Chapter 11 - Rough Night

1040 Words

“I...I don’t,” I struggled to clear my throat. “I don’t see the need for us to, you know, need to share a bed—a room.” My face flushed uncontrollably as I felt James’ eyes peer into my. Good God. There was no way I could have sounded any more of a stuttering mess if I’d tried. There was nothing, truly not a single reason in the world why we needed to take things as far as that. James raised a single brow and made off down the various hallways till he began ascending the stairs. My stomach twisted and churned. “James, would you please...Please stop for a moment,” I pleaded under my breath. We came across numerous other staff members on our way to what I could only assume was to be ‘our’ bedroom. Each time, I felt the excessive brush of James’ hand rub and tried to grab for my own.

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