3 Prince Louis Is Here

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(One hour before the party) "Dear, where are you?" I looked down at the text message I sent to Joe 15 minutes ago. He didn't reply. "Claire, hurry up!" Olivia and her brother Kyle Lucchese were waiting for me. I looked down at my phone again, put it in my bag, and walked over to them. Forget it, he must be busy with something. I need to pretend that I don't know anything and show a surprised and moved expression when he takes out the diamond ring. I guess he must have hired a photographer to capture this important moment. I have to play my role well. After the car started moving, Kyle looked at me a few times in the rearview mirror. "Claire, I almost thought today was your wedding." Olivia and I exchanged a secret glance. Today is not my wedding, but it is a more important day than a wedding. "But you two should be careful about what you say and do today." "This party is for young people from various packs to gather and find our mates, right?" Olivia said. Kyle gave her a white eye. "It used to be, but today's party is a bit special. I heard that some special people are coming." "It's not the royal Lycans, is it?" Olivia shrugged. We looked at each other and laughed together. There are only a few royal Lycans. Except for a prince named Louis who has a bad reputation and has been living abroad for a long time, others do not like to attend parties. "Possible," Kyle said to us, "I heard that Prince Louis has recently returned to the country. Maybe he wants to participate in some public events to reduce his negative image?" Prince Louis is the next King of the royal family. His older brother, the previous king, suddenly died six months ago. The cause of his death has been kept secret by the royal family. All werewolves mourned the death of the young King. In the past six months, we have stopped almost all entertainment activities. Everyone is looking forward to today's party. It not only provides social opportunities for young people but also marks the recovery of the new normal entertainment life. "The royal family's affairs have nothing to do with us," Olivia said with a pout, "I only care about how Joe proposes to Claire." Olivia's brother raised his eyebrows and whistled at me. My face quietly turned red, and I quickly pulled Olivia's clothes hard, making her shut up. "Be confident, Claire," Kyle encouraged me, "You are as beautiful as the moon goddess today. It is Joe's lucky to be your boyfriend." "Thank you." I resisted the urge to raise my lips and thanked him. This is why I like to be with the Lucchese family. I can get respect, appreciation, and love from them, and those are the things that I have never been able to get from my real family. The villa where the party was held was not far from where we lived. When Kyle parked the car, Joe had already seen us. He strode towards us and took the initiative to open the car door for me. "You look beautiful today," he praised, but his gaze was fixed on the seat behind my back. "What are you looking for?" I asked suspiciously. "Cathy... I mean, didn't your sister come with you?" Joe finally looked at me, although his first sentence had nothing to do with me. My tone suddenly turned cold, "Joe, I thought you should know that my sister and I don't have a good relationship. She's coming with my father and stepmother. Why are you looking for her?" "Nothing. Your father asked your sister to learn to deal with pack affairs, I have a question to ask her." Joe awkwardly smiled, "You're too sensitive, Claire." "How can you talk to her like that?" Olivia turned around and glared at him. Joe innocently shrugged and tentatively said to me, "Shall we go to the party together?" "I will go with my friend," I pushed him aside and took Olivia's hand. I took a deep breath as I walked. I told myself I couldn't argue with him today. Maybe it was just a casual question, but I didn't want to hear anything about Cathy and my family. It was my scar, and I thought he should know that. "Joe? Oh, and Claire, you guys made it too." My father's voice came. I lowered my head, not wanting to see their happy faces in front of me. Joe's eyes lit up, and he went over to chat with my father and his family. He even hugged my stepmom and Cathy one by one, and Cathy held his arm after the hug was over. Noticing me watching them, Cathy made a face at me and mouthed, "Poor clown." "Just ignore them, Claire. Let's go," Olivia said to me. I forced a smile, and Kyle patted my shoulder to comfort me. Joe stood next to Cathy. Of course, he noticed Cathy's taunting of me, but he didn't say anything. This made me very uncomfortable. But we had been standing on the street for too long, and we had attracted the attention of other werewolves. I decided to go to the venue with Olivia first and have a good talk with Joe later about our attitude towards Cathy. He always wants to get on well with everyone. I think that's why he was so nice to my stepmother and stepsister. I admire this character of his. But it can also cause me distress sometimes. If we're going to be a family, I think I should keep him away from those two women. Well, enjoy the party first. I led Olivia through the rose-filled garden and into the spacious and bright banquet hall. Gorgeous crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling above us, and a revolving staircase led up to a VIP room on the second floor. Waiters walked back and forth in the venue, and a symphony orchestra played gentle accompaniments on the stage. Under the soft lighting, the scent of food and roses mixed together, reminding me of the first time my mother brought me to a party. I looked out the window at the rose garden at twilight, and the anger in my heart gradually subsided. Maybe we just lacked communication, I thought. We haven't had a heart-to-heart talk for a long time. Recently, Joe had been in contact with me less than usual, probably because he had been busy preparing for the proposal. I felt much better, and my face regained its usual smile. I looked around and saw that most of the guests had already arrived. I also saw several familiar Alphas and their Lunas. Many werewolves recognized me, and they came over, smiling, greeting me, hugging me, and complimenting my pretty dress, smooth wavy hair, and pretty figure. Some tall and handsome werewolves even tried to get my number, but I politely declined. I told them I had already found my mate. Those werewolves were very surprised but still congratulated me politely. Many werewolves also looked regretful. I noticed Cathy not far away, biting her teeth and glaring at me, jealous, as if she wanted to pounce on me and bite off my neck. "Long time no see, Claire. You look absolutely stunning today, just like your mother when she was young," A Luna, one of my mother's best friends before she passed away, said as she walked over to me. "I'm glad to see you, Mrs. Smith," I said warmly, embracing her. "You look charming as well, Mrs. Smith," Cathy walked over, pretending to be casual, and curtsied to her, trying to establish a good relationship with her. After all, Mrs. Smith's pack was both wealthy and powerful. However, Mrs. Smith just glanced at her, smiled, and said nothing. This made Cathy and my stepmother's expressions very unpleasant. I knew that Mrs. Smith never liked Cathy's mother, my stepmother Rachel Gambino, believing she was only a third party who disrupted my parents' marriage. So, she didn't have a good attitude towards Cathy, my father's illegitimate daughter, either, thinking that they were both lowly. "I'm relieved to see you're healthy, dear," Mrs. Smith quickly shifted her focus back to me, lovingly examining me as if Cathy didn't exist at all. I have to admit that Mrs. Smith's behavior made me feel much better. During our conversation, she told me that there would indeed be members of the royal family attending the banquet, which was why there were so many Alphas and Lunas present. "Did Prince Louis come as well?" I asked curiously, holding a glass of champagne. "Yes," Mrs. Smith replied confidently, raising her chin to gesture towards me. "Have you seen the VIP room on the second floor? He's meeting with the alphas from various packs in there." I looked up in surprise. I had noticed the room when I entered the banquet hall, but I thought the prince was in it. I carefully observed the room on the second floor again. Thick crimson curtains blocked my view, and I could vaguely sense a strong Lycan aura emanating from inside. Many alphas came and went, all showing respect. The atmosphere there was completely different from the relaxed atmosphere downstairs. Suddenly, my eyes widened. Because I saw my father, along with his family, but without me, being led by a waiter into that room. When Cathy went upstairs, she even took a glance at me. Upon seeing me standing at her, she grinned smugly. "See, you poor thing. I'm the daughter my father recognizes." She mouthed condescendingly to me.
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