Chapter 12

2107 Words

Watters leaned back in his seat. “The Volunteers did not find the Russian carriage, so that operation was a failure. I had no success with Wallace either.” Duff sipped at his tea. “Is Wallace innocent?” “He’s not guilty of the Russian murder,” Watters said. “Or he’s a better actor than anybody I’ve ever seen on a stage.” “Shaw’s evidence nearly convinced me it was Wallace,” Duff said. “He’s a bad man,” Watters said, “and I’ll keep my eye on him.” “That qama is another mystery,” Duff said. “Why should somebody steal it and leave it behind?” “I don’t know yet,” Watters admitted. “It might not even be the murder weapon.” He began to fill his pipe. “I have a theory, but it might be completely wrong.” “What’s that, Sergeant?” “I wonder if somebody was deliberately pointing the finger at

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