
2294 Words
*** There were few moments in my life which I wished would be erased from my memory completely. Seeing this woman in Alpha Blackwood’s arms with her hands around his shoulders and her lips on his made me want to scream and cry. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. The air around me felt thick with disbelief as I witnessed the intimate kiss between Alpha Blackwood and the stunning woman. My heart pounded in my chest, and confusion knotted in the depths of my being. To be completely honest, I don’t know what I had been expecting. There was certainly nothing about this which should seem out of the ordinary. He was an Alpha, and it was only right that he should have a woman by his side. So why did it hurt so much? He wasn’t my mate, of this I was sure. I could still remember what happened when I realised Alpha Cedric was my mate, and none of that happened when I laid eyes on Alpha Blackwood. He belonged to someone else, and this passionate exchange between them made that abundantly clear. As they pulled apart, I averted my gaze so they wouldn’t notice that I had been staring. I was no stranger to public displays of affection, but I absolutely hated the sight of her in his arms. I hated how close to him she stood, or how hopelessly and completely in love with him she looked. “You were gone for so long,” she said. “I tried reaching out to you but I couldn’t.” “Eren was not in the mood to talk,” he said, and I assumed he was referring to his wolf. “I missed you,” she said, placing her hand on his chest in a delicate manner. Alpha Blackwood turned towards me, his eyes reflecting a mixture of emotions that I couldn't quite decipher. His voice, once filled with warmth, now carried an icy detachment as he introduced the woman by his side. "This is Sierra," he said, his tone void of any affection or tenderness. “My Luna.” The name rolled off his tongue with a coldness that sent shivers down my spine. She stood there, a regal presence, her expression serene yet distant. It was like taking a knife to the gut, and all I could do was stare blankly at him. Sierra, the name echoed in my mind, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of envy mixed with confusion. She was the one who had claimed the title of Luna, the woman who held Alpha Blackwood's heart, while I was left standing on the periphery, an outsider in this unfamiliar territory. In that moment, I felt an overwhelming sense of isolation, as if I had been transported into a world where I was an outsider looking in. The pack's dynamics had shifted dramatically, and I found myself standing at the precipice of a new reality, unsure of where I fit into this intricate web of power and secrets. “Sierra, this is Ava Thompson,” he said, stepping aside so she could properly look at me. “I rescued her from the Lupines who were maltreating her. She’s one of us now.” As Alpha Blackwood's gaze met mine, I could see the flicker of a distant emotion, a hint of regret, perhaps. But it was quickly masked, replaced by a steely resolve that sent a clear message—I was not a priority in his world. Confusion and hurt swirled within me, but I knew that I had to gather myself, to adapt to this unforeseen twist in my journey. Sierra's gaze fell upon me, icy and disdainful, as if she regarded me as nothing more than an inconvenience. Her lips curled into a condescending smile, a silent declaration of her superiority. The weight of her contempt pressed against me, filling the air with tension. “Since when did we start taking in strays?” she asked in a cold and hurtful tone, which made me recoil at the sound. I took a step back as the pain of her humiliation washed over me, and I had to take it on the chin. But before her arrogance could escalate into something more, Alpha Blackwood swiftly intervened. His voice, firm and commanding, sliced through the tension like a blade. "That's enough, Sierra," he stated with authority, his eyes narrowing in disapproval. The sharpness in his tone conveyed his dissatisfaction with her behavior, a clear indication that he would not tolerate such mistreatment. Sierra's expression shifted, her confidence wavered for a fleeting moment, but she quickly composed herself, masking her true emotions behind a veil of indifference. Alpha Blackwood's attention turned to Ryder, who still stood nearby, observing the scene. "Ryder, escort Ava to her quarters," he instructed, his voice calmer now, carrying a touch of concern. Ryder nodded in acknowledgement. With a reassuring glance in my direction, he gestured for me to follow him, providing a comforting presence in the midst of this bewildering situation. As Ryder guided me towards my new home within the pack house, I stole a final glance back at Alpha Blackwood and Sierra. They moved away, their figures silhouetted against the fading daylight, disappearing into the depths of the pack house. The last thing I saw was Sierra trying to kiss him again, but he moved out of the way and glared at her. Uncertainty and questions swirled within me, but I knew that I had caught a glimpse of Alpha Blackwood's true character in that brief moment. Despite the enigmatic nature of his actions, I sensed a flicker of compassion buried beneath the layers of his aloof demeanor. “You must forgive Sierra,” Ryder said as we walked. “She can be a b***h when it comes to Ethan.” I said nothing, and he glanced over his shoulder at me and raised a questioning eyebrow. “You don’t talk much, do you?” he asked. I nodded silently, which drew a slight chuckle from him. “I can see you’ll get along just fine with Esme,” he said. “She prefers having a companion who’s a listener instead of a talker.” “Who’s Esme?” I asked, summoning the courage to speak. “Esme is our sister,” he explained. “But if you ask her, she thinks she runs this entire pack.” That was when it struck me. The shade of his hair, the way he walked, and just a tiny hint in the way he spoke. I had noticed it in his eyes earlier, but I didn’t think much of it. Until now. Ryder was Alpha Blackwood’s brother. “She must be off talking someone’s ear off,” he said. “She’ll want to meet you once she finds out you’re here.” I nodded simply, still noticing the resemblance between him and Alpha Blackwood. As he led me through the winding