Chapter 1-1

2194 Words

Chapter 1Jan 12 Of all the aggravations! Instead of getting my next poli-sci course with one of the established senior profs like I wanted, I’m stuck with some unknown. Apparently he’s new because no one seems to know a thing about him. He’s not even “doctor” yet, would you believe? Well, I suppose I just have to make the best of it. I need the course since I can’t move on to the upper division classes in my major until I have it. I’m also disappointed in other ways. Here it is, my fourth semester of college and nothing has changed. Frat boys are just that…still boys. For them, foreplay is little more than saying, “Get in the back seat, babe, and let’s do it.” I’m no closer to fulfillment than I was the night of the senior prom, playing slap and tickle with Jared Johnston in the back of

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