N9nty 7. Starting my travels.

1385 Words
Kennedy " Are you asking me why I am not with them, or why I didn't tell you about my love life?" I heard him growl. " Neither, it's not my business, you are right. I won't ask you again. I'm just...thousands of miles away from you, and I miss you like crazy wife." I knew Howle was a better choice for me than Weston Moore. I made the right decision to come to America and try to distance myself from his seductive pull in my dreams. It worked I hadn't had one dream about us in weeks, well except last night. " Howle, I broke up with them to let them be together. I'm no good at handling sophisticated romances. I'm a simple girl from Oregon. I think I'm staying here for a bit. Since I left, I don't have those dreams we talked about. It's very nice." " I just want you happy." He said relieved that I wasn't in my dark moods. " I'm going to travel a bit, see my country. Daddy will fly back to the castle to take over. Please don't worry. I'm not staying forever." I figured he would be mad and cuss and yell, to my surprise he said,"Good. I don't want you here now, the Alpha is dying. There is chaos and fighting among clan members. Rena is pushing me to run for Alpha against her ex. I'm not interested in that, but you know me. I am like you, I want to do what's right for my people. Oh, Kennedy. I wish you were in my office right now, I would lay you over my desk and plow my anxiety right into your backside." I smiled. "Don't worry, I will be home in a few months or so. You would make a very good leader my love, I think Rena is right." He groaned. " It's really for the best that you are not here now. I have much to consider. But you are coming home for the birth of your new sister right?" I shook my head and said,"Probably not. Howle, I need to find out who I really am. I can't just be a daughter, sister, wife, or a girl that had red hair and owns a castle. I need to find out who I am, what is my purpose?" I could tell he disagreed with my words, but he was quiet. " You are mine." I smiled. " I am." He sighed. "Don't forget about me, I might be traveling to the old country to deal with this lycan business. At least you will be safer out of the country. Call me every day please and Kennedy, you are very important here, to me and the others. Maybe that is your purpose, to love and be loved. I love you so much." We ended our call. Daddy looked at me now. " You didn't tell him about your nightmare Ken?" he knew me. " No daddy, and I'm sorry that I woke you last night. I didn't want to upset him. Me dying at the hands of Weston isn't a dream that I want to share with my husband who is thousands of miles away." It had been weeks since I had those dreams, why now? My dad put his arm around me. " I have something for you." He grinned as he handed me an old book. 50 Ways to kill a Vampire. I smiled. " Sunlight, garlic, stake through the heart kind of book daddy?" He shook his head. " I found this in grandma Adele's apartment. I think you need to read this. It's more like a medical book or something. It explains the anatomy of a vampire. I want you to have these too." He gave me a very small Derringer. It had pearl handle. The small gun looked so cute. Then he gave me the wooden bullets. " These are silver tip wooden bullets. I didn't know why grandma had them back then, but now I understand. She was fearful of her life in Scotland as a decendant of witches. Keep them honey, they are yours." I put them in my purse. I was leaving for Death valley California tomorrow. I had a friend there. A bit eccentric, but I wanted some answers about my powers and she was a Wiccan. I packed all my things. We cleared out the house, it was bitter sweat to move on from my family home. I went to my mother's grave after dinner. Daddy tagged along. We put flowers on her grave. " Well mommy, we are moving on. We will be back to visit someday. I love you, June does too. And mother, we are back to being friends again. So...there is that. Anyway...I have a new sister coming, watch over her please. Daddy needs a bit of help with Vanessa." He smiled, holding his hat. " I love you, you were the best wife ever. Goodbye love." He walked away, wiping his eyes. " Mom, watch over my loves in Scotland please. Howle, Rena, and Lucas. They are my heart mother, yes all three of them." I could hear her laughing somewhere. We drove to the hotel. I took his Subaru all wheel drive and would use it on my journeys. In the morning I took him to the private jet and drove to the freeway. I drove for hours before stopping for gas. It was quite freeing to be on my own for the first time, alone. I made good time and entered California by nightfall. I stopped at a casino in Northern California, it was all lit up and seemed safe. I got a single room and layed down on the soft bed. My phone rang. " Hey, are you catching the flight back with your dad?" Robby asked me. " No, I'm staying here a while, what are you doing?" " Can I come with you? My mother is moving in with Lucas this weekend, I hate her. She's such a betraying bitch." He grumbled. I laughed. " I don't feel betrayed Robby. But yes, if you want to meet me in LA. I'm going there next. I will pick you up at the airport." I think Robby is an excellent travel companion. I don't know why I didn't think of him before. I pushed all thoughts of my ex lovers away. I was on my own, for now. He made flight arrangements, he would take the jet once daddy got home with it. I stood up and got showered. I was starving so I went down stairs to the casino and followed my nose to the restaurants. I couldn't believe the amount of food here, it was a full buffet. I ate too much. I couldn't go to bed this way, so I walked around the casino. A waitress offered me a drink, so I started to play a bit while I waited for my drink. I was having a blast. I never knew gambling could be so relaxing. My mind was totally blank, I had no worldly issues. I booked another night. I would stay here and zone out for a bit. I was having a blast winning and drinking. A man was watching me with one brow up. " You should cash out while you are ahead. I have a You tube chanel on gambling." He handed me a rubber bracelet. Vega Rob. His chanel name. I thanked him. " Well, why don't we film together?" He sat next to me. I shook my head. " I'm on the lam. I'm hiding out. Can't be on social media, sorry Rob." I turned to add more money. He began to record a video across from me. I got up and cashed out. I didn't want to be exposed in this way. He stood up and came after me. " Sorry, I didnt mean to upset you, red." He said. " I'm not red, you can call me birdy." I smiled. Howle called me Red, or little bird. Moore called me love bird, Rena called me her b***h. I think I was almost drunk now. I turned to go to my room. Vega Rob put his hand on my arm. He bared his fangs.
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