Chapter 12

2983 Words

Justin and Marty sat in Brambles" Bar on stools that were no longer entirely vertical. The combined effect of large men and fifty years of operation had taken their toll. The bar was dinged and scratched and its operator, Floyd, was eighty and still tending bar. The place was the poster child for deferred maintenance, but its personality was undeniable. “I"ve got to get out of here,” Justin said. “We"ve only been here for twenty minutes and I was looking forward to a second beer.” “I know, but after ten minutes on these seats I realize that my butt is just not shaped that way.” They both chuckled. “Besides, I"ve got a date with Jessica at 7:00.” Marty nodded. “You seem pretty serious about her.” Justin grinned. “Yeah, I guess I am. I love being with her, man. She just might be the kee

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