Chapter 5

499 Words
Chapter 5 – The Search for the Bride The hunt was on for the Ashleigh, but leads were getting cold when exhaustive efforts to find her came up cold. Until…. The officer on the case, Det. Frank Chase, got a surprising lead while he was searching Catherine’s f******k profile. Det. Chase found pictures of what appeared to be Ashleigh in some dungeon lying on the dingy floor. The only problem…the location could not be determined. Det. Chase downloaded the photos onto his flash drive and took the pictures and took them to the police department’s IT guy, Seamus O’Riley, who was a techie at this kind of stuff. If he couldn’t find the location, no one could. Now all Det. Chase had to do was wait… 1 hour…that was all it took for Seamus to find the location…and it wasn’t what Det. Chase expected. Seamus told Det. Chase that Ashleigh was in Shady Hills here in the same city and even more daunting was that it looked as if Ashleigh’s parents had put her there… Det. Chase headed over to Ashleigh’s parents to get to the bottom of it. “Mrs. Crimson, I may have located your daughter?” Det. Chase said when Ashleigh’s mother opened the front door to him. “Oh, thank heavens, that’s great news.” Mrs. Crimson said, sounding relieved. “Cut the crap! You knew where she was this whole time?!” Det. Chase accused. “Whatever are you talking about?” she asked, defending herself. “You had your daughter committed!” Det. Chase said angrily. “Did you disapprove of your daughter’s engagement, you had her committed to keep her from marrying her fiance?!” “I don’t know what you’re implying, but I never had my daughter committed!” “So you didn’t have Ashleigh put into Shady Hills?” “No I did not!” Mrs. Crimson asked. “Is that where she is?” “We got a tip that is where she is?” “Well, I don’t have any idea how she got there?” “Well, you and your husband’s name came up as the ones who put her there?” “Well, obviously we’ve been set up by the one real culprit who did it? My guess is, it’s that witch, Catherine, Ashleigh’s best friend!” Mrs. Crimson accused. “Well, thank you, Mrs. Crimson for your honesty.” Det. Chase told her. “We’ll look into this and find a way to get your daughter out, since it seems it was under false pretensions.” Det. Chase headed back to PD headquarters to come up with a game plan to get Ashleigh out of Shady Hills.
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