Six+y 9. Lucas fights his mother.

1380 Words
Howle " I did it to protect you, I wanted Lucas to protect you, but when I was released from jail, I looked for you here, I wanted to take it all back. I shouldn't have divorced you. I found these letters. Kennedy, I hurt you badly. For that, I am very sorry." She removed her gown, pulling it down over her breasts and exposing herself to me. Her n*****s were hard, her breasts large and inviting and she knew it too. I promised myself I wouldn't touch her again until she was completely healed. I didn't want her to feel like I was taking advantage of her weakend state. " Make love to me now." She demanded. I shuddered. Powerless to her charms. I leaned in to kiss her. ********* Suddenly it felt as though the entire castle shifted. A loud commotion came from down the hall. I set Kennedy down and told her to stay hidden. Something was very wrong. I locked her in her hidden room. She screamed and clawed at the door, angrily. " Let me out!" I shifted into my wolf and ran to the noise. Kennedy's room was destroyed. There was rubble and bricks everywhere. Whatever had hit the castle, only seemed to hit her chambers. I was alarmed. "Lucas!" He had been here in this room. I smelled his blood, but could not find him amongst the mess. Kennedy's door was blown off the hinges. I smelled vampire. Daphne. It must have been her. I searched outside, following the trail of blood, Lucas' blood. I turned into my beast and ran into the wind, following them. *********** Lucas I had been resting in my wife's bed when the door suddenly burst open. My mother stood there, angry as hell. I jumped out of bed, she wasn't finished. She flew into a rage, destroying the room with her powerful anger. She did not understand that I was quite human now and had lost my powers. She slashed violently at me, opening my chest with her sharp nails. I cried out in pain. " Mother, no!" I yelled. We fought eachother as she searched for my wife. I would never let her have my wife again. She could see that I was injured, mortally. I lay dying on the stone floor amidst the rubble. I saw her stop in the middle of her hurricane of destruction. She knelt in front of me. " Son. You have no powers at all then?" She seemed shocked by my injuries not healing quickly as they would if I still had my powers of immortality. " No, I am human. I am a man. Mother, leave me. I don't want to go back to being immortal. Let me die, please mother." I lost a lot of blood. I was losing consciousness. I was dying. ************* Daphne " Oh son, no. I'm sorry... not you. I can't let you die. I thought I could, but you are my son, my only son." All of the rage left me as I bent over and bit his neck. I had no choice, I turned him back into a vampire. He was dead. I hoped it wasn't too late. I picked him up and rushed him home. He had to live. What had I done? I couldn't let him die from my furry. I was no better than his father. I had been given the gift of humanity from Kennedy's blood, but I wanted more. Once she was taken from me, I felt my immortality, my coldness returned to me. I did not know that I had to actually bite her, not just open her veins with my sharp nails to try to turn her to complete the process. I needed to bring my son back to me, somehow..... ********* Kennedy I was screaming and shouting for help to get out, I knew something bad had happened. I tried to use my powers to open the door, I was too weak. I lay on the floor and covered my face with my arm, thinking. About a half an hour later, Howle returned and released me. He told me,"I think Daphne attacked Lucas, I'm so sorry honey, there is so much blood." I stood up and ran to my room, seeing all of the blood I could see that Howle was telling the truth. Lucas was mortal, he wouldn't survive this much blood loss. I dropped to my knees then. My heart was broken. My love was gone, torn from my life, forever. I cried and screamed. Howle turned himself into his wolf Clover and let me cry all over him. I melted on top of him. Rena came an hour later and took over. Clover shot out of the door. " Rena, he's gone. My husband is dead. What will I do without my Luke?" I knew him. I loved him, my mind knew he was my everything, my sweet vampire turned human, for me. He did everything for me. The pain was so intense that I fell asleep in Rena's arms. She gave me great comfort. For the next few weeks Rena stayed with me, caring for me. We took a long walks along the shoreline. She held my hand and pulled me along, I just wanted to die. *********** Howle I was searching for Daphne. I wanted her to pay for killing Lucas. I admit that I was in a rage. I even went to the prison and spoke to Weston Moore. " I need to talk to you." I sat across from him as he sat in a solitary cell. " You ruined my life, you can rot in hell Howle before I give you anything!" He bellowed. I played the tape that Douglas had made of Daphne and Kennedy. He stood up and grabbed the bars. " Give that to my lawyer, I will kill her myself!" I nodded. "We've been fighting for so long Moore, it's time to move on, don't you think?" Weston looked into my eyes. " I believe we were both duped. I am willing to admit that much." He said, sitting back down. I left him and drove to his lawyer's office, dropping off the tape. Weston was released the following week. Everyone was now looking for Daphne. I went back to Starling castle. She was ready for me to love her now, Rena had told me to come. Plus Rena needed a break. When I entered the room, Kennedy ran into my arms. " I missed you Orcas. Did you find out anything?" She looked tired, worn out. I shook my head. She cried on my shoulder. " Red, we will find Daphne. Weston was released from prison, he wants her more than anyone, he will find out where she is hiding, make her pay." She began to kiss me, she pulled my shirt off and touched my chest, feeling my three clovers marks. " Love me, make me forget everything please." She was crying so hard, my chest was all wet. " Oh honey. I know it hurts so bad." I carried her to her bed, throwing back the covers and placing her between the sheets, alone. " Rest my love, you need time." It took everything in me to leave her alone, I wanted her very badly. Rena told me she also had refused her advances, feeling it wasn't time. Ken needed to heal. The next morning, Kennedy was in my bed. She had come to me in the middle of the night, she couldn't be alone. I felt her hands on my body as she pressed herself against me. I looked into her soft eyes. Her lashes were incredibly long and sexy. I leaned into her and took her mouth. I love this woman more than anything. " Red, will you consider marrying me again. I mean...I never stopped loving you." She nodded. "After the funeral, I will agree to an engagement with you. I wouldn't get through any of this without you and Rena." I lay on top of her warm body then. " I will take care of you and we will always keep Lucas in our hearts, I am sorry he is gone love, I truly am."
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