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“Leah!” Zev’s head popped out of the doorway of Leah’s office right as she was wrapping up a discussion with one of the female beta’s regarding the pack’s school budget. “Can I steal a minute of your time?” “Sure, any problem?” Leah responded. She handed the papers to the Lady in front of her, who, in turn, gave her a genuine smile. Leah remembered very clearly that she was one of those who had stood by her until the very end. “King, Luna,” the lady bowed her head and left, leaving Leah and Zev alone for the first time in a while. For the last few days, Leah had avoided Zev at all costs. She recalled too well that every meeting in her past life had ended badly. They had meals together with pack members as always, their work meetings with the council, but other than that, every time Zev wanted to talk to her, Leah would find a perfect excuse to escape. There was no point in talking to him since nothing could be changed. She thought about telling him the truth about her rebirth but immediately shut the idea off. He could easily say she was crazy and use his judgment against her during their divorce, jeopardizing her plans to reclaim her pack. The silence was getting awkward. “It's been ages since we had a proper conversation," Zev said, trying to break the ice as he stepped forward. Leah stayed put behind her desk, creating a barrier to keep some distance. "Indeed, it has," Leah agreed, leaning back in her chair. She then inquired, "Is this about the Alpha Ball?" "Did you receive my messages?" Zev inquired, likely still feeling a bit guilty. Leah had received a steady number of baskets of roses delivered to her room. "Yes, I got it," she replied with a strained smile, "Thanks for that. So, like I asked earlier. "Is it the Alpha Ball that brings you here?” They had already gone over this issue in the past so she wasn't expecting anything better. "Yeah," Zev shrugged his shoulders as Leah observed him with a detached look that evidently made him uncomfortable . "It concerns Nini—Nina, that is." Wow! A new nickname. How great. "What's the matter with her?" she feigned ignorance. "Here's the thing," he started, looking away with a heavy sigh, "I sort of vowed to be her escort to the ball." "Is that so?" Leah c****d her head, "When and how did this all happen?" "Well," he coughed, "it's complicated. My wolf can't stand her being upset. And the fact that, she's never been to such a fancy dance." "Oh wow!" Leah exclaimed, shaking her head in mock surprise. "Perhaps I should bring Dimitri along? He's never witnessed such a spectacle. Nor has Mark, for that matter." She deliberately named the most eligible and handsome bachelors in their pack, provoking a growl from Zev. That'll teach him! "What's gotten into you, Leah?" he asked, looking at her incredulously. "My Wife isn't going with anyone else!" "Oh, but it's fine for my husband to accompany another? How's fair is that?" She raised an eyebrow defiantly. Zev always hated being questioned. "Then perhaps you should skip it!" He snapped back, concern creeping into her previously unworried mind. She desperately needed to attend this dance. "No, I'll pass," Leah responded, arms folded. "I've been personally invited. And, it's crucial to mingle with the other Lunas for our pack's sake. We have student and warrior exchanges to plan, not to mention some mating events for those over eighteen. Or do you think your Nina can handle all that during her big night? He breathed out forcefully, and Leah sensed victory in her statement. "Alright," he agreed, rising to his feet, "but you're going with Luke. He's my Beta and will be attending anyway." "Stealing his fun too, huh?" Leah laughed, "I bet he's got a lady in mind already to charm." "He's already agreed to accompany you," Zev stated. "He'll look after you as well." "How considerate," she commented, deciding to play along. Ditching Luke would be simple. He'd spot a beautiful she-wolf and be off. Zev lingered at the door before leaving, turning back to her. "Leah," he said, catching her gaze, "this is just a rough patch. We'll get past it, and all will be well." Lies. "I will always choose you, Luna, and no other." Empty promises. "My love for you hasn't faded. But you know, Nina had such a difficult life, and I can't be heartless. She's a kind soul, and she won't replace you." Lies upon Lies. "I appreciate your reassurance," she said with a nod. "I needed to hear that, Zev." She forced a smile. "Why don't we plan a day just for us after the ball? What do you say?" He offered soothingly, catching her off guard. This was an unexpected development, not part of their usual routine. "We'll have to see if our schedules align," she replied, stretching her smile a bit wider. "But I like the