself he started coughing. He felt he couldn't breath. He started to see spots, then he passed out.  He woke up to complete darkness. He squinted.  "Hello? Is anyone there?" He noticed he could breath again. A gentle glow lit up Infront of him. Then an indistinguishable figure moved in its shadows. "Oh...Life...was not good to you...young man..tut tut tut... typhoid...." The deep voice that came sounded ethereal.  "Well my son....I have...the perfect job....for you..." Ayden sat up. Still unaware of his surroundings. "Where am I? And who are you? "I...have many names...but to you...I am...DEATH." Aydens face went pale....he wanted to scream at the sight Infront of him. "And dear Ayden....will now....become one of my reapers..."
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