Bab 14 - English Version

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When Arga and Victoria managed to survive Queen Camila's pursuit, they instead met Agnes. The curly girl misunderstood the state of Arga and Victoria, only because they were gasping for breath, the girl in dark clothes judged that they had done something indecent in the living room. Because they didn't accept being judged like that, Arga and Victoria wanted to clear up this misunderstanding, but unfortunately, Agnes didn't give them the opportunity to talk. "You guys are really ... disgusting." With a terrible face, a sharp blasphemy just escaped from the mouth of Agnes, making Arga and Victoria flinch at hearing it, their feelings wavered, between annoyance and embarrassment. Then, the black magic books that were brought by Agnes were put on the chairs available there, and the curly girl immediately chanted some exorcism spells and gushed Victoria and Arga's faces through the water in her mouth. Now, Victoria and Arga's faces were wet, not with sweat but from being spattered by Agnes. Really, Victoria could not stand Agnes's harsh attitude anymore. "Brother Agnes! Can you listen to our explanation first !? Trust me! We are not doing anything here! Our breath is gasping because--" "Because of what!?" Agnes snatched up quickly, cutting Victoria's words off. "You shameless little sister," Then, Agnes's gaze turned to Arga. "Y-you too! T-It's not that I'm pissed off at you! I-It's just! I-I'm disappointed in you for harassing my sister! Watch out! I'll make you ... suffer!" With a flushed face and clumsy body, Agnes immediately looked away from Arga then returned with her books and left them. "Geez ~ I can't believe we also have to run into my super annoying brother! Huh ~ but thank God he's gone," Victoria rubbed her chest, grateful for everything. Then, he turned to Arga. "Then, we should go to our respective rooms and part here, Arga. Thank you for your time, you are very kind." The blonde girl left Arga with a wink, now only that man was standing alone. "What was my dream last night, huh? Can I walk with Victoria, be chased by Queen Binesta, and be surprised by Agnes. What's worse, King William chose me to be the next King. Urgh! Just thinking about it makes me can't bear wanting to go to the toilet." Arga rushed to his room, ignoring everything that was bothering him. The confusion she felt tonight was relieved by the feeling of relief as her thirst was wasted in the toilet of her room. *** "Is that you, Queen Camila?" Vaguely, William's vision caught a woman in a large gown who was entering and walking on the red carpet to her throne chair. His guess was right, who else was the arrogant-faced woman who wore a skull-patterned dress in his memory besides Camila, his ex-wife. It has been the thirtieth time the woman has visited his palace, who knows what else he will receive from her, William resigns. Blasphemies, insults and insults were commonplace William got from Camila's mouth. Quickly, the bloated man prepared his soul to endure what Camila was doing to him in a moment. "William!" Camila exclaimed after she reached William. "Why can my third girl be rude to her own mother! Who taught her that ?! Answer my question, damn man!" "Wh-what do you mean Victoria? What's the matter that you can get this angry, Camila?" The proud woman bit her lip, her irritation rising to the top of her head. "He ignored my words! As if I was just an insignificant figure in his eyes! How insolent! I do not accept his attitude!" Sweat pouring out William, he tried to get up from the throne and approached Camila. "I-if he ignores you, I'll ask him directly. Will you come with me to his room, Camila?" Hearing William's invitation, made Camila's face a little red. "Just take care of your own daughter! I don't want to see that cheeky girl's face anymore! Anyway, educate her properly, William! If she and the other four princesses don't change her attitude, I'll destroy this palace!" Gulping his saliva, William was a little surprised by the threat raised by Camila. Indeed, he was used to Camila's anger, but still, if there was such a threat, William was a little restless. "Come on, Camila. You don't need to make threats like that, I'm sure, Victoria can change her attitude, because she's a good girl." Camila chuckled, her irritation getting worse. "Good girl you say?" Camila's eyes were already on William. Understanding that he shouldn't speak anymore, William hurriedly stepped his feet to avoid Camila's explosion. "By the