Moving forward

2186 Words

TWO MONTHS LATER*** "What symptoms did you say you were having again, Mrs. Axford?" Doctor Paul asked. Across the table was Mackenzie who was sitting with a nervous expression on her face. Next to her was her father who had a hopeful expression, in contrast to hers. "The same as the last time doctor Paul, I felt lightheaded and weak when I didn't eat on time, and kept puking after I ate." "Have you been taking your medications on time, Mrs. Axford?" "Yes," Mackenzie said with a bit of tenseness? in her voice. Her emotions were playing with her again and her mind was coming up with the worst possible scenarios that could happen to her. Ever since the surgery she had the previous month, she had a bit of anxiety about her health. "That's weird," Doctor Paul said, "We've just done an

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