8ight. Calling daddy, meeting Clover.

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Kennedy I promised to call daddy, so I dialed him now. " Hi daddy, I'm all settled in Oaksprings at Starling castle. Do you have time to talk dad?" My dad had been keeping to himself for a while, since mom and grandma died, I never knew if he wanted to talk. " Ah, yes. You found grandma's old castle, she promised to take me there someday, but we never made the trip. I assumed it was decrepit and torn down by now." I wondered if he had been drinking, his words were a bit slurred. " Daddy, this place is freaking awesome. It's very well kept. I'm going to make arrangements for you and bug to come out here and see all of this. Daddy...have you been drinking?" I threw that in there at the end, I wasn't accusing him, rather just being curious, and worried. " I have, yes and to tell the truth quite a lot dear daughter so astute you are." I was determined to get him here more than ever. " I will talk to bug and see when she can come. Daddy, stop drinking and go to see a shrink please. I really can't lose both my parents. Please daddy, for me?" I almost lost it as we said goodbye, I mean it was true. " Yes, I will. Goodnight baby girl. Or morning, I'm not really sure anymore." He hung the phone up, I felt sad and a bit angry that he sent me here, alone. I looked into the closet and found a long black wool coat. It buttoned up to my neck and had a cool hood that covered all my curls. There were so many vintage clothes in these closets, I was enamored with this whole place. But I was ready to scream and didn't want to upset the staff, or the ghost that I am sure haunt my new home. I stepped out the back door, yes I had my own private entrance. I was greeted by two huge stone gargoyles that seemed to guard my exit. I smiled and pet them playfully. "Good boys." I followed the path to the green stretch of land that went on for a good mile. I flung off that hot coat and ran, I ran in the wind. My hair whipped all around me, I must have looked like a banshee. I didn't care. When I saw the blue sky meet the blue water of the ocean I gasped. It was magical, it was the most beautiful view I ever saw. The rocks below were very craggy, I couldn't see a way down to the shore, so I settled for a seat at the cliff's edge. Finally the sun blessed me with her rays. I removed my shirt and rolled up my pants and sat there in my bra and pants. I leaned back onto my arms and soaked up that glorious warm sun. I pushed all thoughts of daddy's sorrow away. After about an hour I saw a very large grey dog? It was sniffing the rocks below. It raised it's head and looked right at me. My heart felt like it was pounding out of my chest. I couldn't believe it. It was a huge, magnificent wolf. It had to be. The weird thing is, it looked at me with such familiarity. I have never seen a wolf in my life, except zoo's and TV. I watched her as she made her way easily over the rocks below. I could see a spattering of white hair on her chest, it was in the shape of a clover. I mean she was absolutely gorgeous. She seemed to lose interest in me, so I lay back into the lush carpet below me and sighed. I felt a connection to this place. This land and these new dreams that were on my mind. I am going to be very happy here. I just know it. I had a flash of children running around and laughing. Perhaps a husband to love and share a life with. My mind was lulled to quietness as I drifted off in the warmth of the sun. When I opened my eyes, I blinked several times. She came to me, she was laying next to me now, that big wolf dog? She was not even looking at me, just watching the water below as she lay close enough to touch my sun kissed arm. I was so excited, I wasn't thinking about her hurting me, I was just laying still. I closed my eyes and moved a tiny bit. My arm touched her paw. I held her paw. Then she actually licked me. I smiled. I turned towards her, my necklace with my ruby fobbed key slid with me as I did and she got spooked and jumped back. I lay on my stomach and spoke to her. " I'm sorry I spooked you girl." She raised up and growled fiercely at me. Still I was not affraid, not much anyway, I mean respect the danger right? Then I saw the error of my ways. She was actually a he, and that clover patch on his chest was still very inviting. My fingers moved of their own accord to stroke it, it looked soft as sheeps wool. I didn't look at him, I just reached out and touched his chest, stroking it with my long fingernails. He seemed to relax now. I decided to look at him, since I knew this must just all be a very realistic dream anyway. I turned my head slowly. His eyes were human like, deep brown, chocolaty even. I winked at him. He didn't wink back. He started to pant at my touch. His mouth opened and that long tongue hung out. He was very slobbery. He lay his head down on my leg and I pet his head, scratching him all over. I was enjoying his reaction to me, then he rolled over. He exposed his belly to me, a sign of submission. I had big tears in my eyes now. They fell onto his head. I was moved by this creature and how he responded to my touch. I lay down next to him and hugged his head. " I needed this, needed you to come to me, I know it must be just a dream, but it is a beautiful one. You are magnificent Clover. Your chest, it has a clover on it, so I'm calling you this, but if you don't like it....tell me, what do I call you?" He sat up and licked my face, wiping all my tears away. I giggled making him jump up and move away. He stood looking at me and growled. He lowered his head as if he might attack me. I didn't think, I just acted. I lay on my back, exposing my stomach to him, submitting. If I'm dreaming then nothing matters, so I had no fear. I covered my face as I cried. I thought of my father's sorrow, I didn't want to, it just happened. I rolled into a ball away from this dream and cried, I must gave drifted off again, or changed dreams, I don't know, but that wolf dream was special. When I opened my eyes he was gone, but I now had my black wool coat over me. How did that happen, I chucked that thing off a long ways back. I felt embarrased now. Gus must have seen me this way and covered me up. I put my shirt on and rolled down my pant legs. The sun was gone, covered by grey clouds. I felt cool rain falling on my face. It was time to go back. I put my hood up and walked back to my castle, Starling castle.
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