A Sorcerous Mist-6

1829 Words

Nearly swimming now, they made their way aft, to where Sheerwater had been tied. She was no longer there. The crew had got onto her, cast themselves off from the Tho-Mooraine ship as instructed. They stood some way off, canvas all in but bucking out of control in the storm. She wouldn"t take much more of this battering. “The coracles are here captain.” McBride had to shout against the wind. “Tied up tight. But we"ve no chance of using them in these seas. It"d be certain death!” Quirk nodded, glanced to Mac Lir, then up to the bows. There seemed to be only a few of the giants left now on their ship. A few still struggled with broken masts and stays. Perhaps the others had all been swept overboard. Ahead of them, the Tho-Mooraine fleet was in tatters. Some had already struck the rocks

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