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Over the next few days, Dominic would head over to the cottages. Helping out those who were still sick and getting to know Elizabeth some more, he didn’t want to tell her just yet. He didn’t want to scare her or have her family move her again. He also drew a liking towards her, being that she was everything he ever wanted in someone was crazy. Her spirit and compassion towards everyone, made him feel warm and glad to have met her. “Hey Elizabeth, I wanted to give you this,” Dominic spoke as she walked over to him. Handing her over an envelope with there royal seal which was a badger. She grabbed it gently with her hands, opening it slowly and gently not wanting to rip anything. Once she opened it, her eyes were drawn to the page as she read the letter she was just given. Coronation of his majesty Prince Dominic By command of the king and queen of Ashbourne and their most trusted advisor Edward. They invite you Elizabeth Jane Marie to be present at Ashbourne’s castle on the 4th of October Elizabeth couldn’t believe her eyes, did he really want her there at his coronation. “Are you sure?” She asked. “Of course I’m sure. Over these last few days, I’ve witnessed you care for everyone and I want my kingdom to know who you are,” he replied, smiling softly. “But I don’t have anything to wear,” she explained. “It will be sorted, it’s not for another few months anyway. We have plenty of time to find you a dress to wear, even if I have to travel to different towns to get you one that fits you like a queen,” he replied causing her to giggle at his words. ‘Me queen? Yeah right’ she thought to herself. The two of them helped out around the cottages before it got dark, a storm was brewing in. “Are your parents getting any better?” Dominic asked. “Unfortunately no, they seem to be getting worse every day. I don’t know what to do, I just have to hope that they will get better and will feel better,” Elizabeth replied as she sat on a log. Dominic followed and sat next to her, he could tell she generally cared about him. He didn’t know how she would go, finding out that she was kidnapped as a baby. “As crazy as it sounds, sometimes I look at them and wonder, how am I there child? I look nothing like them. Everyone always says I have the looks and graciousness of a princess,” she spoke. “Well sometimes people look different from there parents, maybe you don’t look like them because you resemble somebody from there past, like a great Aunt or great cousin,” Dominic replied looking at his hands. He wished he could just say it, but everyone has eyes and ears everywhere. He had to be certain before he even thinks about going to Shadowfen and telling them. “I guess, I just wonder sometimes like what if I wasn’t then where are my real parents,” Elizabeth spoke, her voice was so angelic. Dominic noticed Samuel was packing up for the evening, causing him to sigh. He really didn’t want this day to end. “Do you have to go back?” Elizabeth asked. “Unfortunately I do, how about tomorrow, while Samuel works with everyone here we go for a stroll through the royal garden, we have lots of roses,” Dominic replied. Elizabeth smiled as big as she could upon hearing that, “That would be amazing, thank you Dominic.” He said nothing but grasping her hand and brought it to his lips, giving it a nice kiss before standing up, Elizabeth followed. “Thank you both again for your help, it’s needed. Mostly everyone is getting better,” Elizabeth spoke. “You are welcome Elizabeth,” Samuel replied before walking back to the castle. “Meet me at the gate tomorrow by midday and we will take a stroll and maybe a picnic in the royal garden,” Dominic spoke. Elizabeth nodded, “Will do, thanks Dominic.” With that, he left to go back to his castle with Samuel ahead of him. Meanwhile a kingdom in the north known as Wingston as caught that the lost princess of Shadowfen has been found. Their king Adrian Bartley has always wanted a queen, maybe it was a chance he could grab her. She wouldn’t even see it coming nor would Prince Dominic. “Guards, I want you to start scouting each forest, I don’t care how long it takes until you find her and when you do, I don’t care how you bring her as long as she isn’t dead. If anyone tries to stop you, dispose of them. In ways you can’t imagine,” Adrian spoke. “Yes my lord,” the lead guard Arwen replied. Looking at his guard, he turned to them. “Let’s move out everyone, we will go by foot, we won’t rest or sleep until we find the missing princess and bring her here. You heard our lord. We can bring her here in any condition, if she fights you. Then you knock her out but do not kill her,” Arwen spoke. The guards nodded and began to move out, Arwen took one more look at his lord, giving him a small nod before following behind his men. Heading down the path and into the forest, they knew not to stop at nothing, even in someone broke there leg. They couldn’t stop. Elizabeth could feel the wind changing, she didn’t like the fact, that she could feel a storm coming, they didn’t have enough resources to help save everyone who was sick. She sighed as she laid down just outside her parents cottage. As much as she did care for them, the thoughts still were in her head. What if I’m not actually there’s What if I was someone different, am someone different
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