BONUS Chapter 18

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This chapter wasn't in the original story but I decdied to add it for you I hope you enjoy it. .AN. I REALLY WISH YOU GUYS LEAVE ME YOUR COMMENTS, I REALLY NEED TO KNOW IF YOU LIKE THE STORY, HATE IT, IT CONFUSE YOU ANYTHING THAT CROSSES YOUR MIND ABOUT THIS STORY WOULD BE EXTREMELY  HELPFUL.  I KNOW I HAVEN'T BEEN UPDATING THE STORY EVERYDAY BECAUSE OF MY BUSY STUDYING SCHEDULE BUT I WOULD LOVE IF YOU'LL DO YOUR PART AS READERS AND GIVE ME YOUR FEEDBACK, IT WON'T TAKE MORE THAN FEW MINUTES OF YOUR TIME. THANK YOU AND I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS CHAPTER, AS ALWAYS WAITING FOR YOUR COMMENTS AND FEEDBACK.                                                ****************************************************** Campfire and Barbecue *** Once the car parked in front of the farmhouse we all got out and started to take our bags before heading inside, while we were climbing the stairs I found that their is a top floor I got curious and climbed the next stairs to find myself in front of two doors. I open one of them and step in, it's a bedroom that has a king bed circular in the middle of the room facing the oposite wall wich was consisted of large glass wall that contained tall white curtains on the both ends. To the right there was two doors I went to open the first one and find that it leads to the bathroom before stepping out and open the second door to the walking closet. I place my bag on the floor unzipping it and start to ake out my clothes to hang them especially the dress that I'm going to wear tomorrow i don't want it to crumble. After finishing I take my accessories bag, make bag out to put them on the hair dresser which also was inside the walk-in closet and than I took my toiletries out of the bag before zipping it up again and placing it in the corner of the closet, I take the toiletries bag with me out of the closet and into the bathroom to place my stuff in there. While I was finishing I heard a knock coming from the outside of the bedroom, I walked out of the bathroom to see Burak "Hey, I was curious about who got the room oposite to mine" he said "Ah that's your room?" I asked pointing to door opposite to my bedroom door he nods his head with a smile on his face before asking me "What were you doing?" "I was settling in, I just emptied my bag and hanged my clothes I didn't want my dress to wrinkle I need to wear it tomorrow" I said while he nods "Okay than, I have to go do the same now see you" he said before stepping inside his bedroom and closing the door behind him. I sigh before closing my bedroom door and head down stairs to check on the girls, I check few empty rooms before I finally found them. They have chosen a room with two beds and they were laying down on their beds when I entered "Hey guys did you empty your bags? You have to hang the dresses so they don't wrinkles don't forget" I said while plumbing down next to Meryem "Yeah I'm just going to hang them just give me a minute" Defne said while tapping on her mobile. I look down at Meryem before nudging her while saying "earth to Meryem" she finally came back to earth after the nudge "Huh.. what?" She said did you hang up your clothes? Or are you still up on cloud nine with Alp?" I ask in a teasing tone and get rewarded with a creeping blush on her cheeks before she hit me with the pillow I managed to dodge her before running out of the room giggling, I continued my way downstairs toward the living room before I heard a knock on the front door 'who might that be?' I asked myself before turning on my heels to answer the door. I open it to find a handsome guy standing their with a bag in his hand "Hello you must be İz, I'm Onur" he introduced himself while offering me his hand for a shake I shake his hand "Do I know you?" I ask "Ah no sorry, Defne and Meryem told me so much about you" he explains while retrieving his hand "Ah so you are friends with the girls" I say with a smile on my face and moving aside allowing him to enter and I close the door behind him "Yes, well I met Defne in the last company's party and she introduced me to Meryem" he said making me nod my head in understanding with a small "O" forming on my lips but before I could ask anything else I hear footsteps coming downstairs, I turned my head to see who was it and saw Burak stopping in his place in choke for few seconds  "Onur" he ask before a smile crack on his face and than launch himself at him engulfing him in a brotherly hug "hey man, it has been a long time" he says after breaking the hug off which left me shocked and frozen in my spot "Do you two know each other?" I asked broking their walk down the memory lane "Yeah we are childhood friends, me Burak and Alp" Onur say making me nod my head and leave them to head for the kitchen as I originally planed  "Well why don't you go settle in and get comfortable, we'll meet at dinner we are going to make barbecue just like the old days" I hear Burak tells him before I enter the kitchen, I pour myself a glass of water and stand near the backdoor window looking at the forest surrounding the farmhouse. I was so attempt to go for a walk and since everyone is going to be in their rooms until dinner there won't be a better time to explore the place. --- I went back up towards my room to change, I ended up in a short, blue tank top with a grey jacket before pulling my hair up in a ponytail and than I put on my shoes and take my phone, earphones and head out of the house. I was walking aimlessly in the forest enjoying the surroundings, the tall trees protecting me from the sun blazing rays but giving enough light and a nice cozy