Safe House

2015 Words
MIA POV I woke up feeling groggy, my body sinking into the stiff mattress. Memories flashed in my mind, so blurry. The overwhelming scent of my human mate filled the air, momentarily clouding my senses. My wolf, still asleep within me, felt weakened from the silver poisoning, small shards embedded in my shoulder remained from the original gunshot. I knew I had to remove them to restore her strength. But I faced a new problem. The human, Atlas, was by my side, and I found myself really concerned for his safety. He had tried to protect me from others, but they had turned on him. Their intentions were clear from their actions, and it didn't sit well with me. Why were they using silver arrows and bullets? It was unusual and costly, indicating they were aware of my kind. Something ominous was unfolding in this small town. I considered leaving, but worry for Atlas held me back. I had a strange feeling that if I abandoned him, he would face even more danger, perhaps even lose his life. It wasn't my place to focus on him, but as my mate, I felt a sense of duty to ensure he remained safe and sound. As I sat up in the bed, my surroundings came into focus. The motel room was dingy, with peeling wallpaper and stained carpet. It was clear that Atlas had used all his funds for this place. as evidenced by the past due notices in his house. My father, despite the forbidden nature of this realm, had made arrangements here, just in case we ever needed a safe place and I had an idea of where to go. The room seemed to close in on us, its musty odor filling the air. I could hear the distant sounds of traffic outside, mingling with the muffled voices of other motel guests. The worn-out chair Atlas sat in looked incredibly uncomfortable, yet he had stayed by my side all night, surprising me with his unwavering loyalty. I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for him. Despite the situation we found ourselves in, he had shown a selflessness that touched me deeply. And so, even though we could never truly be together, I felt compelled to ensure his well-being, if only for the time being. Suddenly, Atlas shot up from his sleep, causing me to jump. His eyes met mine briefly, before he dropped his gaze and he removed his shirt. Without looking at me, he handed it to me, and I could feel the warmth of his touch. "Thank you," I whispered softly as I put on his shirt. It covered me adequately, providing a sense of security. "Do you know who shot you? Why were you in the woods? We should go to the police," he questioned, his voice filled with concern. I could sense his discomfort in this situation. I knew that anything I told him would make little sense to a typical human, who would instinctively turn to the police. So, I decided to stick with what I had said in the car. After all, it was true. "I can't go to the police. There are people after me, but I can't disclose their identity. I was in the woods because they were chasing me. I need to reach a safe place my family has prepared for me. By saving me, you may now be in danger as well. If you can bring me to the safe place, I can offer you a room and compensate you for the trouble," I explained, though I doubted he would accept or accompany me. I wouldn't blame him if he didn't. "I'll take you there. Is there anyone to help you at the safe house?" he asked, surprising me with his willingness to help. "No, it will just be me," I admitted, uncertain of his reaction. "Then I'll accept your offer of the room. I'm concerned about your safety. Besides, I don't have anything holding me back in this town. You don't need to pay me," he responded, his words leaving me in awe. This human truly was remarkable. "Thank you," I said. As I glanced around, the soft light filtering through the curtains painted the walls in a gentle glow. With a determined look, I tried to stand up, but a sharp pain shot through my body, causing me to hiss. My wolf's healing powers were ineffective for now, and I knew I wouldn't hear from her until the last remnants of silver were removed from my wounds. I needed to remove the silver and conceal the injury before Atlas noticed. It wouldn't help if he became suspicious, especially if he saw the wounds in the same spot where he tended to me when I was an injured wolf. Atlas appeared by my side in an instant, offering his help. I had to be cautious with his touch, or he may find my behavior odd, though I suspected he already did. He didn't question me further; he simply assisted me in getting out of the room. We made our way to his small car, and he held the passenger door open for me. I settled into the seat, feeling the cool leather against my skin. Atlas took the driver's seat and asked for the address of our destination. He entered it into the GPS before starting the engine. The car hummed to life, and as we began to drive, Atlas let out a small, nervous laugh. "My name's Atlas. What's yours?" he asked, breaking the silence. "Mia," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. The scenery outside whizzed by as he continued driving. "So, Mia, you're not from this town, are you? I mean, it's small, and I've never seen you before," he observed, trying to make conversation. "No, I'm not. I was just passing through, seeking shelter, but I was discovered," I explained, my gaze fixed on the passing trees. He didn't press for more information, and I was grateful for the silence. According to the GPS, the address was about an hour away. The silence