For+y t₩o. My sweet Kennedy.

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Kennedy I walked near my new apartment. Detective Moore was standing in the stairwell arms crossed over his chest. " My son tells me you are staying with him now, thought you married that Howle guy?" He asked. Something about his misogynistic attitude rubbed me wrong. " I need to talk to you Starling. Seems you came to see me the other day, you left before I could question you. You know who my serial killer is don't you?" I shrugged. "Seems like- you- don't know him, I was just curious about the fingernails. Maybe there was DNA under them. That's all." I wasn't keen on telling him anything. I could see that it was a matter of time before they caught Orcas. They were closing in on him now. " Where were you last night, honey?" He asked me, as if-I-was the killer. "Daddy, leave her be. She was with me all night, right sweetheart?" Lucas lied for me, he was nothing like his dad at all. I hugged him. " We need to talk." I told him. Weston Moore shook his head as he turned to go. " You be careful gal, there's a killer out there." he left us then. I went through the door. Lucas checked me out all over. He touched my face, running his long nail over my eye scar gently. " Did she hurt you?" He asked, knowing about my fight with June somehow. I shook my head. I told him about her friends and what Gus told me about Douglas. I asked Luke to hold me. I was shaking now. He held me, but he was so cold himself and he smelled like alcohol. " I need to know all about your night." I said smiling now. " Well, nothing special. Just a few drinks with my friend." Before I could ask which friend, my phone rang. It was Orcas. I let it go to voice-mail. " Why are you avoiding your husband?" He asked me as he put a strand if my hair in his fingers and rubbed it. " He let me go. He is done with me." I said as I took Lucas' hand. " I want you to tell me about June, why is she acting like a vampire?" " I'm afraid she is not acting Kennedy. She is living as a vampire. I am going to go take care of her, she needs to be put down, so to speak." He said as he kissed my wrist. I didn't know he was sucking on my vein until I saw him swallowing. My IV puncture was now bleeding again. I felt very foggy. Like I was dreaming. He told me, "I love how you taste. Like a fine wine." I closed my eyes. It felt like I was high on narcotics or something. I began to moan. Lucas suddenly stopped and wiped his mouth. " Sorry, I got carried away. Kennedy I think I'm meant to be with you. Do you feel it too?" I didn't know what I felt. I was very groggy. " Lucas, I feel strange, like I'm on drugs." I couldn't keep my eyes open. " It's how I need you to be when I feed on you. Just keep looking into my eyes dear, we are one when you give yourself to me." I looked into those beautiful light purple eyes. Wait, did I give myself to him, or did he take me? "I can feel your heart beating. I am only taking what I need no more." He whispered. ******** Lucas I took her arm again, it was so sweet. I had to taste her again, just a bit more. I suckled on her wrist. I moaned this time, the feeling was orgasmic. I felt myself getting excited, hard. She was doing something to me now. She was showing me her body, making love with...with...Orcas? s**t, no. It should be me she wants right now. "Howle, touch me, show me how to please you." She said in her haze. I ended the connection and wrapped up her wrist. I would respect the boundaries I set up earlier, waiting for her life after Howle. She would be all mine then. I was a very patient man. My eye began to twitch. I felt a sting over my lid. I grabbed my eye, it was so sore. I saw then, her face. The scar over her eye was completely gone. I felt my face, there was a linear scar over my eye. I couldn't look at it as I had no mirrors in the apartment, not that it would do any good, I am a vampire. I walked past the window. I froze. For the first time in my life, I saw a reflection of myself. What the hell was happening. I rummaged through Kennedy's purse. I found a compact. I took a breath in. " Oh s**t, s**t, s**t!" I now had Kennedy's scar. I could see myself. I was very young looking, very Gothic. I needed to make a change. Dress fresher, not like a punk rock nerd. Something else. I felt warm. My fingers were warm now. I touched my neck, I had a f*****g pulse. Taking so much of Kennedy's blood was turning me...I couldn't hardly say it. Turning me mortal. I had no precedent for this. I wondered about her magic, is this what she could do? Turn a monster like me into a real man. I was so weird. I had feelings of empathy now. I went to her. Her scar was gone, her pulse weak, she was very cold. I took too much blood from her. I would have to rethink all of this, was it permanent? Kennedy blinked at me. " You look different, your eye." She closed her eyes and passed out. I panicked then. I wrapped her up and took her to my father's home. I hid her in my childhood room. I nursed her back to health over the next month. She was back to her sassy self and I was changing because of her. I cut my hair and grew a beard. I dressed as a man, not a young goth. She liked for me to tell her about clans and covens, lore, and tales of historic events. Wolves against vampires. I saw something else, her hair. It was almost white. The red curly strand in the front was now jet black. Perhaps she got that from me, but I didn't bite her, I refused to do that to her. It had to be her choice. My father came home in a rage. He was preparing a team to catch the moonlight serial killer. He knew the killer dumped the bodies in the cemetary. He didn't know where he met them. I believed it was at the bar, the Cave. I kept my mouth shut, for now. I hid Ken from him in my room, he never stayed long anyway. ********* Kennedy It was almost a full moon, I talked Lucas into taking me back to town. I wasn't quite myself anymore. I was strong now. The fight with June must have wiped me out. Lucas took good care of me, helped me heal, stronger than ever. We were best friends, but not lovers. I found the gun and wore my lycra suit and gloves lined with copper and silver. I put my hood up and left. Tonight the moon was very full, it was actually a blood moon. A good night to hunt my husband and end his murdering ways. ********** Rena Lucas was at the library, he must have had a ton of work to catch up on. I saw that he had returned, as I had been waiting. I couldn't believe the change in his looks. He looked very handsome, like a real man. He had a beard now. He also had a nasty scar over his eye, but it made him even more good looking, like rogue. I knocked on his open office door. " Hey Rena, come in please. Any word on Kennedy?" He asked me. That was my question for him, and where the hell had he been hiding?
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