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CHAPTER X THE OPEN WINDOWThe dynamo wagon was humming as he walked down the garden path, and with a hiss and a splutter from the arcs, the front of the cottage was suddenly illuminated by their fierce light. Outside on the road a motorist had pulled up to look upon the unusual spectacle. “What is happening?” he asked curiously. “They’re taking a picture,” said Michael. “Oh, is that what it is? I suppose it is one of Knebworth’s outfits?” “Where are you going?” demanded Michael suddenly. “Forgive my asking you, but if you’re heading for Chichester you can render me a very great service if you give me a lift.” “Jump in,” said the man. “I’m going to Petworth, but it will not be much out of my way to take you into the city.” Until they came to the town he plied Michael with questions be

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