Chapter 11-12

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Chapter 11: The Attempt on Ashleigh’s Life Charles managed to see Ashleigh at her mother’s home when Catherine was napping. He wanted to discuss a way to rid this town of Catherine, but Catherine was pretending to sleep and followed Charles to Ashleigh’s mother’s home to spy on them. Catherine had to think fast in order to keep Charles married to her. No way was Ashleigh going to win this one! Then she remembered the favor that was owed her by a long-time rival and pulled out her cell and sent a message: Catherine: Remember the favor U promised 2 pay a year ago? Unknown caller: Yeah? What do U want?” Catherine: I want Ashleigh Crimson dead! Unknown caller: Okay. I’m on it! Catherine: Thanks! U won’t regret it! Unknown caller: By 2morrow @ 5, Ms. Crimson will b history! Satisfied, Catherine put her cell back in her bag and head back to Charles’ apartment to wait for her husband. She wanted to look especially nice for her seduction. Chapter 12: It Only Gets Worse After the hit on Ashleigh’s life, Charles knew he needed to get out of his marriage to Catherine. He needed to see his attorney about what he could do to have his marriage annulled. Surely, Catherine didn’t play by the book since she drugged him? That had to account for something? So, after visiting Ashleigh in the hospital, who was recovering from nearly being gunned down, Charles headed to his attorney, Grant Buchanan—yes, his twin brother is his attorney—to see what he could do about this so-called marriage. After telling Grant his side of the story, Charles his brother’s office, secure in the notion that Grant would get him out of this marriage. That’s where Charles was thankful—Grant had always had his back, ever since kindergarten when they started their first day of school together. They weren’t identical twins, but fraternal, and a schoolmate started bullying young Charles, and it was Grant who saved the day for Charles. No one ever bullied Charles again, thanks to Grant. Charles failed to see that Catherine had followed Charles to his attorney and deduced that he was attempting to get out of the marriage, “You’ll be sorry for leaving me!” Catherine quipped to herself in her car as she followed Charles to the hospital to see Ashleigh. Meanwhile, Grant had his paralegal, Lisa, research statute and case law to see what she could find. Lisa was a good paralegal and sharp in her knowledge of how to research case law and statutes. Lisa hit pay dirt and found precedent to get Charles out of the marriage. “Thank you, Lisa, for a job well done, as always.” Grant said to her. “I guess I’ll head over to the hospital to let Charles know he can start proceedings for an annulment.” Grant was about to head out of the office when a bomb was triggered and blew the office to smithereens taking Grant and Lisa’s lives as well as two other staff. Catherine smiled at the handiwork of her hit man as she sent a text: “Everything’s going according to plan!” Then heads over to the hospital to watch the fireworks as police inform Charles the news of his brother’s tragic passing. “Looks like you and I will be husband and wife forever!” Catherine smiled joyfully to herself as Charles and Ashleigh held each other in grieve.
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