
1437 Words
A few weeks later... Dominic was going crazy, it's been two weeks since Elizabeth was taken by Wingston's guards. His heart hurt from how easy she was taken, none of his guards had been able to find her. Tomorrow was his coronation and he didn't want to go. Not without Elizabeth, he didn't know how but for some reason she filled the hole he was missing inside him. A knock came at his door, clearing his throat, as he stared out the window. "Come in." The door opened and Edward stepped inside, with his suit in his hands, "I'm sorry to disturb you, Prince Dominic but I have your suit here. Please try it on." Dominic sighed, he stepped away from the window, "Thank you, Edward, any news yet?" Edward sadly shook his head, "No, I'm so sorry. They've advised they are still looking. It seems they've fallen off the face of the earth." Dominic felt that, he just hoped Elizabeth was doing okay. Who knows what King Adrian could do. "Do you think she is okay?" Dominic asked. "I think that Elizabeth is a strong woman and can handle herself well. She's probably already on a plan to escape," Edward replied. Dominic relaxed before heading to his bedroom with the suit, closing the door behind him. The dress he had gotten for Elizabeth was still hanging on the door. It was a beautiful green dress, that he knew she would love. He stripped into his suit once his body was bare, staring into the mirror next to him. His muscular body was on show, not to mention the tattoo of a bird on his upper left shoulder. Slipping on the white shirt, doing the buttons up before grabbing the jacket. He knew Elizabeth would love to see him in this suit. Tears pickled in his eyes at the thought of that. Meanwhile, Elizabeth was running, as fast as she could through the forest that was vast, spacious, and ancient. Its canopy was overshadowed by hazel, beech, and poplar, and the occasional beam of light that made its way through the canopy allowed for a medley of shrubs to claim the stony grounds below. Curving tree limbs clung to every tree, and a variety of flowers, which desperately tried to avoid the shadows, protruded from the otherwise unvarying lower level. A cacophony of sounds, most of which were critters, brightened up the forest and added to the sounds of the occasional sounds of breaking twigs beneath the feet of larger animals. She needed to make it back, as soon as possible just to see him again. It's all she thought about while she was with King Adrian, he wasn't anything like Dominic. He was far worse, he was mean to everyone even those who worked for him. In the clearing she could see the tents that Simon had set up, she was hoping Simon was out helping. Elizabeth looked back to make sure no one was following her, looking forward she saw the brown hair of Simon and his round glasses. "Simon" she called out. Simon looked over as he heard his name, "Elizabeth?" He asked as he stepped forward. Elizabeth halted her movements, smiling softly. "It's me." Simon couldn't help but smile, as he walked closer, "Let's get you to the castle, we've all missed you." Elizabeth smiled and stepped forward, she knew she looked horrible as her dress was torn in places not to mention the marks on her legs and feet. Simon gently led Elizabeth back to the castle. "Dominic has not stopped his guards from finding you, as soon as you were taken. He instantly told the guards to find you," Simon spoke. "Ever since I got there, I was trying to find ways to escape, lucky for me that came a few days ago," Elizabeth replied. "You've been running for two days?" Simon asked concern filling his face. "Yes, but I'm fine. I think the adrenaline helped," Elizabeth replied. Simon nodded, opening the door to the castle. Both of them stepped inside, polished braziers surrounding each of the eight basalt columns light up the entire throne hall and their light wraps the hall in a warm radiance. The paintings of angels and cherubs on the terraced ceiling dance in the flickering light while sculptures and stone effigies look down upon the mahogany floor of this glorious hall. A sapphire rug splits the entire room in half and is matched by the thinner ones on either side of the hall while swallowtail banners with gilded plumes drape from the walls. Between each banner hangs a small chandelier, a few of them have been lit and in turn illuminate the murals of legendary creatures below them. Immense, coloured glass windows are edged by draperies coloured the same sapphire as the banners. The curtains have been adorned with gilded linings and burnished corners. A massive gold staircase led towards the second story of the castle. While to their right, A pompous throne of mahogany sits atop a tall elevated platform and is adjoined by five similar, but undecorated seats for the royal highness' direct family. The throne is covered in hundreds of elaborate engravings and fixed on each of the rather slim feet is a jade petal. The broad pillows are a light cardinal and these too have been adorned with ornate tassels. Simon and Elizabeth headed up the stairs, towards the second story. She couldn't help but sigh as her feet touched the cool marbled ground. Elizabeth made her way to Dominic's room. Her chest was pounding as she was growing excited and nervous. As she stood in front of it, she curled her hand into a fist and gently knocked on the door. "Come in," Elizabeth wanted to cry as she heard his voice. His sweet and mellow voice that she adored. Elizabeth opened the door, seeing his back facing her. He was staring out the window, with a book of gardening in his hand. He wanted to feel more connected to her while she was gone. Dominic closed the book and slowly turned around, as soon as he saw her. The book fell from his hands. "Elizabeth?" He asked in disbelief, as he stepped forward. A stray tear fell from Elizabeth's eye, she went to wipe it away when Dominic did it for her. "Elizabeth," Tears welled in his eyes again as he held her cheeks. "You're here, you're okay." "Yes I'm here and I'm safe, I didn't give up Dominic," Elizabeth replied. Dominic instantly pulled her into a hug and held her. He couldn't believe it, she made it home on her own. He nuzzled his face into her hair, allowing him to smell the familiar scent of hers. Another knock came at the door causing them to pull away, "Come in," Dominic announced. The door opened to reveal Edward, his eyes widened as he saw Elizabeth. "Princess Elizabeth, Simon told me. How are you feeling?" He asked as he closed the door? "I'm a little dizzy but once I freshen up and eat. I should be fine. I wanted to see Dominic first," Elizabeth replied. "I'll get toby to fix you a bath and some food," Edward answered. "Thank you, Edward," Elizabeth replied. xxxxx Later that evening, Elizabeth was laying her head on Dominic's torso, as her hands gently soothed his arm while he soothed her back. "I was worried I wouldn't make it back to the castle in time," Elizabeth spoke. "Me too, I wouldn't want to do this without you," Dominic replied. Elizabeth looked up at Dominic halting her movements, "What?" She asked. "This is going to sound cliche and weird but with you, I feel complete. We haven't known each other much but in the time I've seen you and you've discovered who you truly are. My heart feels hole, knowing you were there with no one hurt as I couldn't do anything. You see Elizabeth, I have feelings for you and I want to show you off to the world," Dominic replied. Elizabeth couldn't help but tear up again, "Dominic, you are honestly the sweetest man I've ever met. My feelings for you are here, from the moment you took me to the garden for our picnic." Dominic sat up, smiling softly. His hand cupped the side of her cheek, the of them moved closer to each other, his hot breath was touching her lips. Her lips instantly connected with his, both of their eyes closed. His right hand moved to her hip keeping her in place, while hers wrapped around his neck bringing him closer.
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