Syx. Sometimes plans go awry...

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Orcas I was just making plans, I didn't even hear her talking, what the hell? She stutters pretty badly. I never heard her do this before. She must be nervous around me. I stood up and quickly stepped between her and the door. She stomped on my foot. " Ouch damn it!" I felt a snarl flare up on my lip as she sparked anger in me. I grabbed her arm and growled too. She was treading on thin ice. I felt my arm hairs stand on end, I felt myself turning. My eyes were feeling all swirly like they get when I get worked up. She wasn't even looking at me, she looked away. " I have been teased all my life for my speech. I don't handle it too well to be mocked, name is Kennedy, not Ken." When she said this, all my anger died down instantly. I saw her then as a small child being teased, tortured by mean boys. I took her shoulders and pulled her to me. " I'm sorry, that wasn't how it seemed. I was actually thinking of something else when you spoke, not laughing at you, truly Kennedy." " What were you thinking of?" She had to ask me that. " I was thinking of you and me together in that big castle going through all the old rooms and passageways, there must be some old, vintage furniture and antiques. I was feeling excited to see it all." I lied. She looked up at me and nodded. "Then you will come with me?" She asked. I didn't even have to talk her into it. It was like her idea. I smelled her unique scent as I held her. I leaned my head down to kiss her, poor girl. She grabbed my face and kissed me, hard. Again I wasn't expecting this from one such as her, innocent...virginal. " Mmmm"...she was moaning now, no actually that was me. I felt kind of dizzy, like she was sucking my power from me somehow. I felt my knees wobble a bit too. Her lips were made for kissing. It was very nice. I needed to remember who I was. I'm Howdy junior, not that...mmmm...nice. How? Howle, yes I'm Howle. I'm a powerful Lycan male that scares little red heads, making them run and scream. That's me. There I remembered. " Howle, I am not very good at this, but it feels right, do you feel it too?" I slowly nodded. I was all weak again, lost in her kisses. I don't get kissed, I'm the kisser. She did something then that brought me to my knees. She whispered to me. "You are a good boy, a very good boy." I actually fell to the ground then. It was like 5 little words that slayed me. My mother would tell me this as a boy. My father hated her for it. He would beat her when he heard it. My father was a very powerful Alpha. He was feared by all of my clan. Mostly by me. But momma would tell me my true nature. " You are a good boy." " Are you okay?" She asked me now, as if I could speak. Kennedy is like my mother. That's what she is, a lovely lady, like my mother was before he totally destroyed her. My father drove her to an untimely death. I would kill him, but he is just an old drunk now, he regretted what he did to my mother, but it was way too late. My poor mother died of a broken heart. Everyone knew it. Men should never treat their wives so poorly. I vowed that when I found my true mate, I would be loving, kind, a good boy to her. I am becoming overly devoted to this human girl with the red hair. She can never be my true mate. But I can stay with her a while, see if she can be useful to the clan by giving back the family jewels, the crest. She might be mad if she ever finds out my true motives. I am too emotional when the moon starts to rise. Tonight I will hunt those that killed my Serena. I will chase any of them down and rip them apart. Tonight is a good night to kill a vampire. ******* Kennedy. I never kissed a man like that before. He was overwhelmingly responsive. I just fell into it naturally. Strange, when I really have no experience at this sort of thing. I mean...I'm a nobody. I never thought I'd be here in Scotland living this kind of romantic life. I feel something happening to me, deep inside. I grabbed myself around my waist and held myself. I closed my eyes when I kissed him. I felt somehow compelled to tell him that he is good. Very good. I don't know if men like to hear this or not. But here goes..."You are a good boy, a very good boy." I saw him drop to his knees, he was holding his heart. I thought he might have realized that I had bad breath at first, maybe I made him repulsed by my tongue in his mouth. I guess it's gross. But it felt natural. I bit my fingernail waiting for him to speak. He finally did. He said,"Mother." So...kissing me is like kissing your mother, I thought...damn. I am that bad. I started to panick, I had to get the heck out of there. I kind of stumbled back. I put my hands into my hair, something I did as a child when I was nervous. I twisted my curls around my fingers. I turned to run away. He was very fast, I didn't even see him stand up, let alone grab me by my waist. He pulled me towards him and said, "No, you need to stay now." Crap, this felt like a Ted Bundy type of sitch. I shook my head. "Well, I just need to go get my pills, you know can't have s*x without them." Damn why did I say that, I should have said for my STD. Orcas smiled. He had this creepy look on his face, he squeezed my ribs with his arms. I was feeling suffocated. He squeezed me too tight. It grew very uncomfortable. I was feeling crushed by him. " Baby, now you should let go just a little, you know I need to have air in my lungs, not much ...but just a little. That's got it. I will take a breath now." I breathed in and out real slow. I felt him relax against me. My natural instinct was that my life was in danger, but since I decided I didn't really care that much about my life right now, or did I decide that. I couldn't think. I let out a very tiny involuntary whimper. I didn't mean too, but my ribs were on fire from his arm around me. He suddenly let me go. I fell to the floor, panting for air. " Sorry." He said as he looked at me from above. His brown eyes looked all swirly again. I smiled awkwardly. The look on his face was like he wanted to hurt me. But then he changed, just like that. Now, I am not so stupid that I would think that this was normal after kissing one such as me, a total novice. In fact it felt very wrong. This man could be extremely dangerous. I should be leary. I should run like hell. I should...shouldn't I? He helped me up and turned me towards him. " I want you. Like a man wants a woman. I think you want me too right?" He nodded at me. I think I was shaking my head no. But then he took his hand and pushed my head up and down. " Orcas, I hhh..have nev..never been wwww...with a" Damn, I shut my mouth, vowing not to say another f*cking word. He pet my head. Like a dog or cat. Maybe a kitten. He said," I am not just a man red." Yikes!
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