way," suddenly, Camila said, causing William to pause. "Who is the young man with horns who was with Victoria this afternoon? Is he one of your soldiers? But I guess I've never seen him." Apparently the question was about Arga, William smiled. "His name is Arga Gelisto, a young man who will become our son-in-law, Camila." Camila gasped, she frowned. "Son-in-law? How dare he propose to my daughter! Who will he marry? Is it Victoria?" William tilted his head, trying to think of the right words to answer Camila's question. "I don't really understand what Arga wants, but as I remember, he wants to get to know our five daughters, after his choice is mature, then he will marry the daughter of his choice. So, it doesn't mean Victoria is the one he chose, because there are Laila, Agnes, Emilia and Charlotte . " The proud woman was a little less agreeable to what Arga was doing. "How stupid," said Camila with a scowl. "Whoever the choice, the youth with horns will surely die in my hands." *** In her room, Agnes was hugging her bolster pillow with her face flushed and both legs kicking the wall. "Damn! Damn! Damn! What the hell are they doing there! I-I was so pissed off seeing my beloved man being approached by Victoria! Just watch! I will not forgive if Victoria dares to approach Arga again! It seems that Agnes has held a grudge against Victoria because she dared to be close to Arga, who is the man she loved. For Agnes, Arga is the most beautiful figure because he has two horns on his head. "Maybe I should make a potion for Arga so that he will no longer be approached by Victoria and my other brothers. Well, it looks like tonight will be a long night for me." Then, Agnes tied her curly hair, put on a black mask and headed for the table where she used to make horrible potions. As Agnes said, tonight she will make an elixir for Arga. I don't know how it will turn out, but it's quite interesting to wait. *** Coincidentally, while Laila was repairing her laboratory, Emilia passed by. Laila immediately left her job and ran over to Emilia. "Brother Emilia!" Laila rushed after Emilia. Realizing that someone was calling her, Emilia turned to the person who was calling her. "La-Laila? What's the matter?" Emilia was surprised that Laila approached her, it was rare for that red haired girl to have business with her. After arriving in front of Emilia, Laila suddenly lifted the slender girl's palms to her chest. "Where are you going? Can I chat with you? There's something I want to tell you, but first, will we go to a comfortable place first?" Laila took Emilia to her laboratory room, they sat together on the soft sofa. Laila's red eyes stared straight into Emilia's black eyes, making the narrow-eyed girl a little startled by that gaze. "W-Why are you staring at me like that? What do you want to tell me, Laila?" Adjusting her voice first, Laila immediately let out her words softly. "I'm sorry, Brother." said Laila with her head lowered. "So far I have always hated the fake character Emilia showed to the public, therefore, after this afternoon, at the meeting, you brought out the true nature of your brother without the slightest shame to everyone, I was surprised. That's why, I think, you are very suffering constantly suppresses that trait, and as long as you suffer, I hate you. I ... am really mean to you, Brother Emilia. " Laila's tears trickled down Emilia's hands. Hearing all that, Emilia fell silent then slowly, she gave a smile. "It's okay, you don't need to apologize to me like this, Laila. Here, I was the one at fault. As a big brother, I didn't set a good example for my four younger siblings. I deserve your hatred, because the evil one is here, I am, not you, Laila. " With a warm touch, Emilia embraced Laila's body. "I love you, Laila." And broke Laila's cry on Emilia's chest. Finally, after all this time, the two of them were able to make up like that. It is a touching night for Emilia and Laila. Unbeknownst to them, Charlotte peeked through the main door. And behold, Charlotte's eyes were teary looking at her two sisters hugging each other like that. "Even though I wanted to provoke them to fight, but why am I crying too!" Charlotte rubbed her fallen, irritated tears at herself. *** Meanwhile, in his room, Arga felt something unusual. As if someone was watching him from a distance, even though he was currently in the room. "Could it be ...." Arga guessed that someone who watched him was someone he knew. So, who is the person Arga knows? TO BE CONTINUED ...
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