warm feeling, it was the end of the fall and the start of winter, meaning it was cold but not that cold, the weather still have a little warmth in it. The yellow leaves fallen covering the road, the birds chirping in their nests, it was a magnificent sight to be in. Few miles away I stumbled into something that looks like a tree house but has no ceiling 'intresting' I say before I start to climb the wood ladder, once I was up I looked around it was a cozy place surrounded by the trees giving it privacy while revealing the entire surrounding it's also evealing a part of the sky adding charm to the place. I sat down under the spot where it was hit with a lot of warm sunlight, I took off the jacket and folded to make it a pillow before I layed down and put my head on it. I took my phone out and put on the earphones while pressing play. I was enjoying the warm provided by the sun, the music, the peace and quiet that I so eagerly miss in the city when the darkness swallowed me and I went into deep sleep. *** I feel so warm, it's almost annoyingly hot but at the same time it's welcoming warm 'I don't want to wake up' I say before turning and hit something hard but soft at the same time, I bury my face into this hard soft thing that's radiating warmth before I open my eyes with a smile on my face only to see that Burak sleeping next to me and I was currently spooning with him, the smile was quickly erased from my face while I jumped away from him and than take a look at my surroundings. I was in the same spot that I fell asleep in only now the sun has set and we were surrounded by the night sky and there were sheets under me, my jacket pillow was replaced by a normal one and I was covered with a duvet. "How did he find me? And why is he sleeping next to me?" I asked in a whisper while putting on my jacket that was moved to the side "it's freezing" I say immediately missing his warmth 'Well it's his farmhouse, he was raised here. So naturally this is his secret place, it's not that hard to find you Einstein'  my subconscious retorted making me room my eyes while standing up and start to stretch my muscles and that's when I saw him open his eyes "You're up" he stated while yawning and stretching his arms before sitting up "Yeah and thanks for all this by the way, if it weren't for you I would've woken up frozen" I said while gesturing to the sleeping scene that I was just in "Yeah no problem, I always keep them here in that trunk in case I wanted to sleep here or something" he say while scraching the back of his neck "I love this place it's so enchanting, I think I'm going to sleep her tonight. It was always a dream of mine to spend a night in the arms of the nature surrounded by it" I say mesmerised by the view while he was folding the sheets and putting them back in the trunk "It's my secret place, I was surprised that you founded it actually" he said while he turned to face me "it's getting late and we should head back to help with the barbecue" he continued making me nod my head. We climbed down the wooden ladder and headed back to the house were we find the guys in the backyard Onur is putting on the barbecue and trying to light it up, Defne and Alp were preparing the meat and chicken for the barbecue while Meryem was preparing the salad. Burak headed toward Onur to help him with the barbecue while I headed to lit the camp fire for warmth, I brought few wood from the pile in the corner and lit the fire with ease before heading towards Meryem "Do you need any help?" I ask her "I have the salad under control why don't you make the mashed potatoes" she said and I nod before heading inside the house and towards the kitchen, I peeled the potatoes and washed them before putting them in a coocking pot soaking them in water and litting the stove under it, I than headed back to the backyard to see the progress while waiting for the potatoes to boil. I found that the guys were now surrounding the barbecue and grilling the meat while Defne was finishing setting the table and Meryem adding the final touches on the salad before grabbing the bowl and placing it in the middle of the table, than the three of us sat down next to the campfire while talking. Few minutes later and I went back to the kitchen to check on the potatoes to find them done, I turn off the stove and take out the potatoes to start mashing them. Awhile later and after mashing the potatoes and adding butter, milk and a pinch of salt the mached potatoes were in a bowl and ready for serving. I take the bowl back out with me and place it on the table before taking back my spot next to the girls. Later the guys called us to the table to start eating, we found that they brought wine and poured it in the glasses before calling for us. We started eating, drinking, talking and laughing until we finished. We cleaned everything before we spend the night around the campfire, I brought three blankets for me and the girls, while Burak brought beer cans and Alp brought his guitar to play it for us. Few beers in mixed with the warmth of the fire and the music coming from the guitar I found myself dancing with the girls while laughing and enjoying my time, I don't know when the guitar was put away and replaced by the sound of the music coming from the music player, Alp dancing with Meryem while Defne dancing with Onur and I was sitting next to the fire with a beer can in my hand. I felt like I was a fifth wheel and that didn't settle down with me so I took my blanket and a pack of beers before slipping away into my not so secret place, I was lying down watching the stars above me and listening to the music when I felt a movement next to me and I knew immediately that