The Slap

2954 Words
    I wasn't alone with my thoughts for long since my mom came home shortly after Jackson left.  As soon as she walked in she smiled as she said, 'Hi honey, how are you doing today?"     "I'm doing okay," I replied as I shrugged my shoulders and flashed her a small smile.     After she set her briefcase down, she sat down on the couch beside me.  She eyed the bracelet on my wrist, then gave me a pointed look as she asked, "Have you talked to Evan yet?"     I groaned and ran a hand down my face before I replied, "No and to be perfectly honest, I am not ready to talk to him right now."     "Well, I don't know what he did to piss you off, but over this past week, it has been obvious how much he adores you," she said as a smile lifted at the corner of her lips.     "I know, momma, but that's just it.  We have only been back together for less than two weeks and he already royally screwed up.  I warned him not to f**k up even once.  How can I just give in and let him continue to hurt me?"     "I think you should have a conversation with him about how you are feeling before you do anything drastic," she calmly advised.     I chuckled then responded, "I already planned on talking to him."     "Okay sweetie.  I am going to cook us some dinner," she said as she patted my back lovingly then stood up and walked to the kitchen.     I grabbed my cellphone and walked up to my bedroom.  When I got there, I tossed my phone on the bed and sat down at my sketching table.  I had too many thoughts swirling around in my head and needed a distraction.  I pulled out the patterns I had cut for my dress and set up my sewing machine.  Once I had it threaded with the dark pink thread, I started sewing the patterns together.       My mom hollered up that dinner was ready, but I was too in the zone to pull myself away from my project at that point in time.  Once I got the base part of the dress put together, I set it to the side and ran down the stairs to the kitchen.     Momma had already finished eating, but there was a bowl of chili waiting for me on the table.  I added a few crackers and some shredded cheese, then poured a cup of sweet tea.  Working on the dress had lifted my spirits a bit and I was feeling hungrier than I had all day.  I finished my bowl of chili and put my dirty dishes in the dishwasher before I headed back upstairs.     I didn't have to work first thing in the morning, so I decided to continue working on my dress.  I pulled out the light pink lace fabric and cut out the patterns that I would need.  When I finished I couldn't stop yawning so I changed into an oversized shirt and crawled into bed.  Within a few minutes I drifted off to sleep.     When I woke up the next morning, I had a few hours before I had to be at work.  I had my mom take me to get my car then rushed back home while my mom ran some errands.  I took a quick shower, then put my hair in a nicer bun than usual.  I applied a light blue eyeshadow, light pink blush, and a coral colored lipstick.  I decided to wear a light blue tank top and black leggings with my converse sneakers.       I still had an hour until I needed to be at work, but figured what the hell and grabbed my purse, keys and cellphone, which was still turned off.  After shoving the phone into my purse, I headed to the my car.  As I was unlocking it, suddenly a hand grabbed ahold of my arm and spun me around.  Instantly I was face to face with a very pissed off Evan.  Through clenched teeth, he angrily said, "What. the. f**k!!"     I sneered at him then smacked his hand that still had a tight grip on my arm.  When he didn't release his grasp, I yelled, "Let go of me, Evan?"     "Why, so you can run back to your new friend?" he asked as he squeezed my arm even tighter.     "Are you f*****g serious right now.  Let the f**k go because you are hurting me," I shrieked as tears formed in my eyes.     "You don't think it f*****g hurt me when I saw another f*****g guy kiss my girlfriend?" he angrily yelled in my face.       What? I thought to myself then remembered Jackson kissed my cheek as he was leaving yesterday.  I laughed right in his face, then said, "Oh poor baby, it's okay for you to let random girls hang all over you, but it's the end of the world when a guy gives me an innocent kiss on the cheek?  Really Evan?  Go f**k yourself if this is how it's going to be."     Instantly his eyes turned into little slits and before I saw it coming, his hand slapped me hard across my cheek.  "Let him kiss that, b***h," he said between clenched teeth then angrily stomped back to his car.     I ran back into my house and immediately locked the door.  Leaning my back against the door, I took several deep breaths trying to calm myself down.  I pulled my phone out of my purse and turned it on.  While it was booting up, I walked to my bathroom and looked in the mirror.  I almost couldn't believe it when I saw the red hand print covering the left side of my face.       