S!×+y 2 June is back. Luke attacks her.

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Kennedy Monroe grinned, but I saw he was still in love with me. Luke saw it too. " Well, maybe we can do dinner this week then? Luke asked. He nodded and kissed my cheek goodbye. " Call me then." He said. *********** Lucas I could smell her perfume on Monroe, June was in this town. I wanted to find her first before Ken did. I would go out tonight and look for her. We drove to Kennedy's dad's place. It had a big wrap around deck and a huge tire swing in the front yard. I pictured my curly redhead in that swing. I walked behind her admiring her bounce. She made me hot for her just with her limping on her crutch. Arlo greeted us at the door. " Baby!" He hugged her, then looked at her leg. " Ah, June said you had broken your leg, I thought it would surely be healed by now." "Did you see June lately then?"Kennedy asked. He nodded. " She's comes and goes, come in let's talk." I held my wife's hand as we sat on a plaid sofa. " You look good Lucas." her father said. " I am married to Kennedy now. Orcas divorced her as he believed that he was going to prison for those horrible murders. I heard that he has since been released, exonerated. We love eachother. So, we got married and came here first to let you know the very good news?" Her father smiled, but looked uncomfortable with me, he knew that I was with June when she was a bit off the rails, he probably blamed me. I did cause that, I mean I bit the wrong girl. My fault. " Daddy, Luke is a librarian. He majored in ergonomics. He has excellent spatial awareness." I turned my head quickly to stare at her, not funny wife. Well it was kind if funny. She was putting me at ease. She intertwined her fingers with mine. " Tell my father about the history of Oakspring while I get some coffee going. Daddy, we are in a hotel nearby. Can we stay for dinner, or do you have plans?" She tried to stand up, I gave her beautiful full butt a shove to get her upright. She turned and her braid hit me in the face. " Sorry baby. Thanks for the help." She went to the kitchen. " Ok now that she's gone, tell me asshole what are your intentions for my daughter? I saw how you changed my girl June bug. I swear if you hurt her, I will take you down you fancy professor asshole!" " Daddy, cream and sugar?" Ken peeked around the corner to ask him. " No love, just black, thanks baby." He smiled calmly. I watched this man go from quiet manored father to mafia hit man. I was actually happy that he was so protective of her. " I love her. I want her happy." This was my only defense. He looked intently at me. "Promise me she won't change like my June bug did. We are finally repairing all of the damage done to our relationship." I could only repeat, "Sir, I am very much in deep love with your daughter, I'm sorry that we rushed our wedding, but I needed to protect her. Her husband asked me to. He divorced her as he did not want her pining after him while he served time. He was released though, so his loss I guess" " Son, you took her away so you didn't have to give her back right?" He was a smart man. " No, I love her, I left because my father was implicated in the murders, he was the local police detective. I didn't want that to effect my girl." My beautiful wife returned with the coffee. She had a glass of wine. I frowned seeing her take two pills out of her pocket and wash them down with the wine. " Can we not have wine and pain pills together, we talked about this." I asked her in front of her daddy. "My sister was here this morning, I see her clothes in the dryer, I went to grab a tea towel." She said drinking deeply. " Well pops, Luke and I have reservations. We need to be getting on, so thanks for the coffee and third degree, but I'm not staying here if she is here. You have no idea what she did to me. I will be forever scarred." As Kennedy spoke the words, June appeared in the doorway, she had been there all along. " Hello sister." June said. Kennedy put her head down and turned to me. " Go, go, go run please. Get me out of here, please please please, fast, fast, fast." She was petrified. " I thought I could see her, but I can't please don't let her get me again." I held her tight and backed out of the room. June took a step forward. I held up my hand to her. " No! Stop!" I commanded her. She stood still. She was actually crying. My wife yelled, " No! You don't get to cry. The things you did to me, your own sister. You don't get to be upset. Daddy how could you choose her over me?" He walked to her and took her from me. I ran to June and attacked her. I punched her so hard she fell back and landed on her back. She wasn't expecting me to react so strongly. I kicked her in the ribs several times. Monroe saw me and ran at me. He grabbed me and pulled me away from June. Kennedy watched and yelled at me," Kill it, don't let it near me, kill it Luke please." She couldn't see her sister anymore, just the vicious being she had become. " Stop Kennedy, I'm not an it, I'm your sister. Look at me, I'm her, I'm back. Your blood, it saved me Ken. Drinking all your blood saved me." Her father was aghast at hearing this. " You drank your sister's blood. When will it end June? I thought you put all those games behind you in Scotland?" He looked at Kennedy. " Go honey. Go to the hotel. I will call you later." He urged us to leave. June cried out," No, stay please. I need you Kennedy, please. I know I did stuff to you. I broke you, your leg. I'm sorry honey, really sorry, I swear." Kennedy moved away from the door and hurried outside. She passed out into my arms. I rushed her to the car. We drove away. ********* Kennedy I lost it seeing her there, I thought at our spot at the ice cream parlor that I could face her, forgive her. I thought of her as human then. All the pain, the beatings that I took, I was having PTSD, or so my love told me later when I woke up. He held me for hours and loved on me. I had lost so much. I lost my sister, my husband, my girl Rena. All I had left was my best friend and husband. He was enough. Our bond grew stronger. I wanted to be with him like this for eternity. " Do it now, change me, bite me. I want to be strong like you. I will be yours for eternity." My husband stroked my neck. He bit me then, he drank my blood. It was very intense. I felt all of his love cycling inside me. I was eternally his now. I lay back smiling. " Now, we are invincible, immortal." I asked for a mirror. He pulled out my compact. My eyes were the same, green. I didn't have the feelings of anger, hunger, lust that I expected, nor the insatiable s****l feelings. I looked at my man. " Well, now we know...you are mortal Luke."
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