Dancing Is A Dangerous Thing

1777 Words

Greyson I’ve been sitting in the middle of the kitchen, the breakfast forgotten next to me, all the food going to s*hit, and I don’t care. All I could think for the longest time was how much of a mess my life has become, how much I messed up with Mark, with Quinn, with everything. I know I should tell Quinn the rest of the truth, everything about who he is to me, but I am paralysed with fear. After years upon years of being so damn scared about the one person I cared about, how could I open up so easily? And how would Mark feel if we suddenly go all lovey matey and he can never have that? That I can never give him what he needs? The pain tears me apart, eating me alive along with the silence in the apartment. As if in slow motion I move to the stereo and start some music to distract me b

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