s!xty 5. Looking for a stolen wife.

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Kennedy Daphne wants my blood very badly and can't seem to wait much longer, judging by the pacing and licking of her lips. She stopped at a hotel and tied me to this fleabag bed. I feel groggy, my mind is foggy. She is waiting for the drugs she injected into my body to wear off before she consumes my blood. She made me drink a ton of water. I need to pee very badly. She doesn't care. I know it is over for me, she wants every drop of my blood. She plans to keep me as her ready made meal source. I feel doomed. I had to pee really bad, I felt myself release into the bed. I closed my eyes and cried. My Luke, I miss my husband, we are so in love now. He is probably searching for me. I'm here my love, please come, hurry before she wipes you from my mind. ********** Luke I was searching everywhere. I went to the police again, they had no leads. They took a report, but told me since she is an adult, they can't do much. I was desperate, so I called the only one who loved her as much as I did, Orcas Howle. " Orcas, I need you, where are you?" I asked him, hoping he was in the US, like I believed he was. I knew I would be if our roles were reversed. He said,"Jackpot Nevada. My wife was here a few months back, where might she be now vampire?" He sounded menacing. " I don't know, my mother kidnapped her. I...I need you. We are in Florida. Catch a flight and meet me in Miami. Hurry please, I fear the worst." I desperately turned to Orcas for help, I lost my supernatural powers, I need someone who is a good tracker. I feel useless. Orcas and Rena are the best trackers I know. I know I might lose her to Orcas, but my mother would surely drain her dry if he doesn't find her first. ********** Rena " Do you think he's telling the truth?" I wanted to leave now, I have to find her. I was frantic to see her again. My brother felt the same way. " I will find her and kill these Moores once and for all, Lucas included." He said sourly. I shook my head. Luke was protecting her like Orcas had asked him to do, he was innocent, he was one of the good guys. We packed our things and purchased two tickets for Miami, we checked out and drove to the airport. I made a quick call to check on my Robby, he was staying at Starling castle with Douglas, they had become friends. Orcas was driving irratically, his fingers were impatiently tapping the dashboard. " F*** Rena, make them hurry the hell up!" He growled at drivers ahead of him. We made it to the airport and caught our flight. I remembered the first time I met Kennedy. It was on a plane. I treated her like crap. I wasn't very smart back then. She was so cute. I dismissed her as a shallow, dumb human. She was the best human I ever met. My eyes were full of tears. Orcas was rubbing his brow, a sure sign he was agitated. He squeezed my hand. " How do I get her back. I accused her of cheating, but she never did anything behind my back. It was an excuse. I thought I was going to prison for life." He said, thinking about what he would say to her. I kept silent, I was being supportive, but I wanted her back too. She was all sweetness and loving. I love her. I know I blew it by ignoring her texts when I was supporting Orcas. I should have told her how I really feel. When I find her, I will never let her go again. She better be alive. ********** Orcas We landed in the heat of the day. It was sweltering. I saw Luke sitting in a big SUV waiting in the pick up lot. His hair was lighter, he looked very human now. I was going to interrogate him, then kill that damn vampire. " Hey, Orcas, Rena. Let's go. My f*****g mother kidnapped her. I've looked everywhere. I don't know what to do, I need her back." He drove us to a motel in town, he was shaking he was so upset. On a closer look, he looked very bad, his hair was a mess, his eyes were red from crying. He looked lost. " Why don't you use your vampire s**t to track her down, you two got the mind thing right?" I asked him angrily. I was so pissed at him, at myself. "I'm, Oh I'm not...well. I'm human now, I think." He said it so quietly I barely heard him. " What?" I barked at him. Rena took my arm. " He's human he says." She looked at him, she felt sorry for the Fucker. I did not. Lucas nodded and opened the motel room door, holding the door for us. I grabbed his shirt and held him up. His eyes were no longer violet, they were brown, normal. He did not hiss or fight me. I sniffed him. He smelled...well human. " How is this possible Moore?" I dropped him. He was pathetic. He landed on the floor. " I bit her. Instead of me turning her, she turned me. I can't explain it, but slowly I lost all of my powers. I'm a useless ex vampire now." He got off the floor and put his hands into his pockets and walked down the road, he was distraught. He looked utterly defeated. Rena ran after him and stopped him. He looked at her. "When you find her, tell her I'm sorry. I can't protect her anymore. I am a failure." He wiped his eyes. I watched this normal looking man walk away in defeat. I let go of my rage towards him. Rena brought him back to our room. She hugged him. I know that I had made that deal with him, asking him to love her. I wanted this, he was doing my bidding, not his own. Of course he would fall in love with my little red. Rena made him sit on the bed in front of me, so I could question him. " Where do you think she is Moore?" I asked him cordially. " Not far, mother wants her blood, she wants to be human again. I tried to call her, no answer." " Your mother will pay for everything, are you aware she set your father up, she killed my mate Serena, she is responsible for everything?" He looked me in the eyes, "No, but I'm not surprised, she hated him for turning her into a vampire." I then made plans to track her. I asked Lucas for a clothing item of hers. I also smelled their s*x. He gave me a delicate knit sweater she had been wearing. I smelled her perfume, her essence. I closed my eyes and transformed into Clover. I ran into the night air. The wind was guiding my nose. I was onto her. ******** Lucas I was wringing my hands. Pacing the dirty green carpet. Rena flopped on the bed and held her hand out to me. "Come, let me hold you honey." I lay with her. She wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me tight. " All that pacing was making me agitated, come lay here and tell me about my girl Kennedy. How has she been, did she ask about me?" I looked into Rena's eyes. She loved my wife too. I saw her face soften when she spoke of her. " Rena, she is very special. When Orcas brings her home to us, she will surely want to see you. Kennedy forgives easily, more than most." I saw Rena become a little girl, the damn burst and she began to sob into my chest, soaking my shirt. " I have thought of nothing else but my girl, I am trying to be brave, to support my brother, but I'm just a girl that loves another girl. She could love us both couldn't she?" I nodded and stroked her long black hair. It was soft and shiney. I could see her appeal to Kennedy. " Rena, do you think Howle will kill me to get me out of his way now?" " Lucas, I think he will marry you if Kennedy wants that. He is a good lycan, he is the best I know."
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