Chapter 12

4113 Words
^^^ Blind Date I was standing in front of a restaurant where I have my blind date sponsored by Meryem, how did this happen let me go back to the day before yesterday.  --- Two Days Ago Meryem decided to set me up with a friend from work in a blind date, at least that's what she announced during dinner, I immediately declined her offer claiming that I have no time for dating. She didn't mention it again that night causing the innocent little me to believe that she heard me but little did I know, she has other plans.  The next day I had a hectic program, between working in the house, running for errands and borrowing Defne's car to pick-up my order from the hardware store, Meryem was planning for my blind date. She tried talking to me again in the morning but I just dismissed her and left with Defne to drop her off at work before heading for the hardware store, I knew she wasn't a person who takes no for an answer but I hadn't another answer to give her.  When I was loading my car I received a text message from Meryem telling me that she agreed on my behalf and that she planned for a dinner and a movie tomorrow night, I replied with a negative answer and returned my phone to my pocket though that didn't shake her off my back, she kept on calling me all day long forcing me to switch it off.  At 6 pm I went back to Defne's office and picked her up before returning home, we found Meryem already home and prepared dinner for us three. I don't have to mention the earful that she gave because of my switched off phone, I tuned her off (basic rules for having a friend me like Meryem you have to learn how to tune her off). I picked up my plate, served my self and headed for my room. I closed the door behind me and locked it before I changed into my pjs and eating dinner.  --- I woke up the next day extremely tired, I checked the time it was 6 am which means the girls are still sleeping. I dragged myself to the bathroom to have a well needed shower because of Meryem I had to skip the shower yesterday, after the shower I wrapped the towel around my body and returned to my room to wear my clothes and get ready for the day ahead.  I was sitting on couch in the living room watching the rain through the balcony doors and sipping on my warm cup of tea, the silence didn't last long when I saw Meryem. She went towards the kitchen and got herself a cup of tea before she came to sit beside me, I gave her a look challenging her to start her nagging but instead she offered me a deal.  The deal was I go on this date in exchange for her taking a day off to help me with my house, I considered her offer for few minutes and taking in consideration her behavior for the past two days I came to conclusion that it wasn't a fair deal besides I wanted to teach her and lesson not to decide on anything in my behalf. So I negotiated with her I go on this date in exchange for two days of help and since the date was tonight she didn't have much of a choice, she nodded her head and said that she will choose my outfit before running to my room. I followed her and found her already raiding my closet, she picked up a white jeans that hugs my legs and giving a perfect view of my a*s, a short red crop top showing a little of my stomach with a deep v neck offering a good view of my cleavage, black boots and a leather black jacket.  --- Two hours before my date I returned home and took a shower before putting on my outfit, I ordered a cab before starting on my makeup. Forty five minutes later I found myself in front of the restaurant, I stepped in and gave the attendant the reservation name, I followed him to my table and to much choke he wasn't there.  I took off my jacket before sitting and ordered a glass of wine waiting for my date to arrive 'great start' I say to myself, during my second glass I notice the attendant walking towards my table with a man behind him assuming my date.  "Hi, sorry I got stuck in traffic, did I make wait for long?" He asked me while sitting "A little bit" I reply and force a smile on my face "let's order" I continue, he nods and signal for the waiter to come "Welcome my name is Ali and I will your waiter for the evening" The waiter said smiling and giving us both a menu My date gave the poor waiter a glare before ordering "I want a steak medium well, a bottle of red wine and a salad for the lady" He closed the menu and took mine from me before dismissing the waiter. 'Rude' I say to myself while looking at him confused with his attitude but I refrain from saying anything 'at least a salad won't take long to finish' I comfort myself with this idea. "Do you know him?" He ask me with an angry look on his face "Who?" I ask confused while looking around me to spot a known face  "The waiter" He answers, feeling at loss with words and a shocked look on my face leaving my mouth open "No I don't know him why do you ask?" I asked totally confused "He looked overly friendly and if you didn't know him why did you smile back?" He says when I finally feel my gears turning in my head, I close my mouth into a firm line and the look on my face turns into a one of anger. I go to open my mouth to give him a piece of my mind when the waiter return with the wine bottle, he poured us each a glass after getting the okay from my date and left but not before getting a small thank you with a smile on my face despite the disapproval look on my date's face which causing a smirk to be formed on my lips. He shake his head and start talking as if nothing happened "I don't know if Meryem told you about me, well my name is Hassan, I work as a plastic surgeon. You know how busy our lives is that's why I agreed on the blind date idea... " He was cut off by the waiter carrying our food, I thanked him again before he left. Hassan continued his story while taking few bites and occasional sips from his glass while I tuned him off completely and enjoying my salad 'yey lucky me' notice the sarcasm there 'Meryem you are so paying for this' I make a promise.  --- I was brought back to reality when the waiter came to take off the dishes "would you like dessert?" He ask with a look of sympathy for me in his face "No just the check" Hassan say dismissing him before looking back at me "we have a movie to catch" He continues with a smile on his face  "Right" I say rolling my eyes  After paying the bill he stood up and left without waiting for me, I wear my jacket and follow him. I find him outside lighting a cigarette when he see me he tells me we are going to walk the mall is five minutes away, I nod my head and we start walking.  I enjoyed the silence for the first time tonight, he was smoking and walking in front of me leaving me behind to follow him. He finishes the cigarette before we reach the main gate, he opens the door and walk in without holding it for me. I nearly got hit by the closing door, I open it and walk in to find him heading to the movies. Once inside "why don't you chose the movie while I go to the bathroom and when I return we can get the popcorn together" I say earning a glare from Hassan  "Don't tell me you eat this stuff" He says with a look of disgust  "Okay no popcorn than, I'm going to the bathroom" I tell him rolling my eyes before leaving him Inside the bathroom I try to call Meryem to give her a piece of my mind but she wouldn't answer, I sigh and decide to just leave. I walk out of the bathroom, the bathroom was located near the parking exit. I head towards the movies waiting area, keeping my eyes on the escalator to my right but when I find Hassan looking at his watch before turning towards the bathroom. I run backwards toward the parking lot, with my eyes behind me I collide with a solid wall and two hands holding my waist steadying me. I look up to see who was it, I feel my eyes grow in there sockets "you" I mumble before looking back behind me and noticing Hassan reaching the bathroom door. I take this guy's hand and drag him with me to the parking lot "where is your car?" I ask him without letting my eyes leave the parking entrance "What?" He ask me "Your car where did you park it?" I ask him but this time looking at his face "There" He answer pointing to the left, I nod and head to the left behind the wall I find a black jaguar car. I stop at the passenger door "open it"I say while giving me a confused look, I saw Hassan entering the parking lot looking for me. I turn my face to this guy " open this door now I need you to get me out of here please" I plead with him, making him sigh and finally he gave in and opens the lock. I quickly open my door and hope in while he take his seat and start the car, I notice Hassan coming toward us I panic and slide my body down hiding under the dashboard earning me a shocked look from the guy behind the wheels "What are you doing down there?" He ask me "Just drive please go" I plead him before nodding and start driving, when we exit the parking I return to my seat and put on my seat-belt "Where are we going?" He ask me "Home" I tell him and give him the address, stopping at the first stop light he turn his head towards me  "When are you going to tell me what that was about?" He ask me  "Aghhh a blind date" I tell him making him smile "can you believe he came half an hour late just saying that he got stuck in traffic, he ordered for me and accused me to know the waiter just because I smiled back and said thank you. Can you believe the glare he gave the poor guy just because he was friendly" I say while waving my hands causing him to start laughing, once his laughter died down I heard my stomach growl earning me an amusement look from him and a blush covering my cheeks "You're hungry?" He asks  "Yeah I didn't eat much" I say "You said he ordered for you, you didn't like what he ordered?" He ask again "He ordered a steak for himself and a salad for me, can you believe that a salad" I say seeing him trying to hold his laughter, I shake my head and turn to look out the window. I notice Ahmed's kiosk "Pull over near that kiosk" I tell him pointing at the kiosk to the right, he nods and park the car. I open the car and run towards the kiosk "hi Ahmed how are you?" I ask him with a smile on my face "I'm good young girl, long time no see where were you?" Ahmed ask me "You know working on my house" I say when I notice my savior coming to a stop behind me "I'm hungry Ahmed can you bring us two of my sandwiches" I ask him "Sure young lady coming right up" He say before starting on our sandwiches, I turn and take a seat on the table near the kiosk followed by my savior "I'm Iz" I tell him