Chapter 5

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Good things always seem to come to an end. Last night was perfect. Absolute bliss. I can still feel Romans lips on mine. His lips felt perfect against mine. Never has a kiss felt so good. I look at my phone and realize it's 9AM. A text shoots through on my phone. I open it up and it says. Reagan: How was it?  I text back and said Pick me up at 11AM and I will tell you all about it? Don't forget to pick up Nora. I place my phone down on my night stand and smile. Roman was so perfect. I wonder how far he would have gone if I kissed him sooner. Hopefully I didn't go too far. He is a college guy, I'm sure had gone further on a first date. Roman wants to see me again. I can't believe he wants to see me again. I search through my messages and Roman hasn't texted me. Somehow I failed to get his number. I guess I have to wait until he texts me. What if he doesn't text me? He said he wants to see me again, but what if he says that to every girl. Certainly I am not his first.   A pink bikini  catches my eye and I quickly throw it on. I rummage through more clothes and find a black tank top and a pair of shorts. This seems like a good outfit for the beach. Where is my hair brush? I glance at my phone and realize that I have an hour left to get ready. I sneak into my sisters room. Somehow she is still asleep. I quickly brush my hair with her brush.   I try to push thoughts of doubt out of my mind. It is harder than it appears. My eyes keep going back to my phone. He still hasn't texted me yet. Maybe he is still asleep. Maybe he went out to hang with friends after seeing me. What if he saw another girl? I need to get rid  of this doubt. Positive thinking is necessary. He will text me later. If it meant to be, it will happen.  Honk! I jump as I hear the horn blast. It must be Reagan and Nora. How did time go so quickly. My legs carry me out the door and I hop into the back seat of Reagans vibrating truck. If it shakes anymore she could make some money off of it. Market as a truck with back message seats. As soon as the door closes the truck lurches forward as Reagan began to drive. Reagan then shouts over the loud music and noises of the truck, "How was your date?" I smile and know this is a conversation she will want to hear every word of. Oxygen fills my lungs and then I exhale. "I will tell you when we get to the beach." The truck jolts and vibrates with every bump and pothole it hits. I'm starting to wonder if Regan tries to hit the potholes instead of avoiding them. The trucks suspension might be intact if she avoided a few of them.  Thankfully the drive from my house to our favorite beach is short. Reagan blasts the music as loud as the speakers go. If it could get louder, her speakers would vibrate the road.  Approximately two more songs pass and then we arrive at the beach. As the truck turns off, my body still feels like it is vibrating. I smile as we walk to an empty spot on the beach. We throw our towels on the sand and sit down. Reagan looks at me and says, "Spill the tea." "He was so sweet." "Wait, who did you go out with?" Nora asks. "So you remember the day I fell and the guy came over. The guy whos arms you ripped me out of. Well he stopped by the Lobster shack. He asked for my number. If I didn't give him my number, I'm pretty sure Angie was going to give him hers." "You don't know him. How do you know he isn't a serial killer? How do you know he doesn't have bodies hidden in his basement?" Nora asked. "Live a little Nora. He was really sweet. A perfect gentleman." I said. "That's how serial killers get you. They earn your trust and then kill you." "That seems like a lot of work for a serial killer." I said with a laugh. "So how far did you go?" Reagan buts in  "Well he picked me up from work and then we went to the beach." "I mean, did he try anything?" Reagan asks. "He didn't try anything." "Nothing?  So nothing happened?" "Plenty happened. I kissed him. It was enchanting. That kiss might have been the best kiss I have ever had. I also fell and he carried me to his car." "What's with you and falling?" Nora asks. "I'm just clumsy." "You kissed him on the first date?" Reagan asked. "Yes..." "Sluts do that." Nora said "No, that is not an accurate statement. In fact that is rather rude." I said. "Nora, you kissed Mark at the last bonfire." Reagan said "I wasn't trying to date him. Just wanted to have fun with him. " Nora said. "So maybe I want to have fun. There is no need to slut shame." I said "I'm not slut shaming." Nora said "You are. You are being a b***h as well." "At least I'm not a b***h who puts out on the first date." Nora said. "What the f**k? That is none of your concern. I am a s****l human being. Sorry I enjoy sex."  "Sluts enjoy sex." Nora said Reagan buts in and says, "It's okay to enjoy s*x. We are adults. What is your problem Nora?" "I think it is a bad idea for Harper to date a stranger. It's asking for bad news." Nora said with her eyebrows furrowed.  "Plenty of people fall in love with strangers and it works out." I said. "Plenty of people fall in love with strangers and then the stranger murders them. How do you know he isn't like Ted Bundy?" Nora said. "I won't know if I don't give him a chance. Sometimes you have to give love a chance." I say as I lay down. No one says anything. We allow the sun to bake out skin. It is a warm day and soon the sand becomes hot to touch. After about an hour I get up and say, "I'm gonna hop in the water to cool off. You guys want to come?" Reagan said, "I'm good." "I'll go with you." Nora said as she got up.  We both head to the water. The water in Maine is always cold. It seems only people in wet suits and kids can tolerate being in the water for more than 10 minutes. Kids splash about and jump waves as we get closer. Another kid attempts to build a wall so the tide won't destroy his castle. It's hopeful thinking but the wave will win. The wave crashes against the wall. Each time the wave comes through, the wall weakens. It weakens faster than the kid can repair it. The water feels good as it touches my crispy tan skin. Nora is starting to look more like a lobster than a person. I should suggest that she put on some sunscreen, but it won't make a difference at this point.  A shiver goes through my body as a wave his my upper thigh.   Nora hasn't always been so bitchy. Something is going on, but she hasn't said what it is. Maybe it's none of my business. Curiosity gets the better of me and I ask, "Hey, what's going on?" "I'm in the water, just like you." She says. "You seem upset." "I'm worried about you. I feel like you might be jumping into something too quickly." "It's been four months since I broke up with Sloan. I think it is time for me to move on." Nora sighs and says, "Your track record with men hasn't been that great." "I've made some mistakes." "I want to help you break the cycle." She just wants to help. I am an adult. Love can't be planned. "What cycle are you talking about?" "You always go for tall guys who are old enough to buy alcohol. They always end up pushing you too far.  You act like you will put out, then you flake, then you guys fight. I don't want to pick up the pieces when this one breaks your heart. Roman will just be a summer fling. You will have fun with him this summer. September will come and the tears will follow. Then if you do what you normally do, you will f**k a few random guys out of spite." "I've only done that twice. You suggested it the first time. Sleep with someone else and the guy will come back." "That never works. This isn't a soap opera." "If I don't give Roman a chance, how will I know he will break my heart?" "Go ahead. Be a w***e. Have s*x with him and let him break your heart." "I'm not a w***e. I might not even have s*x with him." " Bull f*****g s**t! You can't be with a guy and not have s*x with him. He flirts and your legs just f*****g open. You give out to anyone." "That's not true." I say as I storm off to another part of the beach. I don't know why Nora us being such a b***h. She is being overly judgmental. Nora wasn't always like this. Something changed about a year ago and since then, she has been cruel. If Reagan goes and screws a bunch of guys, she doesn't say a thing, but when I hang out with a guy, she snaps. It's like she is jealous. Maybe we have the same taste in men. I can't help but wonder if Nora wants Roman. She doesn't want me with him. 
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