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-Stop! Don’t hurt him – Souna rushed to say, waving her hand towards the warrior that had just barged inside the chamber with his unsheathed sword at hand and ready to attack. -B-But Your Grace… – The guard stammered, still wielding his weapon menacingly. – It’s fine, we're fine! Just leave us! – She insisted, giving him an authoritarian glance. The soldier took a brief look at the weeping kid slumped on the floor. His widened eyes then landing on the man holding the baby and talking nonsense to her, before finally giving Souna a silent nod and obediently exiting the room. Souna had barely taken an uncertain step towards her unhinged father’s bed when Ahau´s rambling started developing into a more comprehensible speech, so she perked up her ears as much as she could, trying to make sense of what he was saying. -My girl, I hope somehow you know how much this pains me – The former King whimpered, his tears falling over Skhana´s face, who was weirdly staring at him as if deeply entranced – But l must protect you and your mother from that hateful woman... I don’t want to leave you, but I have no other choice! -Father… – Souna whispered, approaching him tentatively with an extended hand and a concerned look in her eyes – What are you talking about? What woman? The already troubled man turned his head towards where she stood with a puzzled expression and stared at her with a mad scowl stretching on his face. -Don’t take her away from me, Zoehla! Please! Not yet! – He begged, clutching tighter at the small frame of the baby in his arms… So tight that she immediately started crying her lungs out in discomfort, to Souna´s most utter horror - Just let me hold her a little longer! Please! -Dad, you’re hurting her! – Souna pleaded, reaching for her daughter and trying to take her away from him – Stop! Give her back! -No! Don't go away love! Please stay! – The maddened man yelled at her, ignoring her petition and recoiling from her reach, crushing the bundle harder between his arms with this motion. Souna noticing in despair how the tiny baby’s face turned redder as she squealed inconsolably – We will find another way together! You don’t have to leave! I’ll hide you both until it’s safe! I´ll fix this, I promise! Zoehla, I promise! -Fine! – Souna yelled, playing along with his delusional rattle at last – We’ll do as you say! Just calm down and give her to me! -Really? – The man asked dreamily, a smile blooming on his face as he stared at her with a hopeful look sparkling in his eyes – Thank you, love… Thank you! We’ll figure it out, you’ll see. -Yes! It’s gonna be all right – She nervously replied, impatiently gesturing to her increasingly louder shrieking baby – Now, please, let me hold her. She’s hungry. The anxious man had just taken a doubtful look at her and finally stretched his arms, loosening his grip on the bundle. Souna quickly grabbing the wailing baby away from him and sighing with relief, when the door yanked forcefully open and in came a furious Ussi, followed by the guard that had been standing at the entrance a little earlier. He took a brief look at the crazed man sitting on the bed, who instantly retreated in fear, sobbing uncontrollably with a terrified expression, shielding himself from the white man’s presence and pressing his body to the farthest corner of his room. The warrior then tilted his head towards the kid that stood cowering behind Souna´s frame, his sight landing on the bruise that tainted the wrist of the hand he kept latched onto her skirt, his disappointed eyes finally traveling towards her and the infant in her arms. A cold, reprimanding grimace frozen on his face, making her shudder. -You and I are having a word – He announced in a paused voice, shaking his head at her with disapproval, then nodding at the guard pointedly, and taking both children away from her in a swift motion. Souna watched him speechless as he spun around, carrying an infant in each arm, and started heading towards the door. – Now! – He called out as he reached the threshold and exited the chamber, his loud steps echoing through the corridors and making her flinch. She gulped down a thick lump down her throat, her eyes darting at the guard, who was immersed in the task of restraining the former monarch’s flailing limbs and calming him down. -I should have known that you would be running directly to him and snitching on me – She growled resentfully at the soldier, who purposely avoided her sight and simply continued his labor. -I'm sorry, Your Majesty – The warrior muttered faintly – But I have strict orders to report any potential threat to the Commander… It is irrelevant where said danger comes from. -Yeah, of course you do – Souna sighed, taking a deep breath and bracing herself for a lecture, before heading out the door. -What on earth could you possibly be thinking? – Ussi exclaimed with contained volume as she entered the place, even if it was more than clear that he was fuming. Souna winced, looking around the room and finding Axe distractedly playing with some toys near his feet, just as if nothing had ever happened. All the while, Ussi stood in the center of the chamber, pressing Skhana protectively against his chest. His eyes piercing her own and making a shiver run down her spine. -I just thought that it would help him somehow… Meeting his grandchildren – Souna mumbled, raising her gaze defiantly and staring back at him – And it worked! He was talking as if he was reliving some old memories, Ussi! He apparently thought Skhana was me as a baby and that I was my mom! Maybe he's getting better after all! -Really? – He barked, his eyes glistening with anger, a sarcastic scoff erupting from his chest – Well, I’m so glad then! If only that so-called improvement you claim hadn’t caused the unnecessary endangerment of our children, I would be ecstatic! - He… He didn’t hurt them – Souna insisted, biting her lip – He is just a little rough around the edges when it comes to interaction, I guess. -You’re telling me that he didn't hurt them now? – Ussi huffed, a sardonic grin stretching on his face – I heard my daughter’s bawling all the way through that corridor! I saw the bruise on our son’s arm! You call that not hurting them, uh? -I… I don’t know what happened? But I swear! I saw it! He barely touched Axe! – She impatiently explained, waving her hands at him – And he seemed to be just trying to protect Skhana from whatever menace he was reminiscing about for what I could tell. -Souna.. I know that he is your father – Ussi breathed out in a deliberate tranquil voice – I get it… You didn’t have the chance to meet him growing up, I know that you long for that. I also know that you want answers, that you wish to disentangle your past. And trust me, I’m all for it! He paused, massaging the spot between his eyebrows, then looking at her with firmness. -But the man is unstable! – He stated categorically – And I’m not allowing our children to be around him as long as he is, and that’s final! With a heavy sigh, Ussi placed the now sleeping baby on the bed and slowly walked up to where she was, pulling her by the waist and pecking her forehead. -Perhaps he will get better with time… – He told her. An optimistic tone inflected in his voice - I hope he does. But until then, any interaction with them is off limits. You are more than free to keep visiting him. Of course, I can’t stop you… Yet I’m not risking another incident. You said it yourself, this is what I do! Protecting you all! Please just tell me that you understand. -I do, Ussi – She finally sniffled, holding to his sturdy frame and squeezing him – I just wish I could find out the whole truth, I just wish there was someone who could explain what really happened to us. -There is someone who can – Ussi replied, pulling her chin up and looking into her eyes – I can tell that you still resent her for keeping things from you. But she knows your story better than anyone, she is your flesh and blood after all, and you could always ask… So, why don’t you put those hard feelings aside for a minute and make the most out of our little trip to Yahur, huh?
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