Veiled Reality

1974 Words

Greyson I am hard as a pole, my insides melting, Quinn’s touch still lingering on me and I can’t, for the life of me, figure out why the hell I ran like a coward the moment I heard Mark moving somewhere in the apartment. I owe him nothing, not a damn thing when it comes to s*ex and relationships. I mean aside from the part where he’s my mate and doomed to die the moment he accepts it. It would be different if he felt it, if it hurt him in any way, but it doesn’t, it has never happened. Well, only once many years ago when Mark thought he was into me and tried kissing me one night when we were drunk as f*uck, but I made sure he never thought of it again. So, no, I don’t know what I am doing right now. I don’t know what this weight in my chest is. With Quinn, it’s easy. So easy that even wh

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