Chapter 7

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My mind goes back to the present. Sloan was a mistake. Roman and Sloan are two very different people. Both are extremely attractive. Sloan only wanted one thing, even if it meant losing me. Roman has yet to push for s*x.  I've made mistakes in the past. In fact, we all make mistakes. I should have confronted Sloan the moment I saw that blonde bimbo in his bed. A month passed before I even brought it up to him.  Lust and the idea of love kept me with him for another month. Sloan broke me. When we broke up I went and slept with a bunch of different guys. I put out more than I should have. I allowed my standards to fly out the window. For some reason I thought if I gave in to a bunch of guys, Sloan would come back crying. I was hoping he would regret losing me.  Looking back, I'm thankful he didn't try to chase me. I deserve better than a guy like that. Never again will I let a guy cheat on me and think it's okay. Sloan was a mistake, but I learned. Even if it doesn't work out with Roman, I will be okay.  My eyes spy a rock that is surrounded by water. I walk over and sit on it. My mind drifts off as the sun bakes my skin. A voice interrupts my thoughts. I turn around and see him. Tall, dark, and handsome. He is defiantly my type. Those muscles would distract anyone. He says, "So this is why you ignored my text?" "Roman!" I say as I get up. I jump off the rock and walk through the water towards the shore. His green shorts complement his pale skin. "I'm sorry. I don't have my phone on me. It's in my bag, which is with my friends." "If you are here, where are your friends? surely they aren't imaginary." He says with a laugh. "I got pissed off and stormed off." I say as I stop in front of him. He wraps his strong muscular arms around me in an embrace. I put mine around him. His skin is warm against mine. This is nice.  He looks down at me and asks, "Are you okay?" "I am now." I saw with a smile. His hug seems to push away all negative emotions and thoughts.  He kisses the top of my head and then says, "I want to spend more time with you but it seems you are here with your friends." "Nora pissed me off. I'd much rather be with you." "Harper, it wouldn't look very good if I keep you to myself. I do want to spend time with you. You are one of the most beautiful females I have ever seen." I blush and say, "They won't notice me gone." "Maybe you could introduce me to your friends." I grab his hand and say, "Okay, let's go." I lead him to wear Nora and Reagan are sitting. Walking to the other side of the beach went a lot faster when  I was pissed off instead of nervous. Nora doesn't like him, and yet she hasn't given him a chance. Reagan thinks he is cute. She is more open. They appear to be too busy arguing to notice us approach.  I take a deep breath and says, "Look what I found." Reagan goes, "Ah the cutie who keeps trying to steal you from us." "I think it's time for a formal introduction. This is Roman." I look at Roman and say as I point to the pale girl with auburn hair, "This is Nora." Then I point to a tall blonde and say, "This is Reagan." Regan smiles and says, "It's nice to be formally introduced." "Are you the one that was spying on me while I was at the Lobster shack." Reagan blushed and said, "If it wasn't for me, Harper wouldn't have gone on a date with  you." He laughed, and said, "Thank you for giving her a push. I'd appreciate it if you continue to push her to go on another date with me." "I don't need any pushing to see you again." I say with a wink. Nora rolls her eyes and says, "This was supposed to be a girls day." "I can leave." Roman said. Before Nora or Reagan have the chance to respond, I say, "Don't go." "You guys are having a girls day. If you want I can pick you up and we can get dinner together." "I'd like that. What time should I plan to see you?" "I will pick you up at 6pm. Just let me know if I need to pick you up from your house or the beach." I smile and say, "Okay." Roman walks away. Once he is out of ear shot Nora said, "What the f**k Harper?" "What do you mean?" "You are cruising for a bruising." "Let me live a little. He is not Sloan." "Is he anything like Nate?" "Nate wouldn't want hang out with you." "Nate always excluded me and you didn't care." "I dated Nate when I was a freshman in high school. He was my first boyfriend. Sorry I was stupid. I shouldn't have to apologize for things that happened four years ago. Things I have already apologized for. Please just give Roman a chance." I ask. "Your taste in men sucks. It's much easier to just assume they are trash." "Nora, please just give him a chance. Reagan is giving him a chance, why can't you." "I've never liked any of the guys you have dated. When you can find a guy of substance let me know." Nora says as she sits back down and pouts.  I sign. Nora's words hurt. They cut like a knife. She is one of my longest friends. I'm starting to wonder if I should keep her in my life. She has been a real b***h lately. Nora is the one who told me not to break up with Sloan the day I caught Alexis in his bed. She set me up with Nate. I sit on my towel and rummage through my bag as Nora and Reagan talk. I look at my phone and I see a text message.  Roman: Hey, this is Roman. I had a great time last night. I want to see you again. It's amazing how something as simple as a text can make me smile. My heart beats faster as I think of seeing him again. Sparks just seem to fly whenever he is around. I should respond to his text message. Me: Tonight can't come fast enough Roman: You look really cute in that bikini. I blush as I read that texts. Roman appears to like me as much as I like him. He looked good. His abs look rock hard. His skin is paler than mine but he has a slight tan. Roman's eyes make the ocean look dull.  They are mesmerizing Reagan looks at me and asks, "So what time do you need to be home?" "Nora works at 4PM. We should think about heading out. Roman plans to pick me up at 6PM." I say with  a smile. I can't wait to see him.  We all gather our stuff and walk towards Reagan's truck. I climb in the back as Nora jumps in the front. Reagan's truck rumbles as it starts and she takes off driving. This might be the loudest truck ever. I've seen guys rip off the mufflers in hopes to make their vehicles loud. They don't hold a candle to how loud this truck is. Reagan stops at my house and drops me off. "Thank you. See you guys later." I say as I jump out.  "Text me all the juicy details" Reagan says.  Nora just glares. I turn around and even still I feel her eyes on me as if they were a laser. She is mad at me. The only way she won't be mad is if I ghost Roman. I'm not ghosting him. Nora needs to change her attitude. 
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