Sophia He kissed me. I think to myself as I stand in front of the door like a lost puppy. I could tell that he was alarmed by what he did. All I can think is that the kiss was some kind of knee-jerk reaction. Like a kiss, a man gives to his wife before he walks out the door. Perhaps he has kissed someone like that before, and for a moment, forgot where he was and who he was kissing. Which depresses me more than I thought. He was so sweet last night when he set me next to him and stroked my back so gently. Being beside him really did chase the nightmares away. I wanted to stay in his arms forever. But I know that all of this is just kindness. Micah and I have never had a problem being affectionate toward each other. From day one, he was accepting of my dad and me. He would always be affe