it's Burak. I moved away making a space for him, once he layed down next to me and settled his head on the shared pillow I heard a sigh coming from him "What are you doing here?" I asked him "I saw you slipping away" he said ignoring my question "Yeah well I don't like to be the fifth wheel" I answered with a shrug "Me neither" he answered back "You didn't tell me what are you doing here?" I asked him again "Well beside the fact that this is my secret place I told you I don't like being the fifth wheel and I don't like being alone as well so you were my only choice" he answered "Wow thanks I feel so special" I answered sarcastically with an eye roll making him chuckle Silence stretches between us before I decide to break it "so when are you going to tell me the real reason behind this party? And don't start with {it's the company's aniversary} thing" I ask him while turning to my side facing him now instead the stars above me. "What makes you think that there is a reason other than the aniversary" he says without looking at me but when he didn't get an answer back he turned his face to look at me and saw me giving him a face that says `I know you` he sighed while returning to his spot lookingat the stars "I met someone in the company's party but she disappeared before I knew who she was so I thought maybe if I threw another party I'll meet her again" he explained before silence stretch between us again, I turn to lay on my back taking in what he just said "Why going through all this trouble for a girl? I don't get it, is it even worth it?" I ask "The way she made me feel in that party, I can't even describe it. No one ever made me feel the way she did so of course she's worth it" he answers "I met someone as well at that party, I don't know who he is and never saw him again. He made me feel things that I've never felt before but you don't see me throwing a party in an attempt to find him" I tell him "You were at that party?" He asked me surprised "Yeah I went with the girls, why you sound so chocked. You know that Defne is an employee" I say "Yeah I know it's just I don't remember seeing you there that's all" he says while shrugging  "I didn't stay too long, I had to leave before the party ended. That's why I didn't get to know who was that guy" I told him "Well if he made you feel the way you say than why haven't you tried to find him?" He asks curiously  "I believe in fate and destiny, if I was meant to see him again I will. The fate have funny ways to make things end up the way they are supposed to be and no matter what you do or what you try you can never change the autcome so why even try, beside who am I to challenge it" I say "So you are trying to tell me that you are that type of girls, who are romantic and believe in the one and all these cliché stuff" he says while turning on his side and looking down at me I turn too to face him before saying "first it's not cliché, not that I believe in that stuff but I also don't think less of the people who do. Second there is nothing wrong in believing in romance as long as you don't start building fairytales in your head and know how to differentiate between what's real and what's not. And third I do believe in the one but I don't stop living my life until I find him" I tell him while looking straight into his eyes "If all that is true than why did you slip away from all that romantic atmosphere? Unless you were jealous" he asked with a smirk on his face "I'm not jealous on the contrary I'm extremely happy for them but I don't like to be a fifth wheel, it's like I'm snooping around while they are having a special moment" I explain before continuing "besides you slipped away aswell where you jealous?" I asked getting defencive and get rewarded when that smirk dissapeared from his face "I'm not jealous" he snaps at me making me smile in victory while doing a happy dance in my head 'it's not fun when someone else puches your buttons now is it?' I say to myself "See it's not fun being standing there between all that romantic atmosphere with love flying in the air while you look like a cactus in the middle of the dessert" I said making him giving me a look that says `what the`  making me wince before adding "yeah I don't know we're that came from" and turn back to my spot and look at the stars above me trying to forget that last statement. He also turned back to his original position before breaking the awkward silence between us "so since you are going to look for that person that you mentioned and you are not about putting your life on hold while waiting for the right one than why are you single?" He asks "What's males you thing that I'm single" I threw back "Really are you starting all over again" his statement makes me sigh and answer his question "I don't know" I say while shrugging "new country, new life, new house, new friends, new work. All of this is too much for a person to take in a short period of time which doesn't leave me anytime for relationships, not that it's an excuse but I haven't met the one makes me want to make time for a relationship" I tell him "I believe that you don't just go out seeking love or empty relationships, but when the right time comes you'll be ready and you'll know" I continue while staring at the stars above me. We spent the rest of the night in silence enjoying the night's air, the twinkling stars and the soft music. I don't know when darkness claimed me and I was drowned into a deep peaceful sleep in the arms of the mesmerising nature just like I always dreamt with only one difference I wasn't alone, I was with baş bela, benim başımın belası (the curse, my curse).
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