Chapter 37

2145 Words

Arora steps out the front door of their house, holding onto Dremon’s hand. In front of them is their lawyer Laurance and following them are all their parents, Kozor and Tricia. Laurence holds up his hands as he stands in front of the podium that has been set up. It’s late afternoon, and they planned it so that they wouldn’t have to spend too much time outside before it becomes dark, but the flashes from the cameras blind her nonetheless. Laurence informs the press that Dremon will not be answering any questions at the moment as there is a matter being investigated, then introduces Dremon. Arora pulls on his hand and gives him a kiss of good luck, making the camera flashes go insane. He steps up to the podium, but she doesn’t let go of his hand and stands right next to him and studies th

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