I quickly dialed Savannah's number and waited, while thinking about what I should say when she answers.  After two rings I heard her cheery voice say, "Good morning, star.  Is everything okay?"     Instantly I started sobbing, make her voice change to worry as she said, "Oh dear, what has happened to make you this upset?  Do you need to take today off?"     Once I got myself calmed down a little I replied, "Yes I need today off.  Evan just stopped by and we had an argument and then he slapped me.  That asshole f*****g slapped me."     "Oh dear, I am going to send Jackson over there in case Evan comes back, if that's okay," she adamantly stated.     "Okay, thank you Savannah," I mumbled then ended the call and snapped a picture of the handprint on my cheek, just in case I have anymore problems with him.  I walked to the couch and plopped down while I waited for Jackson to get here.  I was in a very weird state of mind and I guess a little bit in shock that Evan had slapped me.  I was in such a daze that I didn't even hear Jackson's car pull into the driveway.  When he knocked on the door, I nearly had a panic attack.     I jumped up, then slowly and wearily walked toward the door.  Just as I was getting ready to look out of the peep hole, he knocked again, making me nearly jump out of my skin.  I looked out of the people and saw Jackson's worried face.  Immediately I threw the door open and looked at him through my tear filled eyes.     He looked at my red cheek and his eyebrows furrowed as a lips turned to a frown.  He took the few steps into the house as I took a few steps back to let him through.  He closed the door then wrapped his arms around me.       After I cried against his chest for a few minutes, I tried to pull away, but he stopped me as he lifted my chin so that he could see my eyes.  He gently brushed his knuckles over my red and slightly bruising cheek as he asked, "Does it hurt?  Do you want an ice pack?"     As I gazed into his caring eyes, the corner of my lips curved up into a small smile, then I said, "It hurts a little but I'm okay.  Better now that you are here, to be honest.     His smile widened before he dipped his head down and gently kissed my red cheek, then he replied, 'I am pleased to hear you say that.  Shall we have a seat?"     I nodded in response then walked to the couch as he followed.  After we were both sitting he said, "Now back to where we left off yesterday.  Is there any other cool things that you do besides your music?"     "I am an artist in many ways, I just put more focus on my music generally speaking," I answered nonchalantly.     "That was kind of vague, care to elaborate?" he replied as he chuckled.     "Okay, I paint and I draw, in fact, I am currently working on making a dress that I personally sketched and designed," I said with a big smile.     "Really, I would love to see you wearing it when you finish making it," he said thoughtfully.     I giggled then said, "I made some good progress on it last night."     "I am glad you didn't sit around moping about that asshole all night," he said as a hint of anger flashed through his eyes, before he smiled at me.  "I thought your mom was off work today.  Where is she at?" he suddenly asked.     "After she took me to get my car, she had some errands to run, but she should be back anytime.  I hope my cheek isn't still red when she gets back.  She is going to flip s**t on him," I explained.     He laughed then asked, "Is she going to be mad that I am here?"     "Nah, she can't say much anyways.  I am an 18," I responded as I giggled at his worried face.     "Okay cool.  Oh and I hope you don't mind me staying for dinner, because I don't plan on leaving anytime soon.  I want to make sure the jackass doesn't bother you anymore today," he said as he popped his knuckles.     I smiled at him as I jokingly said, "My prince charming, what would I do without you?"     He chuckled then smiled as he responded, "What can I say, I can't stand to see a damsel in distress."     We were sitting on the couch happily laughing when my mom walked through the door.  I hadn't heard her unlocking it because of our laughing.  As soon as she looked at us her eyes went wide with surprise, as she said, "Oh, I heard you laughing and assumed Evan had got a new car.  Who is this cutie that is making you laugh?"     We both looked at each and laughed again before I replied, "Momma, this is Jackson, he works at the café."     She walked to us and gave him a handshake.  When she looked back over at me, her eyebrows furrowed as her eyes narrowed.  She gently held my chin as she turned my face and inspected my cheek.  Her smile quickly turned to a scowl before she asked, "Who the f**k put their hand on my daughter."     f**k, I thought to myself.  I was really hoping the mark would be gone, but apparently it wasn't.  I looked away from her as I mumbled, "Evan."     "Who the f**k does he think he is.  I am going to shove my foot so far up his ass, he won't be able to walk for at least a month," she yelled in anger as she stomped to the kitchen.       