…Wizithon… The mourning of the Baroness can’t be neglected by other Barons and Baronesses. Many other Barons and Baronesses have been visiting Wizithon to sympathize and mourn with them for the loss of their Baroness. It wasn’t going so well when a Baron named Absalom who have hated Baron Willzo, the father of Ruth; declared his interest in Wizithon. Ramsey didn’t like the idea nor did he want to serve a Baron that is a tyrant in nature. After the Baron’s declaration of interest, Ramsey was enraged and decided to cool off in a w***e’s house named Rose. The only way he can ruin Baron Absalom's plan was to find Baron Willzo’s heir which is Ruth. Only an heir can keep their Barony safe and free from the interference of other Barons. Before he made his way to the w***e’s house, he