Chapter 12 Beat Snake again

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"Go!" On the signal, Snake’s men excitedly waved the steel pipes in their hands as they started violently forward. They thought they were able to floor Ryan in one blow, but in a second Ryan moved, and the front man’s head jerked back and he tasted that copper tang in his mouth. In the face of the siege of Snake’s men, Ryan had no fear, but a firm fighting spirit. It was his showoff time again, a pure showoff that flaunted with flurries of kicks and flips. Snake’s men were taller and stronger, but Ryan was faster and more focused. Another man came with a leg. Ryan grabbed it then hit it, hammer fist. That man screamed and the next second he felt Ryan’s fist land in his gut. Rosa watched the fight with her small mouth wide open in astonishment. She had been very worried. She knew Ryan could fight, but she didn’t expect him to be so invincible. Snake stared when another man fell, cracked on the stone floor afterward. The scene was different from what he had imagined. He wanted Ryan to be knocked down, holding his head and begging for mercy! Thinking of the insult he received last time, Snake gritted his teeth and shouted. “Beat him and each of you will be paid ten thousand dollars!” Money made everyone’s blood tingle. The closest to Ryan tried to stab him in the ankle with a combat knife. Ryan prevented it by holding the butt of the knife, swinging it into his thrusting arm. The man howled in pain. At this moment, Big Jim stepped back quietly. Though Ryan was tough, the girl next to him was easy to deal with. All of a sudden, Jim took out a switchblade from his pocket, lunging at Rosa. But before the sneak attack could succeed, he was thrown heavily to the ground! No one knew whether he was alive or dead. The point of the switchblade didn't touch Rosa's back but sank into a palm. At that very moment, Ryan had no time to ponder his next move, and he had to stop the attack with his hand. “Ryan!” Rosa cried out in horror. “You’re bleeding.” She tore a piece of cloth from her skirt in a panic and awkwardly wrapped it up for Ryan. Seeing how worried Rosa was, Ryan touched her head, comforting her softly. "It's okay, just a little hurt." Now, Snake was the only one who was still standing. It wasn't that he had never thought of running, but his legs were not well controlled. No one could have imagined that the slim young man in front of him would be so powerful. Snake was even more reluctant to believe it. But the fact was that all his men were knocked flat, unconscious, or twisting about in pain. One against ten! Was he really a college student? "Stay back!” Seeing Ryan moving closer to him, Snake stammered hurriedly, “if you dare to hurt me, my elder brother will not spare you! Do you know who my brother is? He’s Tiger Watson, the head of Snitch Killers!" "Tiger Watson, the head of Snitch Killers?" "Yeah. So, you are scared?" "I haven't heard of it." Ryan shrugged. “You…” Snake pointed at him, knowing that he was tricked. But he didn't say a word for a long time. "I told you last time, leave me alone. Since I gave you a chance and you didn't cherish it, don't blame me!" Ryan was completely annoyed after Rosa was almost hurt. Without another word, he slammed hard into Snake’s chest with his joint, knocking Snake down. Then he stomped heavily on his hand, crushing the bones of his palm. An awful scream echoed in the alley. Ryan had never been an unreasonable person. But to deal with such a rogue, he must be cruel or Snake would never know he was not to be bullied. Ryan didn’t want to be harassed endlessly. Snake was twisting about in pain, begging for mercy with tears, "For God’s sake, Sir, spare me... I really know I was wrong, and I won't trouble you anymore. Please…" Ryan stamped on him, hearing another screaming from Snake as expected. "Dare you to come after me again?" Snake dared not utter a word of protest, shaking his head quickly, "No, no, no! I don't dare! I won't offend you anymore!" "Scarper! The cops are coming!" One of Snake's men ran into the alley. He almost bit his tongue when he saw clearly what happened. His boss was stepped on the ground by a thin student! And all Snake’s followers were lying on the ground in agony. He couldn't believe his eyes, and he thought he hallucinated. He had been arranged to keep watch outside, but he didn't expect to see this situation as soon as he ran in. Fortunately, he didn't come to fight, or else he would become one of those lying on the ground. He congratulated himself upon his narrow escape. Hearing that the police were coming, Ryan hurriedly pulled Rosa out of the alley. "Up with your hands!" Snake, who had just been helped up, fell into a faint at that savage order. The owner of the voice, however, was Rhiannon Herrick, the hottest policewoman in this area, and behind her were her two male colleagues. Rhiannon was originally the captain of the criminal police team of the department of public safety in New Oodry. Beneath her beautiful face was a woman of fierce temper. She had unloaded a suspect's arm during a mission before she was sent to the university town as a regular police officer. The higher level said that she must learn to moderate her temper or she’d better forget her original post and stay in the university town forever. Rhiannon towered above the rest of her same-s*x colleagues in both appearance and figure. Normally, it would be a real thrill for Snake to be stopped by such a hot policewoman on the street, but now he directly fainted. "Why are you again? Snake, and…Mike, Big Jim, right? You must be against me.” Rhiannon turned to the other policeman and said flatly, “Take them back." Rhiannon didn't have a good impression on those who made frequent troubles. The scene made her annoyed immediately. It was indubitably apparent that they had just had a fight. "Officer, it's not our fault! We’re the victims. Look at the wound on my face." Mike shouted as he pointed to the scar on his face. Rhiannon looked at Mike and the men on the floor in disgust. These punks all bullied the weak and feared the strong. Unexpectedly, they were beaten by someone today. She became interested and ordered her colleagues behind her. "Jack, go and see if there is any surveillance nearby." "Clement, hurry out and find out who beat them." "Yes, Sir." The two were obedient to her, not because of her appearance, but because they admired her for her ability to handle cases. After all, she came from the criminal police team, and she was a very competent person. "Okay, follow me back to the office station. Don't think about sneaking away, or you know the consequences." Rhiannon's cold eyes scanned the punks. They helped each other up, following her obediently.
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