N9nty 9. A new suitor for Kennedy.

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Kennedy I stood up and went out onto my balcony after Vega Rob fled. I was longing for Weston to hold me, make love to me. I was in a very, very bad way. I called my husband. " Oh, hey...how are you little bird?" He was sleeping. " I'm so sorry, I forgot the time change. I'll call back later, love you." I hung up quickly. He called me right back. " Spill it." He said yawning. " I'm having a rough time. Weston is haunting me. I am doomed, I think." I shuddered as if someone waltzed on my grave. " I love you so much." He yawned again. " I'm so sorry, I'm being an i***t. Let me call you in a few hours." He agreed. I looked at the sun rising in the east. I lost that vampire I tried to hire. He took off as a bat and flew right out the door. I was sure he would never be back again. Not after he learned my problems. I had to go to LA to meet Robby at the airport. I finished packing and left to go to my car. As I drove down the freeway, I thought about what June told me. It was just the vampire seduction, it wasn't real. I blindly reached into my purse and pulled out my phone. I called June. " Hey Ken, how's life?" She sounded a bit muffled. I asked her,"Am I interrupting something Bug?" " I'm here too, we were just having s*x Ken." yelled Douglas. I smiled. "Call me later then, sorry." I hung up. I felt very, very alone. It started to rain. It was really bad. I pulled over for gas and ran in to get a cup of coffee. As I stirred my cup, I heard a man talking to a woman. " You trust me completely, you will follow me." It was that guy, that Vega Rob joker. I paid for my coffee and gas and snuck out the door, hoping he didn't see me. He was sitting on my car when I got outside. Damn he was so fast. " Don't try to follow me, I'm not doing anything with you, you are like the black plague to me." He yelled down at me. I ignored him completely. He jumped down and went back to find that woman. His lunch maybe. Just then a loud truck came pulling into the gas station. A group of very tall men jumped out, all dressed like loggers in flannel and cowboy boots. They were laughing and joking around. As Vega Rob exited with the girl, one of the men recognized her, she was his sister. " What the hell are you doing with Mary Sue?" He bellowed. I quickly got into my car and started to drive away. They were slamming their fists into Rob, he was lying on the ground as they beat the hell out of him. I wondered why he didn't fight back. I then saw that he was getting very bloodied. The leader of the pack showed his canines, they were werewolves? I swung my car around and jumped out. " Robert, where did you go? Sorry fellas my brother is a bit mental, he let's his stomach lead him astray. Please forgive him, he will leave with me, we are just passing through, really. You all look like good boys, very good boys." I smiled at the wolf pack. I knew their kind. They released him to me. I nodded and walked backwards pulling Rob into my car. He lay back, breathing hard. " I could have taken them." He said between breaths. " A wolf pack can get into a blood lust very quickly, I know first hand. I was at a gala once when the whole crowd of wolves wanted my blood. My husband claimed me, that's the only reason I still live. It's not easy to fight them off, even for a lone vampire. Where can I drop you Rob?" He said,"You followed me here right?" " Oh, no I was getting gas then heading to the airport. So no, I wouldn't have been following you. I can see we are not compatable, I need a savvy body guard, not a thirsty i***t that can't even tell a wolf from a human." He looked sideways at me. " That's funny." He said. I pulled over. I waited for him to open his door. He sat up and put his seat belt on. "I'm not affraid of anything. I will take the job." He said as he rubbed his hair. "You...you took off as soon as I dropped my family's name, you freaked the hell out. So...no, I'm not interested anymore Rob. I can take care of my own problems, you my friend, you have worse problems than me it seems." He shook his head. "I will show you that I can protect you. If you would be so kind as to pull over and let me drink from your fine veins, I can recover more quickly." " I will give you a drink, but then you need to go home." I poked my thumb. He placed it into his mouth and suckled, closing his eyes. He made sucking noises and moaned. " Oh damn, damn girl, you taste devine. Oh damn." After my thumb was white and wet with his saliva, I felt those s****l stirings that vampire blood caused a woman. I fought it with all my being. I was not having s*x with this vampire. I didn't even like him, not one bit. He looked at me then. " Kiss me Kennedy Starling." He commanded. I slapped his smart mouth. He grabbed my neck and cut me. " Ouch, stop that!" I screamed at him. He began to really go at it drinking from my neck. I closed my mind off then and went into a resting state. His saliva made me very woozy and sleepy. He kept drinking. Finally when my heart was so very slow, he released me and threw me back against my seat. I saw his mouth covered in my blood and the nausea rose up. I leaned out the door and puked. That was it for me, I fell out onto the concrete road. He must have killed me. I felt my body floating up, up into the air. He was carrying me now. He placed me in the back seat and drove me to a hotel. When I woke up, he was forcing me to drink water. I had double vision. He had a heartbeat now. He was weakening his vampire immortality by taking so much of me. He felt something soft for me in his newly beating heart. " I'm feeling things, like real feelings, you weren't lying to me, you changed me Starling fu***** witch." " Rob, take my body to Scotland, Oaksprings, there's a...a...small cemetary...there." My eyes closed. ************ Vega Rob I could see she was losing her life's force. I actually felt bad, really bad. I never felt bad before, hell I never even felt anything before. I contacted the doctor that most Vampires use. He's extremely expensive, but I had a lot of money, money Birdy gave me. He arrived 15 minutes later, I gave him all of the money. That right there was proof that I wasn't a full vampire anymore. He smiled as he looked at the money. " You must love her very much then?" He smiled as he pumped Birdy full of IVs and iron. He gave her several infusions and a packet of blood. She began to stir. I smiled at her. She winced. " My head, it feels like a backwater werewolf stomped on on it during a bar fight."
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