
1518 Words
MIA POV “What were you thinking when you took control of me and kissed him? If you hadn't done any of that, he wouldn't be aware of the truth. Can't you see that the truth only puts him at greater risk?" I snapped at my wolf in my mind, the frustration evident in my tone. As I walked out into the kitchen with Atlas, the sound of our footsteps echoed in the quiet room. He remained silent, surprising me. I couldn't help but worry for his safety, knowing that his life was in danger because of me. "Why are you so worried if you're going to reject the bond?" Inara's voice echoed in my mind, her curiosity evident. I sighed, unsure of my own reasons. "I don't know, but I have this feeling that his danger is somehow connected to mine. Those humans tried to kill him, and they had silver. I need to figure this out before I make any decisions. For now, I'd rather keep him close." Opening the fridge, I rummaged through the groceries Atlas had purchased earlier. He had bought an assortment of cold cuts, so I decided to make sandwiches. "Want a sandwich?" I asked. "Sure," he responded, still visibly uncomfortable around me. I prepared a couple of sandwiches, placing all the toppings on the table, and set a plate in front of him. The bread was filled with meat and cheese. I looked at him, and for a brief moment, I saw a small smile break free. He thanked me for the plate, and I sat down across from him. I had attended numerous meetings with my father and spoken on behalf of my pack without hesitation, but now, I felt an odd nervousness enveloping me. Trying to break the silence, I mustered the courage to speak. "Thanks for saving me and allowing me to stay in your shed," I said, my voice soft. He brushed his hand through his hair, a nervous habit I noticed, as I bit my lower lip. "I should be the one thanking you. You took an arrow for me," he replied, making eye contact with me. I couldn't help but smirk. "I heal better than you humans," I quipped. His question lingered in the air. "So, are there more like you?" he asked, curiosity evident in his eyes. I nodded, my gaze shifting. "Yes, there are, but I don't know how many are here. Being among humans is forbidden, and I can't smell any nearby," I admitted, a hint of sadness in my voice. "If being among humans is forbidden, how did you end up here?" He asked. I took a deep breath, the memories of the attack flooding my mind. "I had no choice. My home was destroyed," I replied, my voice filled with pain. "What about your family?" he asked, his voice laced with concern, as I felt a sharp pang in my heart. "They're gone," I whispered, my voice barely audible. "I'm sorry," he responded softly, his voice filled with empathy. "So you're a wolf," he mused, his eyes widening with curiosity. "Does that mean this is just some sort of disguise or something like magic?" he asked, a small chuckle escaping him. I couldn't help but smile at his innocence. "I'm a werewolf," I admitted, watching as his expression shifted from curiosity to astonishment. "We are nothing like you humans make us out to be," I explained. "I'm sorry I kissed you," I began, my voice filled with regret. "I understand, I shouldn't have continued it," he confessed, his words tinged with guilt. A moment of awkwardness hung in the air, like an invisible barrier between us. "It felt nice," slipped out of my mouth without thinking, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment. His eyes widened, clearly taken aback. "My lips are available anytime then," he said, his tone lightening the mood. He quickly cleared his throat, realizing his slip of words. "That just slipped out," he sighed, causing a genuine laugh to escape me. "I understand, believe it or not, this is just as awkward for me as it is for you. I've never been around a human, and I'm sure I'll struggle to fit in here. But for now, I need to stay hidden, and this is a place many won't search for me," I explained, my voice tinged with a hint of anxiety. "You should have taken him up on kissing him again," Inara chuckled mischievously in my mind. "You've already done enough damage. You know we can't be with him, yet you go make things harder," I snapped at her in my mind, frustration seeping through my thoughts. "You may have lived by certain rules, Mia, but everything has changed now. We have been waiting so long for our mate, and he is now sitting across from us. I know you want him, and he feels a connection to us as well. Please, at least give him a chance," she pleaded softly in my mind. "I can't," I responded, my voice filled with uncertainty. But deep down, even I knew my words were a lie. I couldn't deny the impending pain of leaving this stranger. Despite my attempts to resist forming a connection with him, I was failing miserably. Inara's growl echoed in my mind, a rare disagreement between us. I knew my actions were hurting her. She kissed him, a simple act that ignited a rush of emotions within me. My body began the process of bonding with him, and it wouldn't be long until I entered my first heat. Being an older unmated she-wolf, I knew it would be more challenging for me. I would have to isolate myself from him. But could a human male even endure the intensity of my heat? "Look at him, Mia. He can handle your heat," Inara responded to my thoughts in my mind. I noticed Atlas's intense gaze on me, his eyes fixated on my glowing eyes. "My wolf is talking to me," I confessed. "Your wolf? Does that mean you are two beings in one?" he asked, his confusion evident. "In a way. My wolf's name is Inara. When we turn eighteen, our wolves come to us. When I shift, Inara takes the lead, but I'm still with her. In this form, I take the lead. It's like having a constant close friend to talk to," I explained. "That sounds nice," he said, standing up to clear his empty plate and the table. I offered my help, and as I walked, he accidentally turned around and bumped into me. My instability due to my healing injuries caused me to clumsily fall. Normally, I would have been able to prevent it, but not this time. To my surprise, Atlas immediately bent over, picked me up, and carried me to the couch. The fall had caused my side to bleed slightly again, and he instantly noticed. "Can I?" he asked, seeking permission to check on the injury. "It will be fine," I responded reassuringly. “ I didn't take you to the hospital, I feel responsible for ensuring it doesn't get infected or anything," Atlas explained. Understanding his concern, I nodded my head. As I began to pull off my shirt, he gently stopped me, his hand making contact with mine. "I'm not sure about where you're from, but undressing like that is not something we do here," he said. I apologized, realizing my mistake. "It's all good," he chuckled, his touch now more confident. He left for a moment and returned with a warm wet cloth from the bathroom. Leaning back on the couch, I whispered my thanks as he placed it against my injury. "There's a TV if you want to watch something," I offered, and he grabbed the remote and handed it to me. I looked at it and he laughed. "Have you not used a TV before? You knew what it was," he asked. "No, I haven't. We didn't have one in the pack house," I responded. "Pack house?" He questioned. I hesitated, deciding to omit my true identity as the Wolf King's daughter for now. "It's a house where my family and members of our wolf pack lived," I explained. "Can you control the TV? I don't mind what you put on," I asked, and he took the remote from me. He removed the cloth from my side, noting, "Looks like the bleeding stopped," as he pulled my shirt back down. He grabbed a blanket and draped it over me, his kindness overwhelming me. He turned something on and settled down at the other end of the couch. Reluctantly, I acknowledged that having him close was helping me heal. Despite being a human, our bond as mates seemed to work similarly to a wolf. I closed my eyes and let myself relax. But doubts lingered. Was it truly okay for me to be with him? Could I fully accept him? Would he truly accept a wolf as a mate? If he chose to be with me, he would constantly face danger because of who I am.
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