Stone repressed a smile. “But Miss Beatrice here has just told us that she did not dislike him.” Eva looked affectionately at Beatrice “That's not true,” she said quietly. “She did dislike him, but her nature is much too kind to admit it.” “And can you suggest no one,” asked Stone, “who wanted to take revenge on Mr. Toller?” “I could suggest every pretty girl he'd ever spoken to,” replied Eva scornfully, “but I know of no one in particular.” “Have you shot with that rifle?” was Stone's next question. “Yes, quite often. I shot an owl with it, not a fortnight ago.” “Are you a good shot?” Eva nodded. “Quite a good one. I could shoot you”—the faintest expression of amusement flickered into her eyes—“or Superintendent Russell here, in the forehead, three times out of five at sixty yards.