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Good things come to those who wait, and have a s**t tone of luck apparently. Ben was never someone who could be considered lucky, not even in real life. But the amount of chance encounters he just had was seriously freaking him out. He came here, into this game to find a way to make his fortune, to help his family, and most especially his Grandfather live longer. But not even five hours later, he had been granted the very avenue he needed to make that fortune and save his Grandfather before his time runs out. Ben never believed in luck, chance or fate. He believed in destiny though, but never fate. Not something that could just happen. Ben believed all men had the same destiny, and that’s to be the best man, woman or child they can possibly be. Mankind had a destiny to evolve, to be better than yesterday, to be Gods. But fate is quantified by something you have no control over, just like luck it just happens. Ben did not like not being in control of his own life. So he had struggled as much as possible to be his own man, to make his own fate. To live his life not at the mercy of a notion that could one day decide to screw him over, but by the strength of his hard work and perseverance. This game and what just happen blew that entire notion out the window. What just happen was pure luck, chance or fate whatever it wants to be called. How many people would have already prayed to the gods, he was sure those who chose the priest class already did. And received some sort of blessings for it. Ben had done a lot of things that could only be explained as random, and he got OP for it, this is so cool damn it! [SYSTEM ALERT: WOULD YOU LIKE YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS TO BE MADE KNOW TO THE Moon CONTINENT………] [YES/NO] [ACCEPTED] [SYSTEM ALERT: player Cassius Windwalker is the first to own a divine profession and become the first person to be given the greater blessing, mark and protection of a God. He has been rewarded.] Ben felt that the system alert was strange. But he was grateful for that strangeness. It told everyone what he achieved, and his name. But not the rewards he received. It was as much protection as the system could offer any i***t who decides to tell the whole world he had gotten significant gains. Ben really regretted choosing to have the system announcement. “Is there any problem child of Hephaestus?” Ben was startled out of his thoughts by an NPC. The name above him read high priest Reinhardt. His appearance was the perfect opportunity for Ben to ask some questions. Now let’s go be humble and innocent. “excuse me…um high priest Reinhardt, what do you mean by child of Hephaestus?” “You have been blessed by the blacksmith God of creations have you not?” “Yes I have, but how did you know?” “well apart from the part where you have been glowing like the sun for the past five minutes or so, the mark of the God on your hand says it all.” Ben looked at his hand and sure enough, right on his palm was an exact replica of the figurine. Only this time he noticed something the figurine did not have. The mark on his palms had cloven hooves and goat horns on the fox and lions head. The figurine had the hooves on the metal leg, now its on both and the lion and fox have horns. What does this mean? “High priest if you don’t mind me asking. Why is Hephaestus called the God of creations? I thought he was the God of the forge and fire.” “hahahaha, that’s a good question young one. It’s a common misconception that a lot of people had confused over the years, Hephaestus portrays himself as a blacksmith so everyone thinks he is the God of a forge. Let me ask you a question young one. Forging on its own is what exactly?” “umm…...blacksmithing” “well yes but blacksmithing is an art of what? Think carefully before you answer. This answer is also right in front of you.” It did not take long for Ben to figure out what it meant. He was not as stupid as a lot of people took him for, after all he was admitted into a top government university on a scholarship. Beat that Shedrach. “Blacksmithing is an art of creation, that is why Hephaestus is a God of creations.” “excellent young one, but he is not the God of creation, but an aspect of him. Think of Hephaestus as the or an avatar of the God of creations. He has a piece of the God of creations in him. That is why he is such a good blacksmith, in fact he is the best of all the Gods in blacksmithing. And once in a while he creates living things too. He made the goats you know.” “But what about the dragon, lion and foxes. Not to mention all those elements he seems to control, and why is the figurine different looking from the mark on my palm?” “slow and steady young one, I can hardly keep up with you. but those are answers you have to seek for yourself. Far east from here, in the next kingdom there’s a volcanic mountain that was said to once house one of Hephaestus’s forges when he walked this earth. Go there and you might get the answers that you need.” [[SYSTEM ALERT:]] QUEST RECEIVED: DIFFICULTY: (S) CLASS [ THE PILGRIMAGE] [the high priest of the temple of travelers in Eko city has told you of a suspected forge and sanctuary of your patron God. Make a journey east to the red peak mountains and find the volcano and sanctuary to know more about the history of your patron.: (rewards) increased relationship with the temple of travelers, increased relationship with Hephaestus, 1000 faith, 5.000.000 experience points.] ACCEPT QUEST…. ACCEPTING QUEST…... QUEST ACCEPTED. COUNTDOWN: 1:6:2: 23:00 Ben had one year, six months, two weeks and twenty-three hours left to complete this quest. He had enough time to get stronger before completing it so Ben relegated it to the bottom of his quest list. He wouldn’t worry about it for now. “Thank you so much high priest for your wisdom and guidance.” Ben was going full role play now. If this game refused to behave like a game, but some sort of alternate reality. Then Ben will treat it like another reality. Like real life. Even if he plans on working himself to death there’s no need to not enjoy life here in the process. “Don’t worry young one, its always a pleasure to guide young and aspiring adventurers like you. Now do this old man a favor and tell me your name.” “It’s Cassius Windwalker sir.” “Windwalker you say…...what an incredibly powerful name. I see great things in your future. Now have this as a token of appreciation for cleaning our temple.” [[SYSTEM ALERT:]] YOU HAVE RECIVED ONE GOLD YEN. “Oh and this is the next assignment for your friend. The sun has set so I believe you would be on your way. Word of advice stop by the adventurer’s guild to get a certification, quests and some weapons. And please get your friend fed and that hawk of his too. May the wind guide your path Windwalker. Good night.” [[SYSTEM ALERT.]] B CLASS QUEST MAKING FRIENDS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. CALCULATING REWARDS……... REWARDS CALCULATED. RECEIVED 500 EXP YOU ARE NOW BEST FRIENDS WITH Kabiru Ahmed AND Monkey THE TALKING HAWK. YOU HAVE REACHED LEVEL ONE YOU HAVE REACHED LEVEL TWO YOU HAVE REACHED………... YOU HAVE REACHED LEVEL FIVE. INVENTORY UNLOCKED MORAL FACTION UNLOCKED FAME/INFAMY UNLOCKED YOU HAVE RECEIVED + 300 FAME. FOR BEING THE ONLY PERSON TO COMPLETE A (B) CLASS QUEST AT LEVEL 0 YOU HAVE BEEN GRANTED THE TITLE: [ THE SEEKER]: you are one to always go looking for a story and have an understanding of the people around you rather than searching for strength. +5 to all stats, + 300 to fame. NPCS will find it easier to trust you now.] Good things come to those who wait. Or those who were unfortunate enough to be Vampire’s and stuck in a temple during the daytime.
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