
The angel and her guardian alpha


“I should mark you with my scent so strong so he’ll know you’re mine and stop his antics but that will only draw other wolves on you and I’m meant to protect you, not put you in harm’s way because of selfish desires.”

Once in a millennium, a rare type of angel is born with supreme powers to balance out the peace and order of their world for that millennial, and it’s the duty of these special guardian werewolves to protect them till they gain full potential of themselves. Aubrielle fell in love with her own guardian alpha amidst the power struggle for her life. Read to find out how much the alpha could protect his clueless angel in her own world.

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Call me Sam
Belle’s POV I stared at my wrist watch for the umpteenth time and sighed in relief when the bell for lunch break began ringing. I hurriedly grabbed my backpack and made a dash for the door. Now that get me wrong, I don’t hate school. I just hate being in miss Sanders class. The whole school knows she is a bully, a bully who is taking my favorite subject, AP mathematics. I almost made it out the door when I heard her annoying nasal voice piercing through and above the noise of students rushing to the cafeteria. “Bella please wait behind,” my heart dropped and I frowned at the name. Ever since Miss Sanders began teaching us, she made it a point to purposely mispronounce a student’s name and heavens bless me, I am that one student she had permanently decide to ignore her real name and just go with what she wants. I’d even once given a chance to call me by my full name, Aubrielle if calling me Belle was a bit confusing to her but she waved me off. “Yes ma’am,” I replied as I slowly walked back to her desk. She didn’t say a word, she just pulled out a paper from underneath some files and gave it to me, I took a quick glance through it and felt my heart drop into my stomach. “Tutoring?” I asked with a hoarse voice, my mouth had suddenly gone dry. “Yes Bella, tutoring.” She replied, looking at me from over the rim of her ugly glasses. “You have a problem with that?” She added and for a split second I was about to reply no but then I shouldn’t be forced into this type of thing right? If I don’t want to tutor a student, I shouldn’t be forced to do so right? Not especially when the person I’m to tutor is none other than the school’s basketball captain, aka the school’s bad boy. “Actually ma, I would like to reject it. I am not in Sam- sorry, Mr Davidson’s social circle. I would suggest that someone from his circle tutor him, he does not know me, so he might not like me and not pay attention to me but I think he would be more comfortable with someone he is familiar with.” I finished in one breath and sighed. There you go, I hope my argument is worth it. I didn’t think it worked because she was not looking impressed. “Samuel Davidson was the one that actually chose you. You have no argument here Bella.” There she goes with the name thing again, I was getting irritated now. Why would he choose me over all the nerds in school? Yes, I know I’m the one that is on the path to being valedictorian but then there are other nerds that are way better tutor than me. I had never tutor anyone before! As if she was reading my mind, the voice that I’ve grown to dislike spoke again but this time around she sounded so soft even though the voice still had a hint of that nasal thing I can’t place. “It states here that you have never tutored anyone before, even the principal thinks it’s a great idea for you to tutor him. Earn some extra credits and good recommendations from the teachers when you are applying to colleges.” “Teachers?” I asked a bit surprised, “it’s not just math?” “No Bella, now go on so you won’t miss your lunch. If you went through that paper well, you would see the other subjects that you would be taking him.” Miss Sanders dismissed me and I walked out of the classroom in a daze, with the paper still in my hand. I would be tutoring Samuel? That is like my worst nightmare ever! Why not someone like Jason, our school’s quarterback and golden boy! Why would I not be given my crush to tutor? Well duh, that is because he is already good at everything. Should my grades slip today, he would be the next valedictorian and that is why I work really hard to maintain my grades. “You look like you just encountered a ghost, what’s up?” I heard fingers snapping in my face and I zoned back into my environment. I’d just gotten to the doors of the cafeteria and Ruby my best friend was standing in front of me looking like she expects me to say something. “What?” I asked and she shook her head and pulled me by my hand. “God you are so dumb and clueless sometimes Belle,” she chuckled as we navigated through the crowd to join the queue so we could buy our lunch. Unlike other schools, my school’s cafeteria sells the best food ever. The cafeteria was more rowdy than before, that is because of the basketball game that is going to happen later tonight, a game that Ruby was already yapping my head off about. “We are so going to go right Belle?” She