
2325 Words

*** As I sat down for lunch with Esme, the vibrant atmosphere of the dining hall enveloped us. The aroma of delicious food filled the air, and the cheerful chatter of the few pack members who joined us now echoed throughout the room. Esme flashed me a mischievous smile, her eyes sparkling as we started to eat. “Why do you always eat so little?” she asked as I dished out my food, a small portion of what looked like Risotto, with a small piece of steak and some orange juice. “I’m not that hungry,” I replied. “Don’t be ridiculous,” Esme scoffed as she helped a much larger portion onto my plate. “In this pack, we eat to our heart’s content. You shouldn’t take such small portions.” To be honest, I was starving. But I had spent my whole life eating as little as possible, so I knew bette

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