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*** The night enveloped the forest, painting it in a cloak of mystery and enchantment. Moonlight filtered through the dense canopy, casting ethereal beams that danced upon the forest floor. Shadows flickered and swayed like wraiths, lending an air of intrigue to the ancient trees that stood sentinel around me. I stood alone in the center of the clearing, my heart pounding with nervous anticipation. The wind whispered through the tall grasses that surrounded me, carrying the scent of pine and earth. The moon bathed the landscape in a pale glow, casting elongated shadows around me. My eyes darted to the group of female wolves that had gathered, their eyes glimmering with a mixture of hope and uncertainty. Each one had meticulously groomed their fur and carried themselves with a regal grace, knowing that tonight, Alpha Cedric would choose his mate from among us. I adjusted my stance, trying to maintain an air of confidence while the butterflies in my stomach threatened to take flight. The moonlight caught the silver streaks in my hair, marking me as a stranger amongst the others. I had trained tirelessly, honing my skills and nurturing my inner strength, all in preparation for this moment. There was just one slight problem: I wasn't able to shift yet. If you were to walk up to any person in the entire pack and ask them about Ava Thompson, the first thing they would tell you is that she hadn't shifted since birth. In a world where my peers could shift right from their teen years, I was the exception, the strange one who was always seen as surplus to requirement. Not to mention the fact that everyone believed I was cursed. As I scanned the faces of the other she-wolves, I saw a mix of determination and apprehension reflected back at me. We all knew what was at stake—the honor, the responsibility, and the connection that came with being the chosen one. It was a coveted position, one that would bring prestige and protection to both the Alpha's mate and the entire pack. If a Luna was chosen, she would instantly be elevated from whatever rank she previously held, and she would become second-in-command only to the Alpha himself. For a girl who had been a lowly omega her entire life, you could see the appeal in that. We were all waiting for the arrival of Alpha Cedric, who would soon choose his mate from among the assembled females. Excitement and nervous energy coursed through our veins, blending with the scent of pine and the earthy aroma of the forest. But amidst the hopeful chatter, I overheard hushed voices, tinged with mockery and cruelty. It was the familiar sting of gossip that caught my attention, drawing me closer to the edge of the group. I strained my ears, trying to identify the voices behind the hurtful words. "She's nothing but a pathetic omega, still unable to shift," one voice sneered, laced with disdain. "How can she even dare to be here?" Laughter followed, a chorus of unkind mirth that echoed in my ears. The words struck like daggers, slicing through the fragile armor I had built around myself. I felt the weight of their judgment and ridicule settle upon my shoulders, threatening to crush the flickering flame of hope within me. I pressed a trembling hand against my racing heart, trying to steady myself. The gossipers, hidden in the shadows, couldn't see the tears welling up in my eyes. But I refused to let their words break me. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, drawing upon the strength that lay within my core. Their ridicule fueled a defiant fire within me, igniting a resolve to prove them wrong. They didn't understand the battles I fought, the obstacles I faced in my journey as an omega. Yes, I had not yet fully embraced my wolf, but my worth was not defined by that alone. There were depths within me that even I had yet to explore. The bond with the pack, the loyalty, and the unwavering spirit that resided in my heart were qualities that surpassed the superficial expectations placed upon us. With every word of gossip, my determination solidified. I would not let their spiteful words define me. Instead, I would channel the pain into something greater—an unyielding determination to prove them wrong, to show them the strength that lay dormant within my very being. I straightened my posture, my gaze fixed on the moonlit horizon. The whispers continued around me, but their venomous sting held no power over me anymore. In the face of their mockery, I would rise above, embracing my uniqueness, and finding solace in the support of those who saw beyond superficial judgments. I would show them all, including myself, that being an omega was not a weakness but a testament to resilience and inner strength. And when the time came, when destiny called upon me, I would stand tall, unyielding, and show them the true power of an omega. A hushed murmur ran through the gathered wolves as a powerful presence suddenly approached. My heart skipped a beat, and I turned my gaze towards the edge of the clearing. Emerging from the shadows, Alpha Cedric strode with a commanding aura. His midnight-black fur glistened under the moonlight, and his piercing amber eyes surveyed the assembly with a mix of authority and intensity. As the Alpha reached the center of the clearing, a hush fell over the field. His gaze swept across the female wolves, and for a fleeting moment, our eyes locked. I held my breath, my pulse quickening as I saw a glimmer of recognition in his eyes, as if he had seen something in me that set me apart. It wasn't just the fact that I was the only one still in my human form. Something was different about the way he looked at me, although I wasn't sure what exactly it was. Alpha Cedric raised his head, his voice resonating through the stillness. When he spoke, we all heard him through the mind-link, his voice commanding and sharp. "Tonight, under the watchful gaze of the moon, I seek a mate who will stand by my side, who will embody the strength and grace of our pack." I felt a surge of determination course through my veins as I met his gaze, my heart pounding in my chest. I had