Jackson and I exchanged looks again, then I said, "See, I told you she was going to flip shit."     He laughed before he said, "Now I see where you get your feistiness from."     We were both laughing when my mom came back from the kitchen holding an ice pack.  She handed it to me, then walked upstairs.  We heard her slam a few doors then the house went silent.  I leaned against the back of the couch and sighed as I held the ice pack against my cheek.  "She is really mad," I thought out loud.     "Don't worry too much.  It's natural for a mom to be mad when somebody hurts their kid," he said in a soothing tone.     In an attempt to change the subject, I turned to him and asked, "So how old are you?"     He chuckled at my sorry attempt, then replied, "I am twenty and you are eighteen, correct?"     "Yep," I said popping the 'p', then asked, "So how long do you plan on staying at your brother's?"     "Hum," he said then thought about it for a couple of seconds before he answered, "I don't know.  I guess until I get bored or find somewhere better to live."     "Did you go to college?" I asked out of curiosity.     "No, I never like school much.  I got good enough grades to graduate but didn't want to keep going after that," he answered honestly.     "I wanted to go, but can't afford it.  That's why I decided to just do my own thing.  What do you like to do for fun?" I asked.     "Before I moved here, I usually just hung out with my friends and played video games.  I haven't made many friends here yet, so now I hang out with my brother and his fiancé," he explained nonchalantly.     "No special girl to spend time with?" I asked.     "No one other than you," he deadpanned as he looked me straight in the eye.  His lip twitched a few times before it curved up into a smile as he winked at me.     I giggled then asked, "Would you like to hear some of my music?"     He grinned from ear to ear, then replied, "I would love to hear your music."     I ran up to my room and grabbed my acoustic guitar, then ran back down.  As I walked to the door, I said, "Follow me."     He quickly stood up and followed me outside to the porch swing.  After we got seated, I started playing one of my happier more upbeat songs.  When the song finished, he gave me a little clap as he said, "You have a beautiful singing voice.  In fact, my parents know some people in the music industry.  I will have to let them know about you."     "Look now, don't be getting my hopes up for nothing," I deadpanned.     He scoffed before he said, "I am being serious right now."     "Okay, I will believe you," I said and giggled.  Before he had a chance to say anything else, I started playing another one of my songs, it was a little slower but not love ballet slow.  When the song was finished, he cheerfully exclaimed, "They are going to love your voice."     Just then, we heard someone clear their throat.  I jerked my head to the direction of the person, and what do you know.  f*****g Evan was standing on the stairs to my porch, looking a lot calmer than earlier today.  I narrowed my eyes at him as I pursed my lips.       Jackson must have seen me tense up because he laid his hand on my back and whispered, "Is that him?"  All I did was nod my head and Jackson instantly stood up and cracked his knuckles as he glared at Evan.     Evan's eyes widened in surprise as he took a step back.  He looked over at me and said, "I'm so sorry, Willow.  I shouldn't have slapped you and I will never do that to you."     I glared at him as I unclasped the bracelet.  I stood up and walked to him, then grabbed his hand and set the bracelet in his palm as I said, "You are damn right that you will never do that again.  I told you Evan that this was your last chance.  You blew it in less than two weeks.  We are done, now leave."  I spun around and walked back to the porch swing, as he stood there speechless.     Jackson was still standing in the same place, glaring at Evan like he wanted to beat the s**t out of him.  Once what I said sank in, Evan pleaded, "Please Willow, you can't end it like this.  I've worked so hard to be a better person for you."     "Not good enough, now leave," I deadpanned as I looked up at Jackson.  He glanced at me, then glued his eyes back on Evan who dared not say another word.  Instead he gave me one last pleading look that I ignored, then he left without another word.  I am sure he will be texting later, but if he annoys me, I will just block his number.     Once he was out of sight, Jackson sat back down.  He looked at me as he smiled and said, "You handled that well."     "I see no point in trying to make something work that can't," I replied as I shrugged my shoulders.  He chuckled as he leaned back and gazed at the sky.  We sat in a comfortable silence until my mom opened the door and said, "Dinner is ready."  We smiled at each other, then headed inside."                         
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