offering my hand for a shake "Burak" He says shaking my hand "do you usually eat here?" He ask me after retrieving our hands I nod my head saying "yeah I used to come here from time to time he makes delicious sandwiches" I tell Burak while Ahmed come with our sandwiches in his hand, I take the sandwiches and thank him before giving one to Burak "bon appétit" I tell him before we start eating "It's really good" Burak say failing to hold a moan making me smile  "Told you" I say while winking at him --- Four sandwiches later we were full and laughing while remembering our first encounter  "I didn't believe you bumped into me and dragged me with you telling me to take you home" He exclaims "You owe me after what you did to me that day" I tell him while holding an accusing finger in his face "True" He say holding his hands up in defeat "I'm sorry by the way" He say "Don't, you've already apologized enough and besides after saving me from my blind date from hell we are even" I tell him with a smile on my face "let's go" I tell him "Yes just let me pay for the food and we'll go" He say while standing I stop him saying "I took care of that" Before standing and heading for the car.  When we reach the house I thank him for the help and the ride before entering the building, I open the front door and enter the house heading for my room when I noticed Meryem sitting on the couch she open her mouth to talk but I stop her with a death glare " I don't want to hear a word coming from you" I say pointing a finger in her face before turning my back and head to my room saying " Don't show me your face for a while" *** That's how my second encounter with the annoying man was which turned him to become my savior, god was I wrong once annoying is always annoying let me tell you why.  --- A Favor Yesterday Defne called me asking me for a favor, they wanted to check a new location and due to some changes on the company the guy responsible for checking out the location wasn't available that's why her boss asked her to do it herself but it will take her near four hours to cross to the other side in this traffic and she needs the details today before her boss leave the company.  I take my backpack with all the necessary stuff, throw it on my shoulder, I wear my gloves and put on the helmet after getting on my bike and heading towards the location. Speeding through the streets and maneuvering between the cars I reached the ferry, this ferry help people cross to the other side with there cars but the catch is it's slow and crowded but because I saved some time using my bike I could spear a few using the ferry.  I park my bike and climb the stairs to sit inside and enjoy a warm cup of tea, half am hour later the furry stopped and we were allowed to leave. I continued my journey toward the location and a half an hour later I reached my destination, I park my bike before taking in my surrounding.  I find a three stories villa surrounded by huge forest, I take my camera from the backpack and start shooting few pictures of the forest and the outside of the villa before sending them to Defne. I find a man opening the villa's doors I walk toward him and ask him if I can take few pictures for the company because they need approval before the end of the day he agreed and let me in leaving the door open, he was informed by the owners that someone will come by today. He was cleaning the villa's entrance from the rain of yesterday, after finishing my pictures I returned the camera to the bag waiting for Defne's confirmation. I started exploring the villa, I was looking at the ceiling and walking aimlessly when I was hit by a door making me fly to the wall and hit the back of my head and fall to the ground unconscious.  I open my eyes feeling extreme pain in my head, I notice someone moving in front of me but couldn't recognize who. I close my eyes again and reopened them slowly to adjust to my surroundings I find my self looking at someone's neck and feel hands on my head "Ouch" I say when the hand press on the place where I was hit the owner of the hand remove it and look at me when I finally see his face I say "Burak" Before sitting up "Where are you going you need to rest you were out for a few minutes" He say while holding me in place "here keep this ice bag on your head, when you feel you can walk I'll take you to the hospital" He say offering me the ice bag "how are you feeling?" He ask me "My head is killing me and I feel a little bit dizzy" I say trying to stand up again "I have to go I can't stay here" I tell him when he tries to make me sit again, I suddenly freeze and before I could utter a word I vomit all over the floor "That is not good, I have to take you to the hospital, lean on me" He say while wrapping a hand around my waist and holding my backpack "My bike" I tell him  "You can't drive now, we will leave it here and I'll send someone to get it for you" He tells me leaving no room for arguing when we reach the villa's entrance he tells me he need to talk to the guy before leaving when I continue my way to the car slowly, the floor was slippery from the rain water making me walk extra slow when I heard Burak  "I'm coming wait for me" He say when I stopped to look at him he walked two steps before slipping and losing his balance "ahhhhh" He scream before knocking me off my feet and I find myself sliding on my stomach and down an open drainage as a reflex I open my arms to stop myself from going down all the way "Buraaaaaak" I scream on the top of my lungs, he stands up and reach for me to pick me up "Stay away" I yell at him, while using my elbows to push myself up. He grabbed my elbows to help me up when I screamed in his ear "leave me alooooone" causing him to leave my elbows and cover his ear I push myself up after two failed attempts and continue my way to the car, I opened the passenger door, climb in and close the door followed by Burak. He started the engine and drove to the nearest hospital, the car ride was silent I was in no mood for talking. When we arrived at the hospital I opened the door and stepped out without waiting for him, I headed to the emergency door where a nurse brought a wheelchair for me. I sat down when Burak arrived behind me, he started to tell the nurse what happened when the nurse took me off toward the x-ray room. Couple of hours later I was in the hospital rob, laying in a bed, my head was bandaged, my knees had few stitches and a serum tight to my right arm. Burak opened the door and walked in closing the door behind him "The doctor said they need to keep you overnight, they fear a concussion" He tells me after taking a seat next to my bed "Great that's what I need right now" I say sarcastically "can you give me my phone I have to call my friends" I tell him "Sure" He said and reach for my phone on the table next to my bed and give it to me, I dial Defne and wait for her to pick up "Hey how are you sweety?" She asked me "I'm okay, I just wanted to tell you I won't come home tonight I have a few things to finish in here before tomorrow" I tell her "You will sleep in your house tonight?" She ask me "Yes you know I had to take a few hours off and now I'm behind schedule" I tell her "Do you need me to come help you?" She ask me "Not tonight but maybe tomorrow" I tell her "Okay sweety take care and don't exhaust yourself" She say "Bye sweety" I tell her "Bye" She say before hanging up "Why didn't you tell them you are in the hospital?" Burak asked me "No need to worry them, and you need to leave as well I don't want you hear" I tell him "I'm not leaving you alone" He say  "Haven't you done enough, I can't take any more hits from you" I exclaim "I didn't mean it it was all an accident" He tell me "You never mean it by every time I'm the one who gets hurt" I say "I'm sorry" He say his face full of regret "I know you are" I say turning my head away from him and close my eyes calling for the sleep-land to take me over.  I woke up to find Burak curled uncomfortably on the wooden chair next to me, I wonder why didn't he just leave 'maybe because of guilt' I tell myself when I hear the door open, I turn my head to see the nurse coming in "How are you feeling now?" She ask me "Better but I still feel a little pain" I tell her "Yes the doctor gave you painkillers and you should come after ten days to get the stitches off, the bandage can be removed before you leave" She tells me before removing the serum and leaving, I get off the bed and into the bathroom. After finishing my business I remove the bandage from my head and walk out to find the chair empty, 'where did Burak go?' I ask myself when I see the door open and in enters Burak holding a bag in his hand "I brought you some clothes" He tells me while putting the bag on the bed "I'll go to the bathroom while you change" He continues and head to the bathroom.  I open the bag and find a Navy blue dress with white sneakers and white leather jacket, I take off the hospital robe and put on the dress it's a spaghetti straps and stops right under my knees covering up my stitches. I sit on the chair and put on my sneakers when I hear a knock coming from the bathroom Burak asking me "Did you finish? Can I come in now?" He ask me "Yes" I tell him before he opens the door and exit the bathroom, I finish tying my shoes before standing up and wearing the jacket "I'm ready" I tell him while turning to face him "thanks for the clothes by the way" I tell him "That's the least I can do, I sent my driver to pick up your bike and he parked it in your house. You're not allowed to drive for awhile until the doctor says other wise" He tells me and I nod, he grab my backpack and we leave the hospital. He brought my medicine before dropping me off at my house and leave, I go up to the house and find it empty. I go to my room, take my pills , change and drift off to sleep some more.  ^^^ And that's is why I ended up convincing my friends to help me the next week with buying the furniture and helping me around the house, I can't tell them what that i***t man did to me. I turn off the camera, close the laptop and head back to my room. I have a full schedule tomorrow with the girls, I hope I feel better. I change to my pjs take my pills before laying on the bed and allowing the darkness to take me over. I turn off the camera, close the laptop and head back to my room. I have a full schedule tomorrow with the girls, I hope I feel better. I change to my pjs take my pills before laying on the bed and allowing the darkness to take me over.
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