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1365 Words

Quinn Did Markus just say he’s ok sharing me with his brother? Or is he okay sharing Grey with me? Well, I am fine with either of those options. Because there is not going to be any sharing, we are in this together, or not at all, they just don’t know it yet. And if they are destined to be mates and still want me… I push the thought away along with the weird slice in my chest as it passes through my head. They are mates and they want me. That should be enough. That’s more than I ever imagined I’d have with my dream guys. Right? As I follow Mark out of this wicked graveyard which gives me all the bad vibes in the world for some reason, I force my eyes on him instead of my surroundings, or stupid feelings, and I am immediately distracted, my own wickedness coming to save me at the best tim

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