Chapter 4: Solution

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“Captain what is the meaning of this I haven’t caused any trouble or do I have any conflict with you. So, I don’t understand my demotion to just being a desk working detective is it that you think I might get in your way somehow?” “Watch what you say detective because it might get you into trouble in my station, I don’t want you here and I can't fire you, this is my town and I will solve its problems, you don’t need to butt in,” said Hughes as he walked out the holding cell room. Leaving Samuel speechless, after his first encounter with the Captain. Samuel got stuck doing enough paperwork to bury a person alive, he had thought of working unnoticed by himself but discovered that some of his workmates were keeping an eye on him. “This guy is hell-bent on keeping a tight leash on me I have to bide my time and think on how I can overcome this, too bad no one here looks friendly they won't even let me take a piss without following me around,” said Samuel as he walked out of the station into his car. After picking up Linda and told her what occurred to him, he wasn’t surprised to see her all happy since in her logic it meant he won't have to go out and get killed which gave her less to worry about, and the fact that if he did anything to try and go against the Captain it will lead to them going back to the city which meant they would have their lives back. A week had passed by and still, Samuel could not manage to do a thing, and he could only know the things he was told in the radio news like how the number of Mental patients increased, disappearance, murders, and people moving out of the town. “This town is experiencing unthinkable things, the only thing I got to know when in the office is that crazy boy's name Kris Scoot, and he is already at the asylum and I can't go interview him since I'm being followed, darn Captain who is he backed up by to be able to prevent me from investigating this town even though he knows my origins from a powerful family And he won't even give me a proper reason why he is so determined to not let me investigate my brother's death and I have a feeling that all of this might be related to all the stuff happening in this town, ahh this is so depressing what should I do I can't keep staying here not doing a thing” said Samuel as he sat down on the white porch of his house Watching a family loading their bags in a blue van and driving away Samuel looked at the brown vehicle parked by the side of the road for the past week ever since he got shunned by Hughes “did I make a mistake by coming to this town perhaps my brother did commit suicide and I'm just here out of guilt for not having spent enough time with Gerald” sighed Samuel “Hey there Neighbor why so depressed while seated there,” said Darrell Looking to his side Samuel saw Darrell on the other side of the green hedge holding a six-pack of beers, they had unexpectedly formed a friendship only after a few days while talking about their problems to each other and Samuel found out that he was a kind person even though he had made some mistakes in life when he cheated on his wife ending the marriage. “want to have a drunk neighbor,” said Darrell jumping over the hedge causing him to trip and fall on the lawn, “ouch” Samuel dashed over offering him a hand to get up “you shouldn’t act like a teenager you know hahaha come let us sit inside the house,” said Samuel Getting into the house and Sitting down on the long stool on the kitchen counter as Samuel got inside and got a bag of chips and poured them in a bowl setting them on the counter and sat next to Darrel opening a canned Beer. Glug! Glug! Glug! “hahaha that hit the spot so what brings you here Darrel,” said Samuel “Nothing just felt bad for you when I looked at you sitting in front of the house all alone,” said Darrel “hmm thanks but I was just wondering how a town can become like this all gloomy and full of strange cases and the police won't even allow an investigation, this doesn’t make sense, and I'm thinking there is something more going on here than we can’t see on the surface and requires some digging up but I'm stuck on a dilemma on how I can achieve that since I’m prevented to do an investigation of my own” Watching Darrel eat the chips while talking “yeah neighbor that is a problem, I don’t know What's going on with the Captain too, he wasn’t like this before, I remember he was a man who loved his job and made sure justice was served but ever since the past few months he has been different and all the cases that keep occurring is like he doesn’t see them” “I didn’t know that tell me more,” said Samuel with a raised eyebrow “Well believe it or not Neighbor this small town used to be peaceful not peaceful as in quiet and gloomy but had a lot of visitors and creative people from musicians, painters, inventors and I believed the townsfolk to be favored by the universe because some inventions became famous in the whole town in days and even some professors created amazing formulas but ever since 4 months back, people just started dying, disappearing and committing suicide” Samuel had his eyes wide open from shock not from the death but by the fact that there could be such a high concentration of creative geniuses in a town “but why haven’t none of the famous inventors ever been heard of outside town” asked Samuel Shaking his head “I don’t know either compared to you I'm quite new to Neotown too only ahead of you in arriving here a year earlier all of this I'm telling you I found out by the guys I work with at the dog racing contests” said Darrel A light flashed in Samuel's eyes as an idea emerged from his mind “Say Darrell umm…” “Yes, what is it?” asked Darrel looking over to Samuel who had a weird smile like a creep about to offer candy to a child “Do you want to be a detective” Said, Samuel “WHAT?” exclaimed Darrel   
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