idea." "Shall we meet up later, then?" He seemed to exhale a sigh of relief, as if a weight had been lifted. "I am your wife, aren't I?" she said with a light laugh, noting the change in his expression. He departed, and Leah's phone vibrated with a message that the dresses should have been delivered by now. She hesitated briefly. His suggestion for a day together was troubling. Was it a sign of something positive or not? She hoped to change the chain of events that would lead to a disaster, but this sudden outing was not part of her plans. She arrived late for the dress fitting and when she entered the bustling room filled with the pack's most prominent women. Gwen and her friends, Emily, and June were there, offering their usual warm welcomes. Across the room, Mia and her followers sat. Mia, Zev's sister, had never liked Leah, even while they were growing up. She was first to support Nina and paved the way for others who were uncertain on promoting her as the Luna of their pack. "Let's see the dresses," Leah said with authority, eager to finish the task at hand. It was customary for the pack to dress its ladies for the Alpha ball, with the pack covering the expense to showcase their prosperity to other packs. The omegas brought in racks filled with stunning gowns from top designers. As Luna, Leah had the privilege of first choice, followed by the others in order of rank. The remaining dresses would then be returned. Leah had her eye on a particular dress but behaved as if she had no interest in order to avoid drawing attention from others. "How about the blue one?" Mia suggested, offering a color that clashed with Leah's hair and gray eyes. "Do you love it?" Leah inquired, her smile broadening as she draped the Zara gown over herself. Her sister-in-law's response dripped with sarcasm. "Gorgeous." "Well, if you like it that much, it's yours," leah retorted, mirroring the sneer and continued browsing the dresses. She soon came across the one she had in mind, a black-colored, rhinestone-encrusted piece that lingered in her memory. After enough browsing, she approached the mirror, dress in hand. After a while… Nina bursted in. "Oh, my goddess! Luna Leah! I'm so sorry! I'll leave so I don't dampen your mood." Her presence alone seemed to affect Leah, a manipulative tactic she didn't appreciate. "Stay," Leah offered, a soft smile on her face, aware of the eyes staring at them. "You're attending the ball too; you need a dress." "I've already bought one," Nina muttered, "with the money the Alpha gave me." "That won't suffice," Leah sighed, "You deserve a dress that matches your new status." "And what might that new status be?" Mia couldn't resist the jab. "A member of the Crimson Moon pack," Leah answered confidently, "Take a look around. What catches your eye?" Tears welled up in Nina's eyes as she pointed to the dress Leah held. "This is so stunning! You're such a wonderful Luna, caring for someone like me. I've never had such a beautiful dress!" Leah fought the urge to roll her eyes. "It's yours," she said, extending the dress to Nina, who was visibly shocked. "Go on, try it on. It'll look stunning on you," Leah said, her tone hiding her true thoughts. Once Nina left, Leah quickly picked out the first red dress she found. "I'll take this one," she said, leaving swiftly with Gwen. "Pick whatever you like, ladies," she called back. In Gwen's bedroom, they shared a laugh over the day's events. "Wasn't that fun?" Gwen chuckled. "Absolutely," Leah concurred, discarding the red dress. Her true choice for the ball, a breathtaking black silk chiffon gown, waited in her room. Leah recalled the last Alpha Ball, a humiliating experience overshadowed by Nina's innocent appearance and Zev's neglect. But this time, Leah was prepared to shine and to work. Gwen emerged in a royal blue gown, looking splendid. "Seems you've chosen a dress as well," Leah giggled. "Indeed," Gwen posed, "We're leaving this pack, so why save them money?" "Just keep it quiet," Leah reminded her. "It's our secret. You do look stunning." "Thanks," Gwen beamed, " It's a pity I'm not accompanying you. But there's always a next time, right?" "When I'm Alpha and you're my Beta, you'll be there every year," Leah winked. *** Later that evening, Leah adorned herself with makeup and styled her hair, then discovered a red box with a Gold necklace and a card that read, "I’m Sorry." She recalled Zev gifting it to Nina once, but now wasn't the time for recollection. The necklace was the perfect accessory for her dress, and Leah set off for the ball, her dress cascading elegantly down the stairs. Her hair was dyed up in brown, with soft curls framing her shoulders. "You look stunning tonight," a man's voice caught her off guard.
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