asked excitedly as she was paying for our foods. I rolled my eyes and muttered something like “you wish,” but not to her hearing. Some cheerleaders did a mini performance on top of tables in the middle of the cafeteria and I rolled my eyes again in disgust. “I honestly don’t know what is the big deal about this game that is causing this amount of chaos.” Ruby dramatically gasped beside me and wagged her fingers in my face as we slid into our usual seats in the cafeteria. “Don’t you dare say that again Aubrielle Marie Juan! Whatever you mean by that statement!” Ruby huffed and I tried to hold back another eye roll so as not to provoke her further. “Do you see the football team going crazy every time they have a game?” “Excuse me? The football team have not been champions four years in a row, just stop making excuses for your boyfriend’s team, still doesn’t make them the best rival.” I blushed heavily when she mentioned boyfriend. “Stop it, I don’t have a boyfriend,” I whispered harshly and she smirked. “Swear you don’t like it when I call him that.” “Call who what?” A new voice asked as he pulled the chair beside me to sit on. I turned and paused with my burger midway to my mouth. The subject of my torment today was sitting right beside me, I sighed deeply and dropped my burger back on my tray and closed my eyes. Dear lord, did I do something really bad to deserve this punishment from you? “What is wrong with her?” I heard him ask again and opened my eyes right on time to see Ruby looking at me with a weird look. “Man I don’t know.” I picked up my burger again and regarded Samuel skeptically. “What are you doing here?” “What do you mean what am I doing here? I came to see my little favorite tutor of course!” “Tutor?” Ruby asked confused, looking back and forth at the both of us I heard gasps from around us and turned to see that everyone in the cafeteria had their full attention on my table. Of course! It’s not everyday that you see the school’s bad boy with the school’s nerdiest nerd. Whispers were already going around and I could not imagine how messed up my life would be now. “What do you mean by that?” “Oh stop playing dumb, I know miss Sanders already gave you your assignment.” I picked up my burger again and this boy stole from my fries, I shot him a glare and he winked back. God! How is he so attractive? Something stirred in my stomach. Uh-huh, am I getting the butterfly effect just because this boy winked at me? “So what do you say?” “I have nothing to say to you, could you please go? The entire school is focusing on this table because of you.” “Ahh, you are uncomfortable with the attention.” He pulled his chair closer to mine and I could hear the gasps and whispers furiously going around. I looked at Ruby for help but she raised up her hands. “You didn’t even tell me that you got Sam for tutoring.” “I just got to know right before lunch, there was not much of a chance for me to talk to you since you kept going on about the game tonight.” “You girls are coming to the game?” “Absolutely not!” “Yes of course!!” Ruby and I chorused together and I gave her a look. “Well I am not going.” I said with finality. “Why?” “Belle is more of a football fan,” Ruby piped and gave me a smirk as I deadpanned at her. “You would rather watch boys hit themselves, fight and get dirty on grass than watch the smoothest sport ever?” Samuel asked and I ignored him by simply taking another bite of my burger and chewing slowly. “Well you will have to come to the game tonight.” I gave him another look and picked up my milkshake, slurping on it. “I don’t have to do anything you want, or go anywhere.” I pointed out. “Well, we have to fix our schedule and stuff. I’m busy right now because I have to prepare for the game, I’ll be free only after the game.” “So?” “So we have to start our tutor sessions soon! Coach said weekends should work better and after practice on some days.” “What!” I exclaimed and quickly reached for my bag, bringing out the paper Miss Sanders had given me and going through it properly now. “You want to take my weekends away from me?!” I yelled and instantly regretted it. “Just some couple of hours.” He shrugged and I felt like smacking him. “Belle, it’s not like we do much on weekends anyway. I even have a lot more to do than you on weekends.” Ruby cut in and I transferred my death glare at her. “Aren’t you supposed to be on my side?” “He’s a basketball player, you know I always put basketball first.” I stared at my supposed best friend in disgust and turned to face Samuel. “Fine, after the game then. But I promise if you waste my time Samuel Davidson, I’ll plead for your tutor to be changed.” He gave me a big grin that made me feel like I was about to be involved with trouble. “Call me Sam.” He winked and walked away from my table. I watched as he sauntered away and waved at people that called out to him. “Careful, your boyfriend might think you are suddenly pining after a basketball player and lose his feelings.” I flipped Ruby off and stood up from the table just as the bells for the next class rang.

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