corridors of the pack house, my eyes took in the grandeur and opulence that surrounded me. The walls were adorned with intricate tapestries depicting the rich history of the Shadowclaw pack, their vibrant colors contrasting with the muted tones of my former pack's modest dwelling. The air carried the faint scent of aged wood and polished furniture, a testament to the pack's attention to detail and reverence for their heritage. The ceilings soared high above, supported by ornate pillars, their intricate carvings whispering stories of bygone eras. Soft illumination cascaded from elegant chandeliers, casting a warm glow that bathed the hallways in an ethereal light. My steps echoed softly against the polished marble floors, the sound a stark contrast to the worn wooden planks of my former home. The hallways seemed to stretch endlessly, each turn revealing another glimpse of the pack's lavish surroundings. “This is the east wing,” Ryder explained as we turned into an expansive hallway. “You’ll be staying here, and Esme’s room will be right above yours.” As we ascended a sweeping staircase, a glimpse of the outdoors beckoned through tall windows. I caught sight of meticulously landscaped gardens, vibrant blooms dancing in the gentle breeze. The sight was a stark contrast to the sparse grounds of my former pack, where survival often took precedence over aesthetics. Ryder halted before a set of intricately carved double doors, their imposing presence drawing my attention. He turned to face me, his gaze filled with a mixture of empathy and reassurance. "This will be your room, Ava," he said softly, his voice a comforting anchor in this sea of uncertainty. “Thank you,” I said. “I’ll have someone bring up some food,” he said before walking away with a brief smile. I took a deep breath, ready to step into this new chapter of my life. The door creaked open, revealing a room that exuded both elegance and comfort. Soft hues adorned the walls, a pleasant contrast to the starkness of the world I had known. A plush bed, draped in luxurious fabrics, stood as a haven of rest. A small writing desk sat near the window, which afforded a beautiful view of the gardens outside. As I stepped inside, I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope amidst the trepidation. This room, in all its grandeur, held the promise of a fresh start, a chance to carve my own path in a world where I was no longer confined by the limitations of my past. Alpha Cedric, Harriet, and every other horrible aspect of my life was left behind. This was going to be a fresh start, a clean slate in the story of my life. In the confines of my new quarters, I took a moment to collect myself. The room felt foreign, yet it held the promise of respite and a chance to gather my thoughts. The events of the day weighed heavily upon me, and I realized that navigating this intricate web of relationships and power dynamics would be no easy task. As the door closed behind me, I found solace in the silence, allowing myself a moment of vulnerability amidst the unfamiliar surroundings. I sank to the ground and allowed the tears I had been holding back to wash over me, and the misery which often found its way into my heart returning in full strength. I had no idea why I was crying, but it just felt like something I needed to do. The knot in my chest was so tight that I felt like I was suffocating, and I had to take deep breaths to calm myself. I should be happy. This was a fresh start, and I had finally gotten what I wanted. So why did I feel like I was missing something? I tried to reach out to my wolf, to find some comfort in her presence. But all I got in response was silence, as it had been for the last few days. I felt so alone, and the tendrils of fear wrapped around my heart. What if everything went horrible wrong, as I expected it to? Surely not. I had to do everything within my power to make sure that didn’t happen. I needed to make sure that my past didn’t come back to haunt me, and that no one would know about it. I wiped my tears and forced myself to cheer up, reminding myself that I would never have to deal with anything from my old pack ever again. As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple, I found myself captivated by the fading light. Lost in my thoughts, I absentmindedly gazed out of my window, hoping to find solace in the tranquil evening. A sudden movement in the trees caught my attention, a shadowy figure emerging from the depths of the forest surrounding the pack house. A chill ran down my spine as I realized it was Alpha Blackwood, who paused for a brief second before shifting effortlessly into his majestic wolf form. The transformation was both mesmerizing and awe-inspiring, as his powerful physique melded with the darkness of the night. His fur, as black as the midnight sky, shimmered under the emerging moon's pale glow. Every muscle rippled with raw strength, emanating an aura of dominance and authority. His eyes, sharp and piercing, glowed with an intense amber hue, reflecting a wisdom and ferocity that was undeniable. I couldn't tear my gaze away as he prowled through the moonlit garden, his steps silent and purposeful. The sheer presence he exuded was nothing short of intimidating, as if he commanded both the physical and spiritual realms simultaneously. It was a reminder of the untamed wilderness that lay within him, a primal force that demanded respect and obedience. He looked up at my window suddenly, and in the moment our eyes locked, something shifted in me. I couldn’t explain it, but I felt drawn to him, like a moth to a flame. He was frozen like a statue, and yet I felt myself swaying towards him. His eyes betrayed nothing, but I knew that there was a tumultuous conversation going on in his head. In that moment, I understood why he was revered as the Alpha, why he was the ruler of the Shadowclaw pack. His wolf form embodied the essence of power and authority, a living testament to his formidable nature. And as I watched him disappear into the shadows, a mixture of fear and fascination gripped my heart, for I knew that I had been thrust into a world which I knew nothing of. And soon, I would have to unravel the mystery that was Ethan Blackwood. ***
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