September 1986-5

2016 Words

“In any case, since it’s mine and mine alone, this last drug I’ve devised doesn’t even have an official name yet. I just call it Dr. Teri’s erection medicine. So tell me boy, in the interests of science and so much else: can you feel the effects of it yet?” I could feel all the foretold effects kicking in ever more powerfully. The red-orange-yellow-violet sunset had my visual centers rioting wildly. And as I slumped down even further in the chair I found that my lassitude had my reactions so slowed that I could barely even move. As for suggestibility, I didn’t know s**t about it. But I did know that my tall, blonde, blue-eyed professor looked so beautiful to me all of a sudden that my heart yearned desperately to do anything necessary to please her. Most obviously of all, my ever growing

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