between us grew more awkward as neither of us knew what to say. Finally, we arrived at the townhouse. Atlas parked the car, and we stepped out, the cool breeze caressing our skin. I typed in the pin code, and with a soft click, the door opened, revealing the sanctuary my father had arranged. A wave of relief washed over me as I stepped inside.I moved slowly, taking my time, while Atlas lingered by the door, unsure of what to do. "Um, there should be clothing in here that will fit you if you look through the rooms. Some were stocked for my brother..." I began to say, but a lump formed in my throat, thinking about my brother's absence. Thankfully, Atlas didn't press me further, understanding my unspoken pain. I walked into one of the dimly lit bedrooms and opened the creaky closet door, the musty scent of old fabric filling the air. I scanned through the hangers, my fingers grazing over the different textures of clothing, searching for something that would fit me. Finally, I found a set of clothes that seemed suitable and quickly changed into them, feeling the softness of the fabric against my skin. Leaning on the cold, textured wall for support, I made my way out of the bedroom, the sound of my footsteps echoing in the empty house. My father had given us detailed instructions on where to find money, and as I followed his guidance, it was surprisingly easy to locate the safe. With a sense of anticipation, I turned the heavy metal handle and opened it, revealing a stack of bills that offered financial security for a substantial amount of time. I grabbed a handful of money, aware that we needed to stock up on food. As I closed the safe, my mind was still trying to process the fact that I had actually asked this human to stay with me. Despite my initial reluctance, I knew deep down that I needed to ensure his safety. His presence was the only thing keeping me from breaking down completely. Entering the living room, I found Atlas dressed in the clothes he had found. I tried not to stare too much, but it was difficult to ignore his striking handsomeness. Clearing my throat, I spoke, "So, um, you can choose any of the bedrooms you want. I have money, so we can buy food and replace the gas in your car." Atlas simply nodded in response, his eyes filled with uncertainty. "So you're really okay staying here with me? I know this must all be really strange for you," I asked, genuinely curious. "Yes, my life has been going nowhere, and I needed a change. Now, that change can be helping someone stay safe. I'm not comfortable leaving you alone, especially since you refuse to involve the police. So, I feel like I should stick with you, even if we are strangers," he admitted, his gaze locked with mine. His words caught me off guard, and I couldn't help but feel a strange connection forming between us. Before he could stop himself, Atlas blurted out, "Your eyes... they're captivating." I couldn't help but smile. My purple eyes have always been a source of curiosity and judgment. "Since we'll be living together, I'll try to answer any questions you have. And since you won't accept compensation, at least allow me to pay for all your needs while you're here and helping me." I handed him a wad of cash, unsure of the cost of things in this unfamiliar place. Atlas looked at the money, then let out a nervous laugh. "This is a lot," he said, handing a significant portion of it back to me. With a final glance, he left the house, leaving me with a mix of gratitude and relief. This gave me the opportunity to remove the remaining silver from my shoulder, knowing that he would return with the supplies needed. I made my way to the kitchen, I reached out and grasped a sharp knife before heading to the bathroom. As I entered, the soft hum of the ventilation fan filled the air. I removed my top, feeling the cool air brush against my skin. With trembling fingers, I carefully searched for the silver object, my touch guiding me. Making a small incision, I pushed it out, but some of it remained just out of my reach. Frustration welled up within me, and a muttered curse escaped my lips. I could only hope that my body would naturally expel the rest. Afterwards, I hurriedly took a shower, the warm water cascading over my body. I dressed myself, taking my time to explore the house alone. Over an hour passed, the silence broken by the sound of Atlas entering. His unique scent enveloped the room, instantly soothing my nerves. He entered the kitchen, unloading groceries. "I'm not a skilled cook, but I can prepare a meal for you. It might be good for you to eat, especially since you're injured," he offered. "I'm okay for now, but please make yourself food if you're hungry. Treat this place as your home. I'm going to get some rest in the first room on the right if you need me," I replied. He nodded in understanding, but as I turned to leave, he startled me by stepping forward and stopping me in my tracks. "You're bleeding," he said concern lacing his voice. I turned to face him, and his eyes remained fixated on my injured shoulder. "Oh, it's nothing. I'm fine," I reassured him, though he seemed as if he wanted to say more. He stayed silent, and I made my way to the room. Once inside, I climbed into the bed, the soft sheets embracing me. Tears welled up, and I buried my face in the pillow, letting the sobs escape. "Inara, I need you. Please, I can't handle your silence right now," I whimpered, feeling overwhelmed.
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