trained for this moment, prepared my whole life for the possibility of becoming his chosen one. The Alpha's eyes shifted, his gaze sweeping across the wolves once again. It was a moment of profound silence, the weight of his decision hanging in the air. I braced myself, hoping against hope that he would see in me the qualities he sought, the connection that would bind us as one. In that suspended moment, time seemed to stretch, each heartbeat a drumming echo in my ears. And then, with a voice as steady as the wind, Alpha Cedric spoke, his words resonating through the night. "The one who will stand by my side, who will complete me in both strength and spirit, is..." My breath caught in my throat as his gaze locked with mine, the world around me falling away. It was a moment of destiny, of hope, and the beginning of a new chapter in our lives as wolves. "Is you," he said, his voice filled with a mixture of reverence and certainty, his eyes gleaming with the promise of a shared future. A surge of joy and exhilaration swept through me as I realized that I had been chosen, that I would become the mate of Alpha Cedric. It was a new beginning, a bond forged under the watchful eyes of the moon, as our destinies intertwined in the sacred dance. I straightened up as he approached, my knees trembling from the sheer enormity of the decision. This was it, the final hurdle I had to cross. But then, my entire happiness crumbled before my eyes as he walked past me, making his way to the silver wolf who stood behind me with her head bowed. Harriet Silverstone. Pain ripped through my chest, leaving me gasping for air. Tears blurred my vision, and my heart shattered into a thousand pieces. In that moment, I felt the weight of inadequacy and betrayal, a searing ache that consumed me. I bowed my head as a great cheer went up the entire crowd, and I tried to hide the anguish in my soul. My pain was lost in the celebration, but as I tried to slip away, I suddenly heard Alpha Cedric's voice in my head whisper, "Go up to my room and wait for me there." I almost thought I heard wrong. But then, when I looked back, he was staring directly at me, a cold gleam in his eyes. A tense silence stretched on between us, but I simply nodded and I made my way towards the pack house. By the time I got there, the others had made their way back, and Alpha Cedric was already in the room. I ascended the stairs with trepidation, each step echoing the heaviness in my heart. Alpha Cedric's command still resonated in my ears, and my mind raced with the possibilities of what awaited me in his room. I pushed open the door, entering a space that was once filled with an icy tension. He stood at the window, his back turned to me, a silent figure in the dimly lit room. The air grew heavy with unspoken words, tension crackling like electricity between us. With a deep breath, I mustered the courage to speak, my voice trembling yet resolute. "Alpha Cedric, you called for me?" He turned slowly, his gaze piercing into mine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. His voice, when it finally escaped his lips, was devoid of warmth, an arctic breeze cutting through the silence. "What were you doing up there tonight?" he asked. "I-I'm sorry, but I don't understand," I replied. "Don't play dumb with me, little girl," he growled menacingly. "Did you really think that you had a chance of becoming my Luna? You, a pathetic omega with no hope of ever amounting to anything?" His words struck me like icy daggers, piercing through the remnants of my shattered hopes. The pain welled up inside me, threatening to spill over as I averted my gaze. "Look at me when I'm talking to you, you fvcking omega b***h!" he thundered, and in a flash, a powerful blow came to my head as he punched me right in the face. I staggered backwards, tumbling to my feet as the pain blinded me and my nose shattered from the impact. "You thought I would stand for this?" he growled as his hands wrapped around my neck. "You thought I would accept you? I knew from the very first moment I laid eyes on you that you were supposed to be my mate. But I'll be damned if I accept you as my Luna. I would rather mate with a fvcking pig." I was shaking all over, blinded by the pain and desperate for some air. I couldn't even speak, couldn't even whisper a single word to save myself. His tone was cold and harsh, and it was clear that he wanted me to suffer as much as possible. A flicker of something unreadable passed through his eyes, but it vanished as quickly as it had appeared. He stepped back and allowed me to slump to the floor, his voice lowering to a frigid whisper. "You will never be my mate, Ava," he said coldly. "I will never accept you. The moon goddess might be up to something by making this sick connection, but I refuse to accept it." His words pierced through me, a final blow that left me reeling. I could no longer deny the pain that threatened to consume me, and I gasped for air as the blood continued to pour from my shattered nose. "I, Alpha Cedric Hawthorne of the Lupines," he said, "hereby reject you, Ava Thompson, as my mate. I curse and condemn you, and may the moon goddess acknowledge my rejection." The pain of rejection seared through my heart like a thousand fiery arrows, each piercing deeper with a relentless ache. Every beat felt heavy with the weight of shattered hopes and unfulfilled dreams, as the realization of being deemed unworthy consumed me. It was a suffocating darkness that engulfed my spirit, leaving me hollow and questioning my very essence, my self-worth diminished to mere fragments amidst the echoes of Alpha Cedric's cold words. A sudden knock came on the door just then, and Harriet stepped into the room with a smile on her face. "There you are, my love," she said. "I've been looking for you." She didn't even glance in my direction as she made her way towards him, and Alpha Cedric made her sit on his lap while his cold gaze settled on me. "What's she doing here?" Harriet asked with a hint of disgust in her voice. "She was just leaving," he replied. "Get out!" ***
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